“Sophia?” I wipe my eyes with my left palm. “Sophia, you mean you’ve been here all this while?”
She only nods and sneezes repeatedly, her heart palpitating as though she’s run a 1000 meter race.
“So, what do we do now?” I ask Jude and he smirks.
“Now, let’s go. Sophia is right here.” Greg says, and takes his hands into mine.
“Go where? You’re captured.” Jude scoffs and starts to kiss Sophia right in front of us.
“Rose? Let’s go!” Greg says, and jerks up at once, my hands clasped into his. The two rigid Betas follow behind us, and knock Greg on his forehead. I don’t even think of it twice, I punch them hard in their face. It’s now I see that my hand’s gradually turning into a claw.
“You punched my Betas?” Jude says, and lets go of Sophia. He walks up to Greg, and as he tries to slap him, I hold his hand.
“You dare block the master from doing his will?!” One of the Betas yell at me, and the other start to shift. I swear, this ain’t a wolf, a vampire. I gotta be careful. I’d rather apologize than face the wrath of a vampire. No. Vampires.
“I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” I apologize, and let go of his hand.
“Better. Now follow these Betas to the pack house.” He instructs, and all return to their normal selves.
“But we have our own pack. We can’t just join your pack abruptly.” Greg speaks up.
“Do as I said.” He faces the Betas and goes back to meet Sophia. The Betas unmask and frown at both of us.
“Follow us or you’re dying.” One of them says in the harshest tone.
I wink at Greg but he only blinks his eyes thrice and shrugs his shoulders.
“Okay, Jude. Sorry, Alpha Jude.” I say, and we both follow the Betas to the SplitMoon pack.
“Sophia, let’s go together.” I stretch my hands but it don’t reach her. She only sobs and stares faintly at me.
“Jude, you gon’ release Sophia or not?” I question him, and the Betas let out sighs of frustration.
“That’s not your business.” He replies.
“It is.” I retort, and lift Sophia up. “Your two strong Betas are here.” I tell him, ensuring I stress the word “strong”
“Then I must follow you behind.” He says, and punches the second victim.
“Oh, but why are you doing that?” I furrow my forehead, and lift up the woman.
“Greg, help with Sophia and I’ll help with this victim.” I say and Jude knocks his fist on the back of my neck.
“Why would you do that?” I roll my eyes at him, and lift the woman up.
“Why would you call her victim?” He retorts and smirks. I roll my eyes at him again and follow the Betas behind, helping the victim with walking.
“Hey, thank you.” She muffles, and my mind immediately connects to hers.
“What happened just now?” I ask her but silently.
“I also don’t know. Don’t worry, there can be some restrictions. I won’t hear all, and I can also be a keeper of your secrets.” She says, muttering one word after the next.
“Really? So our mindlink just connected? But how?” I ask in confusion, and step on dried leaves and it give a rustling sound as Jude follows behind us too. It took some time before I knew he’s actually following behind.
“Yes dear.” She says, and i breathe out.
“But how?”
“You keep asking same questions at all time.” She rolls her eyes at me, and our eyes both glow into dark green ones. We ain’t shifting, as Vampires, maybe me and her only though, we remember ourselves by eye contact if we are in a situation where the nape of our neck can’t be pinched.”
“Rose Albert.” A thick rough voice speaks through her and she sighs, and coughs. I see Sophia look back and I smile at her. She forces a smile too in return.
“Isabella Dylan.” Debe voices out but I see other people doing the normal things. I think we are only discussing this through our mind link. Wow! Coz I’m pretty sure that Jude must have one thing or the other to say.
“Rose, someone is trying to access your mindlink.” We continue chatting through our mind link.
“And who is that?” I retort and gasp.
“Jude?” I scream in my mindlink.
And we both return to our mortal bodies. I see a great number of people trooping in and out of a cosy and large building.
“Where are we?” I face back but can’t see Jude. I look to and fro but can’t see Sophia. I only see the two Betas approaching us.
“Thank you for the illumination. Though we don’t need it to walk…” He scoffs. “But thank you by the way.”
I open my mind to talk but Isabella mind links me immediately.
“Don’t talk. We were chatting through mindlink, that was why our eyes remained dark green but they all thought we were trying to illuminate the wilderness. We are at the pack house now, or do you need a pinch?” She splutters in the mindlink. A cold tap returns me into my mortal form. It is Sophia.
“They both hissed and went back to the field to train the few wolves amidst here.” Sophia says, and her voice is still as cool as before.
“Oh my dearie. I’m so sorry.” I clutch her onto a tight hug and she sobs.
“Sophia?” Isabella calls out.
“Do you know her?” I loosen the tightness of the hug, and ask.
“She’s my daughter. How come you didn’t tell her?” She rolls her eyes at Sophia who was forcing a smile and smirks at the same time but tears only free themselves and trickle down her nose down to her jaw.
“Mum!” She calls out and reaches out for a different type of tight hug.
“Daughter, I miss you.” Isabella stifles, and loosen the tightness now. Some men approach us suddenly and I feel nauseated as they approach. My eyesight are as clear as eagle’s and I can see that they are not the two Betas that we followed behind.
“Hey!” I wave my hand at them before they can say anything. But they only roll their eyes at me and take a different route. They smirk and hold each other, looking back at me and stifling giggles. Once they get out of earshot, I can conveniently call what they do as guffawing.
“Who was that?” Isabella asks questioningly.
“I don’t know as well.” I shrug my shoulders, and grab hold of Sophia.
“Sophia, we’ve really missed classes. Woe unto my room mates.” I pout my lips and feign tears in my eyes.
“Yes, woe unto them! They didn’t even try to look for us.”
“Well, you can’t say. They might have done their best and still doing now. Don’t conclude if you’re not sure.”
“But we are connected through mindlink. Aren’t we?” I ask, and face Sophia. She nods in the affirmative, and I smirk.
“Vampire’s mindlink are not so strong. It might cut off if you’re distant from each other.”
“Come off that. I don’t believe. If that’s actually so, then there should not be anything called mindlink since it must be near and not far.” Sophia sighs and Isabella does too. I stare at the parts in this pack house and I can hear whimperings and different sounds from different angles.
“This is where Vampires stay, and not a packhouse.” I comment after the eye search.
“Sure it is. Dear, you were first in this pack before your mother ran away with you.” Isabella says but I object.
“I can never be here. What do you mean?” I bark at her and Sophia tells me to calm down.
“May I show you the mark?” She almost points at the mark on my left shoulder but I send her arms off.
“Don’t.” I say and gasp, staring at Sophia. If she knows that I’m from this pack, she would do her best to avoid me once we get out of here. Damn, not even when Jude has done this great bad bully to her. My mother told me I was formerly in a pack but I ain’t gonna believe it’s this vampire pack. Being an hybrid, I think I came from a Vampire father and a wolf mother or a wolf father and a vampire mother. So, why should I have been in this pack? No, she must not repeat that.
“Let’s go to the field and have some fun.” I divert her attention from the previous discussion. We move into the field and the first thing we see is Jude having an hot argument with a Vampire.
In their Vampire selves.