I wanted to file an indefinite leave.
But I know I can’t because my team has a big project that we need to finish. That is why I only applied for a 3 days leave.
And speaking of that project, I was about to meet him yesterday, to give him updates for the said project. But I knew that if he only has a choice, he would choose not to attend in that meeting.
That is why I made a way for his wish to be fulfilled. After what happened that night, I don’t think that we can handle dealing with each other.
I knew what he wants, and even if it hurts, I will give it to him.
If he wants to avoid me, then so be it.
Maybe letting of each other is what’s best for us.
I can’t fight my love for him for now. And if he can’t wait for me then I guess we just need to accept that maybe we were really not meant for each other.
Maybe it is really Seb who is destined for me. Maybe this is just one of the obstacles that we need to overcome.
Because now we were able to win the trust of his parents most especially her mom, auntie Laura.
And speaking of Tita Laura, she invited me for lunch today.
As per her, it will be a girl bonding. Until now everything seems surreal, my relationship with auntie Laura. At least somehow something good happened to me.
So even though I was not okay, I tried to fix myself, so that aunt Laura would not notice the swelling in my eyes.
Just had a final look before I went out of my unit.
When I arrived at the restaurant I immediately saw aunt Laura.
Unlike before, Aunt’s face is very welcoming now.
It makes me smile.
“Hi Aubree” She greeted me.
When I reached her, I immediately greeted and kissed her.
“Hi Auntie! Were you waiting for me for too long?” I asked a bit embarrassed.
“No sweety. I just also arrived. Let’s have a seat.” She said softly.
When we sat down, the waiter immediately approached us to pick up our order.
“Aubree, how are you?”
“I’m good auntie.” I said the giving her a forced smile.
She frowned. “You don’t look okay. Sweety is there anything wrong?” I can see the concerned in her face.
I shook my head. “Nothing Auntie. Really, I’m okay.”
She release a heavy sighed.
“Okay. Fine I won’t force you to share it to me, but Aubree always remember that I’m always here for you.” She said warmly.
I genuinely smile at her, that made my heart melt.
“Is this really happening?” I can’t help but to blurted out.
Because even in my dream I never thought that I will have this kind of moment with her.
She chuckled. “I completely understand you Aubree. Even I, myself had a hard time to act as an antagonist in your relationship with my son.”
“If I only knew that I have talent in acting, I should have pursued my acting career.” She joked.
I just smiled at her. ‘So this is the real Mrs. Laura Dela Rama.’
“But you know what Aubree, I must commend my husband for supporting me in this test of love.” She said.
“I know that there were time that he wanted me to stop because he saw that our son is having a hard time and he is scared that it will create a gap between us and our son, he did not stop me.
I was just smiling while listening, it was as if now, everything became more clear.
“But he chose to trust me. He knew that if you really meant for each other, no matter what happen, in the end you will have your happily ever after.” She said.
‘Happily ever after… will I really be able to experience that?’
‘Is Seb really is my happily ever after?’
I was back to reality when I felt auntie Laura’s hand on mine.
She gave me a warmth smile.
I can’t help but to smile back.
“And I just hope that you two will have your happily ever after.”