My 3 days work leave is done. I know that 3 days work leave is not enough for me to absorb everything that happened to me.
Before I was just waiting for Seb to return in my life. Now it happened but another problem appears, my heart now long for someone else.
And its none other than Gavin.
But maybe I should just accept my destiny. If I had loved Seb so much back then, maybe that love will be able to come back again.
I also don’t want complications. Everything is fine now. I’m okay with Seb’s family, no one is hindering my relationship with him, and I’m doing great with my career too.
But I know that no matter how many times I convince myself, I know it will be hard for me to teach my heart who I should love.
But I need to make my heart to follow me. Especially now that I will do a presentation to the board and Gavin.
I’m not ready yet, but I have to. I can’t let my personal issue with Gavin affect this project.
In a few minutes, our presentation will about to start that is why my team were a bit in panicked.
Who wouldn’t panic with the kind of project that they have given us.
Our team are just focus on planning and executing an event or marketing for our brand.
But now they want us to have a new line of Inarez that will serve as a legacy for the company.
Yes, Inarez is a known for elite brands. But it never had its own brand.
And that’s the challenge that was given to my team.
“Okay team relax okay? We can do this!” I encourage them.
I saw them smiled at me but who am I kidding? Deep inside we all know that we can’t relax.
‘Okay Bree inhale, exhale… You can do this!’
A minute later the board came in one by one.
We all greeted them.
I personally went to Mr. and Mrs. Inarez to greet them. Gavin were beside them.
My heart beats so fast as I went near them.
“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Inarez!” I greeted them with respect.
“Oh hi Aubree!” His mom greeted me back. While his dad smiled at me.
I am trying my very best not to look at Gavin.
“What about my son? Aren’t you gonna greet him Ms. Custodio?” His dad said in a teasing tone.
I gave him a forced smile and the slowly I turned to look at Gavin.
How I miss this guy!
He look at me. But I don’t know if I should be happy or not. His face has no emotion so I find it hard to read him.
“Mr. Inarez.” I said in a formal tone then I nodded at him.
He did the same.
AWKWARD. That is the perfect term for the both of us.
So I just went back to my team to start the presentation.
I will be the one who will present to the board since I am the creative team lead.
I greeted them first before I start with my presentation.
“IGC is one of the biggest company in the country. We are known in the modeling and fashion world.”
“But we never had a brand that we can call our own.”
“In Philippine fashion there are a lot of Filipino brands that targets Class C and D market. Because it more profitable.”
“And we never had a brand that can competes with international elite brands such as Gucci, LV, Hermes and more.”
“My team came up with this product and brand that will serve as the legacy of IGC.”
“We present to you… Our brand… Inarez.”
I showed them the logo designed we made for Inarez brand.
Its simple yet classy type of logo.
Then we present the product that we will launch for the said brand.
“We will start our legacy with our very first Inarez line.”
I showed them the different designs of bag.
We actually have our team to do some proto type bag and the showed it to the board.
“Filipino is really into fashion and brands.”
“Social status is often associated with clothing and possessions. And that’s what we really aim to do with our Inarez bags.”
“We will be targeting Class A market.”
“Unlike the other fashion business or brands here in the country… We will sell our brand in an elite brand pricing.”
“Our brand will identify the wealth of our client.”
“We will not just sell the product to anyone. We will be needing a financial background check, to see if the customer is eligible to buy our products.”
“In this way, we will make our brand a great impact to the mind not just the Filipino people but all around the world.”
The presentation ended. We asked to leave the conference room first for them to discuss our presentation.
Everyone on the team were quiet and nervous.
After a few minutes we were immediately sent back to the conference room to find out the result of our hard work.
Gavin’s daddy spoke.
“First of all I want to thank you all for all your hard work and dedication for this project.” He started his speech.
“Its not an easy job, but I believe in your team.”
“And I can say that we did a great job in choosing your team for this project. Congratulations!”
Our eyes widen and can’t help but to jumped in joy.
“But my son Gavin will be working with you guys.”
My heart beat so fast. The joy and excitement I felt suddenly disappeared.
How will I move on if I will see this guy almost everyday?