I just came from Bree’s place and felt so tired.
Tired of understanding our situation, tired of being her second choice, tired of being taken for granted.
I never been inlove in my whole life.
It is not a secret, that what I had before with Sam is not really love but the fruit of being young, immaturity and peer pressure.
I love Sam as a friend and as a sister, and I know she feels the same.
But Bree…
Its like love at first sight.
The first time I saw her, she already caught my attention.
She’s the only girl that made me feel this way.
I knew one day, I will fall for her real hard.
And now it already came.
I fell so hard for her.
But its so unfair because even though I already won her heart, still, she’s taking me for granted.
Its not just the man ego, because I know that my love for her is bigger than my ego.
But if I will just let her do her thing, setting me aside, because she knows how much I love her, then she will just take me for granted.
It has to stop.
And I guess this is the right time, to make things right.
I am giving up on her. If she really can’t breakup with him, then I will set her free.
This is my way of making things right.
I love her but if she really loves me, then I must be her only choice.
I will still wait for her, but I will not guaranteeing her that I will wait till forever. Because as I said, I am tired of this situation.
First step is to avoid her as much as possible and make my self busy.
I know that by now, she now has an idea that I am avoiding her.
I am busy with my reports when I heard my secretary call me through intercom.
“Sir, Ms. Custodio is here and she wants to talk to you.” My secretary said.
I released a heavy sighed. I guess this is it.
“Let her in.”
“Yes Sir.”
After that night, Gav became elusive to me.
I knew he was avoiding me. Just like what he did when Seb and I got back together.
I am hurting, I didn’t expect that it will be this hard. Its more difficult because now I have acknowledged the fact that I love him.
I decided to talk to him because I can’t take it anymore. I really need to see him, to talk to him.
I immediately entered his office when his secretary told me that I can went inside now.
When I entered his office, I felt something strange.
I saw him busy with his works, not minding that I am already in his office.
I cleared my throat to let him know that I was here.
He turned to me.
Cold eyes. What I immediately noticed.
I felt pain in my heart.
“Yes? What can I do for you Ms. Custodio?” He said in a formal and cold tone.
I can already feel tears forming in my eyes.
I saw the concern in his eyes but it also disappeared immediately.
“As you can see Ms. Custodio, I am very busy, just tell me what you need so I can continue with my work.” He coldly said.
“Gav why are you doing this?” I asked a bit frustrated.
He furrowed. “Excuse me?”
“Gavin can you stop with your act?! Don’t try to avoid me, stop treating me like this!” I said almost crying.
“Sorry Ms. Custodio I didn’t get you.” He said.
“Gavin don’t pretend as if you didn’t get my point!” I hissed.
I saw his jaw clenched. “As far as I remember, you chose him over me.”
I went closer to him. “Gavin please try to understand me.”
“I completely understand you. That’s why I am setting you free.” He said coldly.
My eyes widen. I got panicked with what he said.
“No Gavin that is not what I mean!” I said a bit frustrated.
“Then what? You want me to be your mistress then?” He asked.
“Gavin you know that is not what I meant!”
“Then what!”
I was taken aback by the raised of your voice.
“I’m sorry. But I guess we are not on the same page. The moment you made your decision, I also made mine. You chose him, so I chose to let you go.”
“I thought you love me!” I said accusingly.
“I also thought that you love me!” He said.
“I am!” I answered.
He sarcastically laughed. “Really? Then why am I always taken for granted by you? When you said you love me, I am expecting that from now on, I am your only choice, your first priority. But guess what? I am still the same Gavin that you always taken for granted!”
I was stunned by his sudden burst out. “Gav that is not true-”
“Not true? Are you sure about that? When did you think about how I feel? When did you chose me over him.” He asked.
I suddenly thought it. When did I chose him over Seb?
“See? You can’t answer me?! Because the truth is you always chose him and his mom! You didn’t even think about my feelings.”
I was hurt with all the things that I am hearing from him.
I didn’t realize that until now.
I am hurting him this much.
“Gav I’m so sorry…”
He averted my gazed.
“As I said I am letting you go. Yes, I still love you. But I am so tired of being you second choice, of being taken for granted. If you are ready to take me, and love me without thinking Seb and his mother then go back here and talk to me again.”
“But I hope by that time your not yet late.”