I still feel like I’m in cloud nine, I still can’t believe that it’s finally happening.
“Are you okay Aubree?” Mrs. Dela Rama asked me.
I looked at her and nodded.
“Yes Auntie, I’m still just not used to it though.” I admit to her.
She chuckled. “I understand Aubree. Who wouldn’t right?”
I felt Seb squeeze my hand. I looked at him.
He smiled at me, assuring me that everything is alright.
I reciprocated his smile, I also smiled at auntie and uncle.
When we dinner is ready, we immediately went to the dining room.
As I walked I seemed to go back to the past. The only difference is, I am more relaxed now. Because I feel very welcome in this mansion.
When we started eating, uncle asked me about my work experiences.
Their reactions to what happened to me were also unbelievable.
Even Seb’s mom said that she is proud of me and that made me so happy.
I don’t know, but every time I hear aunt’s compliments I feel very happy.
The whole conversation revolved around me.
When dinner was over, Seb’s mother told me to have coffee in the garden.
I was not nervous anymore because of auntie’s welcoming aura.
Shes very different now compared before.
We we reached the garden, I could not hide my reaction with the place. It was outstanding.
The flowers were so beautiful, it seems like the one you see in the internet that you could also use as your wallpaper background because of its beauty. You knew that they really took a lot of effort to achieve this kind of beauty.
“Aubree.” Auntie called my attention.
I looked at her, “Yes auntie?”
“Let’s have our coffee here.” She said.
I followed her and sat across her.
Soon after, their assistant arrived with two coffees prepared for me and auntie.
“How are you Aubree?” She said.
“I’m good auntie, especially now that I’m okay with you.” I said a bit shy.
She then smiled at me.
“I know Aubree that I hurt you, that I became the villain in your relationship with my son. But even so, I have no regrets from what I did.” She started her speech.
I could only answer with a smile.
I just want to listen to everything she wants to say right now.
“I’m a mother Aubree. All I want is what’s good for my son.”
“When he introduced you to us, my heart as a mother overpower me. I wanted to protect my son to ensure his future.”
“You were still young at that time. What I want for him is to finish his studies without distraction.”
“You will not be able to understand me for now but I know when the time has come and you had your own child, you will understand my point.” She said.
“I saw how much my son loves you. And that scares me a lot, because I’m afraid that his world might only revolves around you and he might neglect his studies.”
“And also, you can’t blame me if I will be careful with you. What if you are just using my son? What if you are only after my son’s wealth? I don’t want my son to get hurt and destroy his love.”
I completely understand auntie’s point. But I can’t help but to feel hurt. She softly held my hand and continued with her speech.
“I’m really sorry Aubree if I look at you that way. But you can’t blame me, a lot of those things happened now. I need to be cautious for my son. That is why I decided to break you guys apart. If you both really love each other, you both will wait for the perfect time. If you really love each other you need to proved to me that you both deserve to be together.”
“And I’m very happy because both of you did not fail me. I’m happy that you both waited and trust the love that you had for each other.”
I can’t help my tears to fall from all the things I am hearing from her. I feel so overwhelmed.
Auntie wipe my tears for me and continued.
“I’m happy that you waited for my son. I’m happy with all you achievements. Ever since you were in college, I am so proud of you.”
My eyes widen. “Auntie you mean-”
“Yes Aubree. I’m sorry if this will offend you but I just need to monitor the both of you. I admit that the main reason why I hired someone to follow you is because I want to know your sincerity and real feelings toward my so .”
“I was happy whenever I hear the news about your achievements. Every time that you got promoted, I just proved to myself that my decision is right. I know that in all your achievements a big part of that is because of the things that happened between you and Seb. I know that you want to proved something and succeeded on that.”
I smiled. My hard work is not really in vain.
“How about Sam auntie?” I asked curiously.
I saw sadness in her eyes.
“I feel sorry for her. I did not expect that she will fall for my son. She knew my plans. She knew that she will not really marry Seb.” She confessed.
My eye got widen again. I can’t seem to absorb all her revelations.
“Thank you Aubree for loving my son. Thank you because both of you proved how much you love each other. Thank you for waiting.”
I smiled at her but I can’t help but to feel a bit hurt.
After my dinner with them, I decided to call Gavin.
“Gav we need to talk, tomorrow let’s have dinner in my apartment.”
After that I ended the call. I know Gavin already knew what we are going to talk about.
I was done preparing my dinner with Gavin when the doorbell rang.
I knew that it was Gavin.
I took a deep breath before deciding to go to the door to meet Gavin.
“H-hi!” He greeted me with a bouquet of tulips.
I accepted it. “Thank you.”
I widely open the door so he could finally enter.
“Sit down first, I’ll just put the tulips you brought in a vase.”
After that I immediately invited him to the dining table. We had a quiet dinner. No one initiate to talk.
After dinner I invited him back to the living room.
Before sitting down he pulled me and hugged me.
He hugged me so tightly that he didn’t seem to want to let me go. That’s where I gave up. I hug him back while crying my heart out.
“I’m sorry Gav, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” I told him over and over again.
“Shhh …” He only said and just hugged me.
Seems like we are savoring this moment.
He kissed my forehead. He held my chin up for me to look at him.
I can’t answer his gaze. I buried my face on his chest and hugged him tight.
“Bree …” I heard him calling me.
“I’m sorry Gav, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry” I can’t help but to say sorry to him.
“Bree stop crying something might happen to you.” Worried he said as he tried to raise my head.
But I just shook my head and pressed my head even harder against his chest.
“I understand.”
With what he said I immediately looked at him.
“I understand, he is the one you chose, he is the one you love” I saw the pain in his eyes.
I shake my head. “No Gavin. It is you that I love Gavin.”
He frowned. “Then why are you saying sorry?”
“I can’t break up with him. Not now.”
“I longed for auntie’s approval.” I told him about the conversation we had with auntie.
“That’s why I can’t break up with him yet. I longed for her acceptance, especially now after I found out her real reason, I became even more happy that she is proud of all my achievements and hard work.”
“When she made me did all those things to me, I lost my self esteem. I strived so hard to be successful, to regain my self esteem. When she told me that I succeeded, I feel like I already regain my self esteem. I don’t need to proved myself to anyone anymore because I finally got accepted.”
He sighed. “So what’s your plan?”
I closed my eyes. “I…. I can’t… breakup with him yet.”
I saw again the pain in his eyes.
I touch his face. Begging for his understanding.
He just nodded.
“If that’s what you want.”
And with that he turned away and he leave me.