When I knew about their plan I immediately went to see Sam.
What I did to Aubree was not easy. But I know that I have to do it. This time I want to think of myself. I needed to protect myself and my heart from her.
I knew that if I will not avoid her, I will not be able to forget her and move on. This is also my way of letting her be happy with the man she truly loved.
I’m sure that Seb can take away the sadness that I brought to Aubree because I am sure that he can replace her sadness to genuine happiness. That’s the power of love I guess.
I admit, my heart broke when I saw her crying and begging me to stay. But I can’t. I need this. It may be hard for the both of us but I know that this is for the better.
Someday she’ll thank me for doing this.
When I arrived at Sam’s condo I saw her alone crying. I immediately went to her and hug her to comfort her.
“Gav!” She was shocked when she saw me.
“Shhh… Just let it all out. I am just here for you.” I said almost a whisper.
After I said that she resume crying, this time she cried harder. I can really she that she is having a hard time now. I understand what she feel because that is also how I feel right now.
I also know that she knew why I went to see her. Even though we are far away from each other before, that didn’t stop us to be close to each other. As I said, we treat each other as sibling than lover,
I got to know her more when she went to America than when she was her in the Philippines.
And I know she is hurting. Just like me she loves him too much but she also choose to set him free.
When Sam is done crying, I went to her kitchen to get her a glass of water.
“Thanks Gav.” She said then she drink the water that I gave her.
“Why did you agree on his plan?” I asked seriously.
She averted her gaze from me. I just sighed.
“You agree on his plan because you love him and you want him to be happy but at the same time you are hoping that he will love you back. Am I right?” I asked her.
She slowly nodded.
My jaw clenched. “You should have not agreed on him. You should have avoided him!”
She gave me a forced smile. “I really hope that I just chose to avoid him. But I don’t know with my heart! Its so stubborn.” Then she point at her left chest.
“Because I can’t help but hope for his love. I thought that maybe when he gets to know me and be with me, he might learn to love me. That he might forget that we are just pretending and just continue the marriage.” She said as her tears continued to flow.
“But you know how much they love each other, don’t you? You know that in the end you will also lose?” I told her.
She nodded. “Yes. But when you introduced her as your girlfriend, my meager hopes increased even more.”
I lower my head because I suddenly felt guilty. “Sorry. Its all my fault.”
I did not know that because of what I did I hurt Sam even more.
She shook her head. “No Gav, I know why you did that. I was too dramatic. But my only intention then was for you to have a girlfriend. So that it will add color in your life because at that time your life only revolved around music and modeling.”
I smiled at her. I knew that she has a good intention.
“Thank you for your concern Sam. Maybe I was just being paranoid at that time.” I said.
“Paranoid because Ms. Chad is there?” She said in a teasing tone.
I smiled at her. “Maybe.”
“You love her right?” She asked me with full concerned.
I nodded in response.
“I know that you knew how much Seb and Aubree love each other right? But you still decided to pursue her.” She said.
She chuckled. “We were both made fools of ourselves, we hope for something impossible to happen. You thought that you still have a chance with her. That if she will got to know you better and she will see how much you love her, she will eventually learn to love you.”
I nodded guiltily. “Yes.”
She look at me intently.
“Did you regret that you chose to take that risk?” She asked seriously.
I slowly shake my head. “No. Even though it hurts like hell, I never regretted that I took this chance to proved my love for her.”
She smiled at me. “I agree with what you said. Because just like you, I never regretted my decision. At least I can tell myself that I did my best to win its just that I can’t beat the love that they had for each other.”
I frowned at her. “How can you sat that you did your best if that person never learned about your feelings for him? You didn’t tell him that you love him. Instead, you told him that I am the man that you love and wanted to marry.”
She lower her head and felt embarrassed. “I-i can’t.”
“You can. When you finally able to say that to him, that is the only time you can say to yourself that you did you best. Don’t let yourself regret it because you knew that you didn’t gave your all for the one you really love.” I told her seriously.
I am not saying that Sam should do everything to break Aubree and Sebastian apart. Its just that, I knew Sam needs to do this for her self. For closure. For her to finally moved on without what if’s.
Also, I know that even if Sam confessed to him, she will never break them apart. That’s how founded their feelings for each other is.
“I am scared that I will not be able to take it if I will hear it from him. If he will reject me and tell me that no matter what I do, I will never be able to replace her in his heart.” Sam said and she cried again.
I gave her a tight hug again.
“Don’t worry. I’ll help you. We will both move on.”