“Nice shot Aubree. Okay last pose!” Photographer Mike said while smiling z
I’m here at the Inarez Studio. We have a photoshoot today for Sam’s traveling Agency Campaign. After this we will also shoot the TVC.
And since that last pose, I gave my 200%.
“Great! Good job Aubree!” Mike said.
After that, the other staff immediately started to leave the place. While me and the creative team reviewed the shots taken earlier.
“Great job Mike and Aubree.”
They always praised me and Mike for our shots.
“I owe it to Mike. He’s really great.” I said.
Mike is a well-known Photographer not only in the Philippines but also in Europe. But even though I expected those shots to be beautiful, I still couldn’t help but be amazed by those beautiful shots.
On my part, I just listen to him and I feel like my actions are too simple to produce a wonderful shot. I must say that it was Mike who really made a good job.
Mike smiled and shook his head. “No my dear. You are a natural model. This is probably the easiest shoot I have ever done. Your eyes and the position of your hands and body were superb!”
I just smiled at him. It feels great to hear that from him.
After we reviewed the shots I went back to the dressing room to get dressed.
When I finished changing my clothes, I saw Sam sitting in front of the mirror.
When she saw me she immediately smiled at me.
“Okay Gav. You behave there okay?! Don’t forget to buy me souvenir. See you soon bye!” Sam was smiling as she put her cellphone back in her bag.
My heart beat faster when I found out who she was talking to on the phone.
Its been a month since Gav and I last talked. Its also been a month since Seb and I got back together.
I’m happy with him of course but I can’t help myself to think about Gavin.
I really miss him. I miss his company, I miss his the sweet things he do for me. I miss talking to him. I miss seeing his face.
I got used to his presence that’s why in a way I am missing his presence now.
I got hurt but Gavin’s decision of avoiding me. But I can’t tell him not to avoid me because I know that he is hurting and starting to move on.
Even Seb notice that something is wrong with me. I can’t tell him the real reason though. I’m sure that if he knew that I am sad because of Gavin he will get jealous. He knew that Gavin has a feeling for me and his kind of insecure about it.
I can’t blame him, I was also like that to Sam before. How I wish that just like Sam, it will be so easy to be with Seb. That people close to us will learn to accept me for him just like Gavin before.
Gavin… I wish that we could go back to how we used before except of course the courting because I already have Seb.
I came back to reality what I heard Sam’s voice.
“Hi Aubree!” She said.
“Hi.” I kind of feel awkward to her.
Until now I still feel awkward towards her because I knew that she is hurting right now.
No matter how she tried to show me that she is happy with the situation, I could still see in her eyes that she is hurting because you love Seb.
I don’t know why Seb can’t see that. He’s being insensitive to Sam. He was not ashamed to act sweet to me in front of Sam.
I tried to tell him not to have too much PDA in front of Sam but he didn’t want to listen. Because for him our time together is so precious that we have to make the most of it.
I can’t tell him that I see Sam hurting because for sure he will laugh at me. Just like the first time I asked him if he was sure Sam didn’t like him. He tease me that I’m just jealous.
So since then I have never told him again my thoughts about Sam.
“I heard you did great earlier. Congrats!” Smiling she said to me.
I can’t help but to admire her. She’s really perfect. I really wonder why Seb was not able to fall for Sam.
“Thanks.” I just said.
Its so awkward. I really want to leave her because I’m not really comfortable around her. I feel like I’m the main reason why she is hurting.
“I talked to Gavin earlier.” Smiling she said.
When I heard that I was suddenly excited. If earlier I wanted to leave her, now it seems like I want to invite her to sit so we can talk about Gavin.
“Yes. I heard.” I said.
She sat down in the chair she sat earlier. She pointed the chair next to her and invited me to sit there.
I immediately sat there.
“I would like to thank you Aubree. Now that you and Seb got back together, Gavin and I became closer. Now our plan is now working out. You and Seb and of course me and Gav.” She said while giggling.
I creased my forehead. “What do yoy mean?”
“Gav and I decided to try it out again. Maybe this time we make our relationship work.” She explained.
My eye widen. “Y-you mean y-you and Gav-”
She cut me off.”No. But we are getting there.”
I do not know but I do not seem to be happy with that news.
“You really like him?” I asked boldly.
She smirked at me. “No. I don’t like him because I love him.”
I don’t know but even though Sam clearly said that he loves Gav and even Seb also told me that same, I still can’t find myself believe it.
“I know what you’re thinking. You think I’m in love with Seb so kind of feel awkward towards me.”
I nodded.
She smiled at me. “It was part of my plan. I knew that once Gavin found out about our plan, he will immediately come to me to comfort me. And I am right. It works perfectly.”
“You mean you intentionally made us believe that you are in love with Seb?” I asked her.
She chuckled. “My acting is great right?”
I could only answer with a forced smile.
She took my hand and looked into my eyes.
“I know he likes you. But don’t worry I will make him fall in love with me. And we will all live happily ever after.” Then she winked.
After she said that, she left immediately.
Can she really make him fall in love with her?
Why do I seem to dislike that idea of his.
I suddenly felt my head hurt. I also felt my tears are forming.
Gosh! Why am I crying? Isn’t the plan of Sam is just right… me and Seb while her and Gavin. That is already a perfect plan.
But why is it that I can’t seem to agree?
I’m confused. I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I already have Seb and he is the one I chose and … And he … He is the one I love.
Aubree the one you really love is Seb right?!
I couldn’t help but smile every time I remembered when Aubree and I talked in the dressing room.
I knew it. She feel something for Gav. Maybe she just didn’t realize it but I know soon she will. I will make sure she will.
I wanted to give up Seb because from what I am seeing now, he’s really very happy. His smile every time we talk about Aubree and when he is with her is genuine. I always wish he would smile at me like that.
But I want to take every chance that I could get before I will give him up completely. I don’t want to regret it later just because I didn’t fight.
I knew that she likes Gav. And I also know that she has not realized it yet. Aubree is still obsessed with the against all odds story of her and Seb.
I proved it more after I talked to her about me and Gavin’s supposed future relationship.
I can feel that she felt awkward when she is with me. But she suddenly felt interested and became willing to talk to me because I mentioned Gavin.
I made her believe that I love Gavin and I just pretended that that guy I like is Seb to get Gavin’s sympathy because I know that she can see through me. She knew that I like Seb.
We are both girls, we know how read a girl based on her actions.
I can see the disappointment in her eyes when I told her about my plan, which is to make Gav fall in love with me. I knew that she did not like my plan.
Because of her reaction I can’t help but to hope again.
Smiling I picked up my phone and called Gav.
“Hello Gav!” I greeted him.
‘Hello Sam. You sound so happy.’
“I am very happy. You are already here in the Philippines right?” I asked him.
“Good. Let’s have a dinner with Sebastian and Aubree.” I invited him.
It took him so long to answer.
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea Sam.’
I was not surprised by what he said. I expected that.
“Please Gav you agreed. I need you there. I don’t want to look miserable in front of them. You promise me that you will help me.” I sad, I made my voice sadder.
‘I will help you but I still can’t face her.’
“You are so unfair! You said we will both move on but you are the only one moving on. I have no choice but to torture myself every time I see them both especially when they are flirting in front of me.” I said trying to touch his conscience.
I heard him sighed. I smiled. I know he agree with me.
That’s all I need to hear and I put down the phone.
I texted Seb inviting him on a double date.