Finding out what we are having a girl made us desperate to buy the stuff we would need. And by we, I mean Renzo.
One day I was waiting for Renzo to get home since he said he was just going to the gym. He didn’t return until the evening with his jeep full to the brim with things for her room. I was thankful but I wish he would slow down he is definitely rushing into it.
Speaking of the man, he isn’t here again because he had some work-related things to do in the city. After surprising him at the race he made me promise to not travel as much being the stressed-out man that he is.
Ever since becoming pregnant I have become needy, in a way that is actually ugly. I hate that I am but these days I just want him all to myself whilst I deal with the symptoms that I have with the pregnancy.
Its been 5 days since I last saw him, when he took me out for a romantic dinner date by the river in the city. It was beautiful and such a blessing to have the time to enjoy each others company even though he is extremely busy.
Right now, though all I want is to have him beside me stroking my belly like he normally does. The most unique thing is when he places his head right next to bump and whispers things to our baby girl.
6 months into the pregnancy I am feeling heavy, with sharp pains at night especially, I haven’t really told Renzo that because I know that he will start to become seriously worried and that will for sure have a direct impact on his focus which needs to be on his big race.
Today my uncle and auntie invited me to dinner with them. I told them one of my cravings was seafood and they recommended a restaurant that specialises on seafood and even has foods specific for those pregnant cravings.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten out of bed and showered so fast in my life.
I caught an uber to town and followed the directions t this restaurant. I said thankyou to the young girl who stood at the door opening it for me. I was grateful for the assistance. Walking in, I looked around and spotted my little buddy standing on his two feet waving at me with his chubby fingers.
“hey lebs,” I said taking his hand and squeezing it. Seeing Caleb these days gets me emotional thinking about my own baby coming soon.
My uncle pulled out a chair for me after kissing me lightly on my cheek.
“my god girl you’re getting big now,” he says eying my bump with joy. I laughed at his reaction.
“don’t I know it,” I said taking my aunties hand and squeezing it. Mary has been my angel in everything in the last few months, she constantly sends me clothes both for the baby and myself which I think is so thoughtful.
I haven’t really had the opportunity to go shopping for myself and every time Renzo tries to by for me it doesn’t go well. He did purchase a few trainers for me which have literally saved my life.
“I’ve already ordered for you darling just sit back and relax,” she says to me once she sees me looking for the menu. I simply shrugged my shoulders and let her take over. The less that I have to do the better.
“so, what is this miracle drink then?” I asked her. Earlier she said that a lot of people recommended this drink for pregnant women.
She smiled over at me “it’s the Thai tea they have, its supposed to be the perfect medicine for any pains or discomfort you are having” this was music to my ears.
“from your reaction does this mean you’re in pain sweetie,” Lucas said concern written on his face. He looks identical to the way my dad used to look at me when I said I got a migraine. My dads’ grandfather was epileptic and also has really bad migraines so he was always very protective of me.
Shaking the memory from my mind, I turned to him. “it’s normal, it can’t all be easy can it” my auntie sighed outload. “I’m afraid not” she is definitely talking from appearance. But she wasn’t mad about it.
It’s the sacrifice you make to bring another life into this world and I love that.
“how’s the father then” she changed the topic of conversation rather quickly. Probably trying to take my mind off the pain I’m actually having.
Ah, Lorenzo, the father the man in my life. Where do I begin with this man?
“he’s doing well, he’s already spoiling her rotten with all the stuff he’s buying” this made them both laughs. It’s not like Lorenzo has a hard time buying for his first child. Hell, he doesn’t have a hard time buying anything at all like this is going to stop him.
I want my girl to know that mommy can also get her what she needs, I want to d this as a family but I can’t take away his happiness.
“I saw the gender reveal video you guys did, that was pretty special” Lucas mentioned. I was more than happy that they were able to see the video, because everyone at the races could see it there was video footage of the special moment from every angle possible.
I smiled at them “yes, I wanted to surprise him and luckily I had help from his team “I can safely say that I have watched the video more than 30 times I just love everything about it.
“I’m just glad were having a little girl coming into the family, I think we’ve had enough boys to last us a lifetime,” Mary said as she fed Caleb with his food. “the seafood mashup” that’s what I’ve named it.
As soon as Caleb thanked his mum for his food our meals soon came and we were able to finally eat.
I eyed the crab meat salad and the roasted prawns with an eager eye. Prawns have become my ultimate craving in this pregnancy that and also fish and chips from our local chippy. Lorenzo couldn’t believe it but nonetheless, he goes out to get it for me when I’m really craving it.
“my parents always wanted a boy, didn’t they?” I knew this from being very young and would’ve loved to have a brother but fate didn’t allow it.
Lucas took a sip from his beer. “your father did especially, the man wanted to take his son to football practice, share his love for sports”
“but instead he got you, a sport loving little tomboy” I smacked Mary on her shoulder completely offended with what she said. Caleb eyes me with anger as he saw me beat his mother but calmed down eventually.
“I was not a tomboy” I objected which turned to Mary replying back. “yes, you were tony”
I stared at them with so much shock, how could they bring that name into this conversation. When did this turn into abuse the pregnant woman? Typical family humour.
Tony was the name they shouted when I would act as a boy, when I would tackle my dad to the floor or when I would shout at the tv as a little kit with a hoodie on and a baseball cap on my head. Coincidently identical to my dad’s.
Oh, the memories.
Soon we had all finished our meals but it did have to end since they needed to get back home. They came her to visit the uk and also see me which was nice but they did have to get home to their families.
The next time I would see them would probably be when I have a beautiful baby girl in my arms. Can you imagine that. I can’t.
I suggested that I accompany them to the airport which they were at first very hesitant about because of my condition but I wasn’t heavily pregnant I’m completely fine t go to the airport with them, its not lie I’m going to flying with them.
After picking up their bags at the hotel they were staying in. also just to clear it up I tried to convince them to stay with me but after several failed attempts they offered to stay at a nice hotel in the city.
We finally arrived at the airport and I had just finished watching them escape through the gates going to security. I turned around and made my way over to the entrance. I had called our driver to come and pick me up and he told me he would be 10 minutes since there’s traffic.
That gave me a 5-minute window to get in the line for a Krispy crème donut that has been screaming at me for a while now. This isn’t a pregnancy related craving this has always been a craving of mine ever since I tasted my first one years ago.
Reluctantly declining a peanut butter filled one i went for the chocolate filled and coated one which had been decorated to perfection if I do say so myself.
“the amount of times I see pregnant woman eying the peanut one,” the guy said handing me my bag with a napkin.
Well, at least I’m not the only one.
“the sacrifices “I commented thanking him.
I left the stall with a smiled on my face. But soon reality hit me when I realised I have to head back home and wait around for my man to get back from his trip.
To think a few days ago I was pushing him out of the door since he was not going to go for this trip. What the fuck was I thinking.
Stalking out to the entrance of the airport I looked around for our driver. When I couldn’t see him, I got really impatient and grabbed my phone. I sent hi a little text asking where he was before looking up again.
I smoothed my annoyance down with a big bite of my donut which resulted in the chocolate filling spilling down my lips.
Brilliant, isn’t this a sight.
From my super sensitive hearing, I heard a soft laugh coming from somewhere around me. I lifted my head trying to find the bastard who dares to laugh at me. The poor pregnant woman just trying to make it through the day, or most importantly this donut.
When I spotted the culprit, my chewing slowed down and my mouth hung open.
There he stood dressed in jeans and a hoodie, an outfit he’s been loving recently. He looked gorgeous as ever unlike me a pregnant mess. Why can’t the fathers also look like shit when were pregnant?
He kicked off his heel and walked up to me wiped the chocolate off my lips with that devilish smile of his.
“I missed you,” I said quietly as he wrapped his strong arms around my hips. He nodded down at me his forehead resting on mine.
“I’ve missed you too baby, so fucking much” he whispered harshly in my ear causing me to become weakened at the knees.
Can he not do these types of things in public.
The next thing I know he’s pulling me towards his car, his fingers sliding between my own. I had the biggest grin as I saw people staring at us. I couldn’t give a toss right now my man was back with me.
He closed the door once I was safely in the passenger seat.
As soon as he was inside he started up the engine and backed out of the airport and started on the main road his eyes checking his surroundings.
As soon as my seatbelt was on and placed my hand on his and he had it laying flat waiting for me to do exactly that.
He soon brought our hands to his lips and kissed it lightly.
“how are my two girls doing tonight,” he says looking over at me with a charming smile. Does he have any idea how much seeing him has made my day. I even forgot about my donut.
“were doing great, I saw Mary and my uncle just now for dinner,” I told him, beginning to open up my donut bag again to finish what I stared.
Renzo stared at me for a few seconds before laughing out loud. “you just had dinner baby, how are you eating again” you’ll be amazed. “I have to eat for two now Renzo, that means double” he nods his head in a mocking way almost as if he’s mocking me.
“do I get a bite” he wishes.
My answer was simple, I finished the donut and stared at him as I licked the chocolate off my fingers.
Take that.
Renzo laughed before carrying on driving and moving around the late evening traffic. I leant my head back and enjoyed the rest of the drive. I didn’t even realise how tired I had become because soon enough I was being pulled up put of the car in the arms of my love.
“shh baby, we’re home now lay your head down,” he said in a hushed tone as he pushed my head down onto his shoulder.
I felt him tense when I kissed his lightly on what was supposed to be his cheek but ended up being his neck.
I felt my body suddenly being placed onto the sofa that was downstairs.
He left me for a few motes before I felt his tugging at my jacket. He slipped my arms out of my leather jacket and also untied my laces on my trainers.
I opened my eyes and searched for him. He as bent over placing my shoes with my other ones at the other end of the room.
He made his way back to me and laid behind me on the sofa getting into a spooning position.
“if I wake up and you’re gone, i’ll personally kill you” I muttered as he slides his hands round to my belly.
I tensed when I felt him breathing on my neck. He was laughing at me right now I could feel it for sure.
“I’m not leaving you baby, I’ll be right here when your wakeup” he whispered before placing his sift lips against my neck.
Does he expect me to sleep with him doing this to me right now, he knows I can’t sleep through this.
He continued to move my air out of the way and run his lips down my neck as his fingers danced around my stomach.
“since you’re half asleep right now and you’ll probably have no idea what you’re saying” he begun. I could only mumble.
“are you finally going to tell me about the pains you have at night” my eyes smacked open with his comment. He knew?
I turned my head to look at him. He had his eyes staring at mine his eyebrow lifted giving me that oh now you’re awake.
“how did you know first of all”
He pulled at my leg placing over his waist. “I would never leave my babies alone and not have a close eye watching over you. I installed cameras in the room baby. I can see your every move from my phone” oh fuck.
“so, when?” he’s tested me now.
It’s not like I can lie.
“it’s just common pains Renzo, I can handle it” I admit to him hopefully he won’t be too disappointed in me.
I felt his squeezing me. “I know beautiful, but you need to tell me so we can figure it out together as a team, as a family.
How did I ever deserve a man like this? I mean when has he ever not cared for me. Ever since I met him on that mountain he has looked out for me.
Turned and kissed hid him, to show his how thankful I am for him for his beautiful soul.
“I love you, Renzo,” I said climbing on his slightly. He hands instantly went towards my belly as I straddled him.
“good girl, I love you too” he whispered before leaning on his arms and kissing me with the passion I’ve missed since he has been gone.
I was lost in the moment that I didn’t realise his fingers moving underneath my leggings and panties. I gasped as I felt his rubbing my lower stomach where my pain normally is.
“I read online that this helps, but only if the father does it” he whispered staring at me with such desire I nearly lost it right there.
“I think the last comment was added by an unknown source babe” I laughed as he wore that cheeky grin. Load of bullshit but I’ll let him believe it for now.
I’m definitely going to believe it for the time being because this feels just too good.
I could only sigh when he started to go lower and rub me there. I can’t deny it but even if it doesn’t take away the pain it sure as hell distracts me from the pain.
“you’re so beautiful did you know that” he whispers his hand moving back up and wrapping around my hips.
“I’ve only been told 100 times from the most handsome man I’ve ever met in my life”
He grinned up at me. “the only one that counts”
He sure is right. For the rest of the evening, we laid down together with no distractions just enjoying the peaceful time we had together.