THEME: Last moments
“Dad! Dad! Say something dad, please!” Jaylen kept repeating as he carried his father in his arms and raced towards the pack house.
Some of the pack house guards met up with him. They took Carl from him and wrapped a big blanket around his body. Everything was happening to fast. One of the guards called the Infirmary to let them know of the situation while Carl was being carried into the pack house. Jaylen’s heart raced terribly.
Meagan had met with them halfway as they tried to carry her husband into the room and her legs gave out almost immediately. Jaylen helped her up as he made her sit outside the room.
“What happened? What’s wrong with Carl?!” Gabriella muttered in a panic mode.
“Dad passed out.” Jaylen huffed out, his face wet with tears.
Claire who was just ascending the steps ran towards them. “What happened to my dad?”
“I don’t know Claire.” Jaylen whimpered.
Meagan’s siblings and parents also rushed out of their rooms and everyone of the family members ran towards the room Carl got pushed into but aside Jayden who was nowhere to be found.
it didn’t take long, Hazel came running through with Lorelei hot on her tail. “I came as soon as I got the call. Where is he?” She asked.
“In that room.” Jaylen replied.
Hazel and Lorelei walked straight to where was pointed out. Hazel checked through his pulse, Carl looked pale and white than ever. His eyes were tightly shut while his pulse was so low and faint. Hazel blinked back tears in her eyes as she shook her head.
“How is he?” Lorelei muttered as she set up some nutrient for him.
Hazel looked towards her daughter. “Can you hear me?” She whispered to him after noticing that his eyelashes were wavering.
Carl blinked weakly with his breath out of place. “I don’t think I need them anymore.” His eyes glanced at the nutrients that was already running through his veins in no time.
“You can’t talk right now Carl.” Hazel cautioned.
“Where is everyone?” He whimpered.
“They are all outside the room.” Lorelei replied.
“Please, I need you to save your strength… and survive this.” Hazel gritted in a shaky tone.
Carl shook his head weakly. “I can’t do this anymore, Hazel. The pain is to much for me… and becoming too unbearable. I… I… just want peace now. Where is Jaylen? Please call me Jaylen and everyone else.” Carl whimpered as he looked dazed out.
Lorelei went out to call everyone outside and they practically bursted in. Jaylen ran to his side while Meagan sat rigidly at the edge of the bed with a blank expression on her face. She could feel it that Carl’s soul was far from here and it was beginning to finally dawn on her that her husband might not last the night.
“You scared me dad.” Jaylen teared up.
Carl chuckled weakly. “Help me up a bit champ.”
Jaylen helped him sit up a bit. Carl looked so fragile like he would break into pieces if not handled with care. Carl leaned further into Jaylen’s chest as he sighed heavily. The time had finally come for him and he could feel every part of him dying slowly at each passing second. All he wants was to take his last breath in his son’s arms. Having a chance to see Jaylen’s wolf and spend such little time with him was just enough to make him feel at peace.
“Jaylen.” Carl called out.
“Yes dad.” Jaylen sniffed as he was trying so hard not to burst into tears.
“I know everything that has been happening to you as of late is quite unfair but I must say it is not something your mother and I could have controlled son. Fate has so much plans for you and as your parents it made us watch in grit. Take care of the family son…” Carl coughed before groaning in pain.
Everyone else in the room had tears rolling down their faces.
Carl continued. “I know your brother is a handful, but please try to make him see reasons to be good to everyone. Moon Stone Fortress is yours to protect from now on and I hope you won’t be overwhelmed by it. And whenever you need help be sure that the Moon Goddess would always come to your aid.”
Jaylen sniffed as he held Carl up against himself. “Why are you saying all of this dad? Please don’t talk anymore. Please… please… I need you to get well soon please.” A tear slipped down his cheek.
“I am fine son.” Carl laughed lightly. “I love you son.” He said in a tight whisper.
“I love you too dad.” Jaylen replied.
Carl shared a look with Meagan who was already crying silently. “Can you hold onto me for a few minutes longer to enable me fall asleep?” Carl requested.
Jaylen wiped at his face quickly. “Sure dad.”
The room fell silent as they all wondered what was going on and would happen next. But deep down in their hearts, they prayed so hard that nothing would go wrong with Carl. Hazel moved towards the duo to check Carl’s pulse when he closed his eyes.
Hazel let out a sigh of relief. “He is fine.”
The tension in the room seem to thin out. Meagan moved towards her husband who still laid in Jaylen’s arms and she ran her hands through his hair.
“There is some snack at the sitting area outside, let’s go have some and leave him to rest.” Gabriella offered.
Each one of them took a look at him before heading out of the room. Meagan rested her head on Hazel’s shoulder as they sat down.
“I almost thought he was going to die.” Meagan muttered.
“Don’t think like that you know how strong Carl is.” Hazel replied, trying to cover up the fear that she was feeling herself.
The moment Hazel had checked on Carl when she walked into the room, being a doctor she had no doubt Carl would give in to the cold hands of death in less than a minute. But alas, he was still breathing just fine.
Gabriella held on to her chest tightly as she was feeling uneasy. Something didn’t feel right and every of her insides could feel it. Memories of Carl when he was younger flashed through her mind and it made her feel really overwhelmed. Mrs swift who had been sitting next to her all along, watched as she moved uncomfortably.
“What’s the matter Gabriella?” She asked.
Gabriella crossed her arms over her chest lightly. “I really don’t know what it is. But a part of me feels numb, almost like something is really wrong.”
Mrs swift exhaled as she reached out to hold on to Gabriella’s hands. “You don’t need to be like that, he would be fine. Carl wouldn’t leave us just yet. Have faith.”
Gabriel nodded her head diligently like a kindergarten student. She leaned into the chair still tapping at her chest lightly.
Jaylen shifted to adjust his father well so his body could rest on the bed. But just as he made an attempt to move, Carl gripped his hand a bit too strong for someone in his condition.
“I love you… Jay…” Carl whispered with his voice fading out.
Jaylen smiled with the thought that his father was sleep talking. But all of a sudden Carl’s arms went limp with his body sagging. “Dad.” Jaylen shook him lightly at first and got no response. He placed his father flatly on the bed, he bent down placing his ear next to his nose to feel his breath. He wasn’t breathing. Still doubting. Jaylen held his hand to check for a pulse. No pulse.
Jaylen barged out of the room. “Aunt! Aunt! Please come take a look.” He called out to Hazel.
Hazel and the rest of the family ran into the room. Hazel checked his pulse with her stethoscope and also checking for any sign of heart beat. They all stared at her expectantly.
And with her head a bit bowed, Hazel looked up with tears in her eyes. “I am really sorry to announce this to you, but Alpha Carl has given up the ghost. He is gone.”
The room went wild as Gabriella lost her footing collapsing onto the floor.