It was midnight now. Anamika still hadn’t heard anything from Massimo after last night.
She was wide awake as it has became a habit of her to sleep in his arms, she didn’t try to contact him and he didn’t contacted her either. She was restless and was feeling guilty about whatever happened last night, she never intended to hurt his feelings but what he did wasn’t right either.
She was sitting on the bed clutching on the pillow, thinking about him when the door of the bedroom slammed open.
She flinched at the loud thud and looked at it, it was Massimo but in a total mess with wrinkled clothes, messy hair, half empty bottle of whiskey in his hand and he was holding the door from his other hand to balance himself. He was too drunk, that he couldn’t even stand properly. He stumbled a few times while entering the bedroom.
Anamika was quick to hold him before he falls.
“What are you doing Massimo, why are you so drunk….?”
She asked him while holding his torso to stop him from falling. It was very difficult for her to hold him straight, he is too heavy for her.
He looked at her, grabbing her arms he pinned her to the wall, his eyes were red and his jaw was clenched. She gasped at the sudden jerk and looked at him in shock and fear…
“Why don’t you love me… Why…?”
He yelled angrily.
“You’re drunk Massimo, we will talk about it tomorrow, please…”
She said while trying to make him understand.
But He didn’t listen to her.
“Why don’t you trust me… Huh… Tell me, did I ever hurt you, did I ever do something to break your trust. No… I didn’t, I always took care of you, always… I am the only one who is trying to save this relationship. Can’t you see that I love you… I want you… Huh… Can’t you fucking see it. Do you think I am a fucking fool… Tell me..”
He was yelling in front of her face making her flinch at his every word.
“I k.. know, j… just listen to me, please…”
She tried to talk but he stopped her.
“You know, you know right… Then why, why are you punishing me because of your fucked up past… Why…?, What is my fault…”
He said and threw the half empty bottle of whiskey on the mirror, they broke into million pieces with a loud noise causing the remaining liquor to splash on the floor.
She quickly covered her ears with her hands.
He grabbed her hands in painfully tight grip and jerked her forward. He was not in his senses, the only woman he loved and cared for is not ready to love him back, he tried his best and still nothing changed. It was hurting him like thousand of needles pierced through his heart, he was in pain.
“You’re hurting me Massimo, let go…”
She said moaning in pain.
“It’s hurting you and what about my pain… Huh.. what about the pain you’re causing me… You have any idea how much it’s hurting me…”
He said dangerously close to her face that she could smell the liquior in his breath.
Her eyes were full of tears, she was feeling guilty. She can’t see him like this, in this condition… But it was of no use, he was not in his control, he was not ready to listen anything.
“Do you know who I am, why people are scared of me… I am m.. Massimo Marino, the m.. m..”
He slurred but before he finished his sentence the alcohol took over and he passed out in her embrace.
Anamika didn’t understand what he was trying to say…
She placed him on the bed with great difficulty as he was too heavy for her small form… and took off his shoes, covered him with a blanket and slid down beside him.
She held him near her heart and caressed his hair… Tears of guilt were falling freely from her eyes… He was in pain, she could see that.
She kissed his forehead and said in her broken voice.
“I love you Massimo…. I do love you so much…”
But he couldn’t hear her, he was in a deep slumber.
Massimo woke up from his deep sleep groaning, his head was spinning like someone hit him with a hammer.
He looked at his surroundings, he was in her room, her bed and she was nowhere to be seen but he saw the broken mirror. He didn’t remember anything about last night, he was too drunk. He didn’t even remember how he ended up here since he was drinking in his house.
Anamika opened the door and came in with coffee and tablets. She placed the tray on the nightstand and looked at him.
He was looking tired but the anger was still visible in his eyes.
“Drink this, you will feel better…”
She said in her soft voice cautiously.
He stood up from the bed looking directly in her eyes and slowly took the coffee mug from her hand. He looked at the mug and threw it on the floor splashing all the coffee on floor and breaking the mug into pieces making her flinch at his actions.
He grabbed her arms in painfully hard grip and said in his raspy voice.
” Don’t act like you care about me… When you clearly don’t… I don’t need your fake concern…”
Her heart broke after listening his words, tears threatened to fall down but she gulped them back. She tried to say something but he pushed her away, causing her to stumble back and trip on the floor.
He left the house without even looking at her. He was too angry and out of control his own control so he decided to maintain some distance from her so he won’t hurt her, he knew that he will regret it later.
She was still sitting on the floor, sobbing.
This was the first time he treated her like this and it hurted her beyond her expectations.
She took her luggage from her closet and left, she was going to Paris for 3 days, for stoneheart’s exhibition. She was going to tell him this in the morning but he didn’t listened to her.
He was hurt but she was not in good condition either…