Chapter 39
Three days passed and Leila discovered that pretending that she almost failed the challenge seemed to do good to her.
No one bothered her.
Besides, only the Blacks knew about what truly happened.
However, this was her first day of training.
Hunter’s grandfather asked Hector, Hunter, and Myrtle to guide her.
Well, it was a great thing to know that she could be assisted by them.
However, thinking about it it seemed like she couldn’t be at peace if she and Hunter were the only ones around.
And it looked like Myrtle noticed it, too.
“I can go with the two of you…” She suggested kindly.
Leila smiled inwardly and gave her a grateful look.
But then, the two men immediately shook their heads at her.
“No.” Hector quickly contradicted.
“You are not in condition to do that, Myrtle.” Hunter also said with concern laced in his voice.
Leila swallowed hard as she looked at the tree. Then, her eyes moved to Hunter. Her forehead creased as if she also remembered something.
It seemed like something slipped her mind and it was something that she didn’t want to entertain.
However, her drifting reverie was pulled back to reality when she heard Myrtle’s next words.
“You two, I can handle myself. Besides, I will not interfere. I will just observe, okay?” Myrtle assured the two causing them to let out a deep sigh.
After a long conversation, especially that Myrtle was trying to reassure her husband that she would be careful they head the training ground.
Hector couldn’t come with them since their parents weren’t around yet. He had to take responsibility for the pack for the meantime and she heard that there were a lot of things to do.
They were walking towards the training ground when she realized how Hunter looked at Myrtle full of concern.
She swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to think of positive and happy things. She didn’t want to dwell with the things that were slowly emerging inside her. Most especially to the fact that she didn’t want to think of Myrtle negatively.
Leila knew that Myrtle simply wanted her to be at ease.
She had told her about Hunter and what happened inside the hall with him.
Myrtle gave her a meaningful smile causing her to feel nervous. And then she could still remember what she told her last night.
*** Flashback…
“Hunter… He is being himself again…” Myrtle uttered slowly with his lips stretched into a smile.
Her forehead creased as she walked towards her balcony.
Myrtle went to her room to talk to her.
She wasn’t surprised anymore.
Besides, she considered Myrtle to be her sister.
“W-What do you m-mean?” Leila inquired curiously.
She didn’t know why she was so eager to know Hunter more. Even though she already had the slightest hint about it she couldn’t stop herself from being curious at him.
Myrtle let out a deep sigh.
Then, she looked at her and smiled.
“I am just glad that you came into his life, Leila… Don’t worry because I will make sure to clear the air between the two of you. I know that you like him, right?” Myrtle said straightforwardly causing her cheeks to turn bright red.
Myrtle chuckled amusement was written in her eyes.
“Hunter could be a pain the *ss most of the time. But he will realize sooner…”
*** End of Flashback…
Leila didn’t know what she meant by that.
But looking at this now, she didn’t know what else to feel.
It was as if she was feeling a hint of betrayal and jealousy slowly lurking inside her chest. She wanted to stop it avoid it but she didn’t know how.
She swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked away.
‘I will just focus myself to my training…’ She tried to urge herself from the negative thoughts that she was feeling.
Besides, she had to work hard and adapt to her new environment.
She still didn’t know how to shift heck, she didn’t even know how she did the shifting.
All that she knew was that she felt pain all over her.
For a moment, she realized something…
That reality was slowly dawning on her… slowly.
“Just focus, Leila. You can do this…” For the nth time, Myrtle tried to cheer her up.
However, it’s been an hour and yet there was no improvement. She couldn’t connect to her wolf. It was as if Silver was sleeping again and wouldn’t want to talk to her either.
It was kind of frustrating her already.
Not to mention that she had already seen Hunter’s annoyed and impatient demeanor.
This time, Leila was thinking that if Myrtle wasn’t here he would have gone mad at her.
That thought only made her a bit more disheartened.
“Can you just focus on the training…” Hunter snapped at her, annoyed.
Gone was the Hunter who had this concern reflected in his eyes a few days ago. Gone was the Hunter who would try to make her feel at ease. Gone was the Hunter who would look at her in a gentle way.
She gritted her teeth as she tried to stop herself from getting furious.
To be honest, she couldn’t focus all because of the way he talked to her. He was becoming impatient and bossy. She didn’t even know why he was acting that way.
“I am trying… But Silver just won’t talk to me.” Leila stated before pouting her lips.
Hunter’s forehead creased when he looked intently at her.
Then, he let out a deep sigh and ran his fingers in his hair.
He looked so hot just by doing it.
But Leila stopped herself from admiring her more.
“Stop pouting! You look like a duck!” Hunter snapped, annoyed.
However, that only made her annoyed, too.
She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Who are you calling a duck? You look like an old man for being so impatient and that… that forehead of yours seems like it needs some flat iron to straighten it, huh…” Leila wouldn’t surrender without a fight.
Then, they heard a small giggle.
It came from Myrtle.
“I think I have to leave you two from now on. Don’t go back until you have sorted out your fight.” Myrtle said with a glint of playfulness in her voice.
“Myrtle…” Hunter and Leila called her in unison.
However, Myrtle had already made up her mind.
She stood up and was about to leave.
“I will get you home first…” Hunter offered causing her to feel a bit hurt.
Because of that, Leila didn’t see Myrtle looked at her with concern. Then, she shook her head at Hunter.
“You need to stay. Man up, Hunter…” Myrtle stated and she didn’t know what it means or was it because she didn’t have the courage to understand it any longer.
“Leila… I will be going now. Focus…” She said and winked at her.
She gave her a small smile before going.
Then, she let out a deep sigh.
Leila didn’t know how come Hunter decided to stay and didn’t stop Myrtle or be stubborn enough to do what he wanted to do right now.
She pursed her lips together as she looked at him with his concerned eyes looking at Myrtle.
“You can just follow her, you know.” She said absentmindedly.
She didn’t even bother to hide the bitterness that escaped her mouth.
Hunter looked at her his forehead still creased.
“And leave you alone here? No way…”
Leila didn’t know whether her ears were just teasing her, or she really heard him like it was just a slip of the tongue and that Hunter wasn’t supposed to say those words. It seemed like he, too, was surprised at his words.
“Let’s do it again!” Hunter suddenly yelled causing her to jump.
She clenched her jaw and gave him a deadly glare.
“You don’t have to shout!” Leila snapped at him but Hunter just turned his back at her.
However, she didn’t know if her imagination was taking a head of her or not because it seemed like she saw a glint of smile from Hunter’s lips before he finally turned his back at her.
Damn it!
She should have known and seen that for herself!
Leila felt so inspired just because of it.
Whether it was just a pigment of her imagination or not she thought that it could be her drive to focus on her training with Hunter… And to see his smile.
Then, an idea came to her mind.