Ren’s [POV]
I was running, my breath burning through my lungs as I tried to get home before the storm broke. With no car, because that piece of junk was useless and refused to start this morning, I had to sneak out the front before Caleb realized I didn’t drive this morning.
Stopping for a minute to catch my breath, I muffled a scream when lightning and thunder boomed around me and forced me to start running again. I hated storms, was terrified of them ever since the night of Shane’s death, and all I wanted was to get home and cower under the covers.
Whimpering, I ignored the shivers that wracked me and the cold of the rain that settled bone deep.
“…find you!”
Oh, God, I whispered when I heard that voice and realized I was starting to go back there. To that night.
I whimpered again, a sob stuttering out when memories hit me, nearly overwhelming me. I was right back there, running through the rain, every tree and shadow terrifying me as I tried to escape. I heard Shane panting behind me, his speed and wolf are so terrifying I felt like I was going to lose it.
“No. God, no.” I whined, shaking my head sharply to dispel the fears.
Thunder boomed again, and I sobbed, glancing around in confusion when I realized I was on the wrong path. Panic nearly overwhelmed me now, and I regretted leaving Caleb’s house at all because I knew myself. I was about to lose it, and the memories were going to flood in and drown me.
Going still, I heard a whimper somewhere to my right and a little way away and forced myself to stop. That whimper wasn’t mine.
“Hello!” I yelled, rushing forward now because I’d heard another soft cry, and this time I knew it definitely, wasn’t me.
I was afraid, yes, and the rain was coming down so hard I should have been running around like a lunatic, but somehow instead of losing it, I felt focused suddenly.
Do you hear that? my wolf asked, her presence calming me further as I leaped over a fallen log and ran towards the noise.
It wasn’t easy to hear over the pounding, and I was already drenched to the bone as I rushed forward, but for some reason, I didn’t feel any of it.
Reaching a huge tree, I skidded to a stop and fell to my knees, my shock overtaken with relief when I spotted a tiny, huddled figure clinging to the trunk. It was the little boy; the little lost boy everyone was searching for.
“Oh, God,” I whispered, a shriek leaving me when thunder boomed again, shaking the air around us.
I was still scared but calm enough that I was already planning. Caleb’s house was closer. I could get us there fast if I ran full out. Swallowing, I reached out to the little boy and hissed when he snapped at me, so terrified his blue eyes were wide, unblinking pools of misery.
“I won’t hurt you! I’m going to take you somewhere safe and warm. Everyone is looking for you.” I yelled so he could hear me over the rain. “You’re Tully, right?”
He nodded now, his eyes losing some of the fear, and I smiled as best I could when I reached out and quickly lifted him. We were both freezing and wet, and it was so cold it hurt to move, but I ignored it as I turned swiftly, held Tully tighter, and started to run.
For a wolf shifter, I was unfit, thanks to the year I’d spent alone in my trailer. I hadn’t shifted either, and my body wasn’t up to this, but I forced myself to keep running anyway, and by the time I saw the lights, I was ready to collapse.
“Here!” I screamed, my legs burning despite the cold as I broke out of the trees and towards the front porch.
Panting with relief, I saw Walker just stepping up to Caleb’s door and calling out to him. He twisted quickly and saw me just as I leaped up the steps, his eyes going wide.
“He’s freezing. We need to warm him up.” I rushed out, ignoring the water dripping off us both as I ran through the door and into the living room.
I was working on autopilot now. The only thing I could think of was to get him warm. I was no longer in the grips of my terror, and as I slung an afghan around the kid, I wasn’t thinking about Shane, the storm, or my anguish.
“You need to let them know I found him. This storm is going to get worse.” I whisper, shivering now as adrenalin left me and my body crashes.
Ignoring Walker, I kept focusing on Tully, and when I heard a howl split the air, I didn’t realize he was calling everyone in until the door burst open, and Cole rushed in.
“Fuck. Thank God.” He muttered.
Thank God, I echoed, tilting to the side. I was exhausted as my adrenalin crashed and only realized what was happening when I blinked, what must have been a while later, and realized I was in Walker’s truck.
“I’m taking you home. You’re to have a hot shower and get into bed immediately. Jesus. You saved that boy.” Walker murmured, his eyes swinging my way when I didn’t respond. “Thank you, Ren. I don’t know how to thank you. The pack…”
I nodded, unable to respond or think clearly because I was still floating in a space of utter shock and exhaustion. When we reached my trailer and Walker helped me in, I was still silent, and it was only after I slid into bed and closed my eyes that the enormity of it all hit me.
I’d just saved a little boy, which was great. It would hit me at some point, but it was what Caleb had done that floored me and had me smiling. He was changing. Caleb Chase, the lonely, gloomy, angry man I’d met, was changing and trying to live again.
The thought made me smile with happiness that ached in my chest and made my heart melt with relief. He was trying, and God help me, that made me so freaking happy I had to remind myself we were just friends.
Because the truth was, I wanted it to be about me. I wanted this to be about him and me and…things I shouldn’t want.
“Silly Ren,” I muttered, sighing tiredly.
Don’t go wishing for things you can’t have. Just be glad he’s healing.
Just don’t go there.
Oh, but I wanted to, and when my wolf hummed, I had a feeling I wouldn’t have a choice. We, as in every part of me, wanted him, and the whole ‘friends’ thing may not work out because, sure as hell, Caleb Chase was not going to react well if I went anywhere near more than just friendship.
“Go to sleep.” I hissed, cutting off my thoughts and letting my eyes slam shut.
I wasn’t going to think about being more than friends with Caleb Chase. That road led to disaster. I knew it and was smart enough not to let myself entertain these kinds of thoughts.
But I wanted to because what I had discovered about Caleb Chase made me like him. It made me trust him.
It made me…think about the dreams I had as a young girl, and remember the kind of man I had always envisioned being with. Unfortunately, the more I got to know Caleb, the more I was coming to see that he fit those dreams perfectly, and that was the problem.
Because I shouldn’t want more, and the reality was, I kind of did.