Roman’s POV:
“What?” Garren exclaimed.
“If… if it’s a joke, Roman, then it’s not funny,” Roxanne stammered in a low tone as she forced a smile on her face.
“What are you saying?” Garren asked furiously.
I ignored his words and looked at my beautiful mate seriously, taking her hand in mine.
Was there a way I could tell her the truth and not hurt her? No. She had to know.
“I wish it could be a lie or a joke, but it’s not. You should know by now that I never joke in such situations,” I said as she froze and stared at me blankly.
“Roman!” Garren screamed in warning as he tried to take over, but I couldn’t let him.
I smirked when she pulled out her hand and took a step to look at me carefully.
“Garren knows nothing about this, and I chose to keep it that way. If there was a way to say sorry a thousand times to you after my death, I would, but sadly there isn’t,” I said softly.
Garren was in shock and he couldn’t speak a word, while she stood staring at me with tears swelling in her eyes.
“Why?” she asked in a cracked voice.
“Why am I dying? Simple, to rest. You wouldn’t understand this, but my purpose to live was to fulfill the revenge I vowed to my parents. I made a promise to myself to rest forever once I did that, and that was before I met you. As much as I want to forget about it and say my purpose to live now is you, I won’t, because I still want to rest forever,” I said, then closed my eyes when she took a step forward and raised her hand with force.
When a few seconds went by without her blow landing on my face, I opened them. She had her hand stilled in mid-air, and tears were running down her beautiful cheeks.
“You are the worst,” she whispered and then dropped her hand.
“I’m sorry, but Garren already drank that poison. No matter what, there is no turning back and no cure,” I answered.
She turned and walked to the bedside table, which was near her bed, kneeling down and opening a drawer.
“Roman, are you truly telling the truth?” Garren asked.
“You know and you can feel it when I lie, Garren,” I answered.
“Then you really want to leave forever?” he asked as I smiled. I didn’t want to put him to sleep, but he was really getting on my nerves.
“Yes,” I answered, then put him to sleep before he could say another word.
I was about to call Roxanne when I felt uneasy and tense.
In a second, I found myself rushing to her side, terrified. I could smell the scent of wolfsbane.
I raised my hand, hitting the small bottle from her hand, which was pressed to her lips.
Before she could react, I knelt down beside her, forcing two fingers into her mouth as the liquid she was about to swallow rolled out.
“What the fuck are you doing!” I growled furiously as I removed my fingers from her mouth.
She stood up and looked at me as her eyes began switching to Astrid’s.
“Can’t you see, asshole!” she fired back, then laughed hysterically.
When she stopped, I stood upright and watched as she moved closer, pressing her hand on my chest.
It was Astrid who was fully in control, and something about her wasn’t right. Not only was her aura turning murderous, but the look in her eyes was one of it.
“Oh, my dear mate, how romantic would it be if we both died together? Imagine it. Wouldn’t it be so romantic?” she asked.
“No!” I yelled out.
I was beginning to get scared with her suggestion. Me dying wasn’t a big deal, but her dying was.
She dropped her hand, then shrugged.
“You won’t be here to stop me, Roman. By then, you would be dead. So, dear mate, give me a few hours to join you in death,” she said as I looked at her, astonished.
She was crazy. Totally crazy!
“No, Roxanne won’t allow it,” I pointed out.
“Oh really? Then why isn’t she stopping me?” she asked as I frowned.
“If not her, then Ian or someone else will,” I answered loudly.
I didn’t care if I sounded like a dumb child. I wasn’t going to let her die.
“Everyone is below me. Only my mother is an exception. But what would happen if I did something to her so she wouldn’t get in my way?” she asked.
I looked into her eyes without a word, and she too did the same.
It wasn’t a joke, and I could tell how she was going to go through with it. She was holding her ground, and so was I.
When a few minutes went by, I raised my hand and rubbed my eyes while cursing softly.
When I dropped my hand and looked at her, she smiled happily.
She knew I was giving in to her words and accepting my defeat.
“Why are you more stubborn than Roxanne?” I asked seriously.
“Because I’m an Alpha queen. Besides that, I’m a perfect match made for you,” she answered flirtatiously.
She really wasn’t that different from Roxanne. The only difference I saw was that Astrid was way more determined, stubborn, motivated, and stronger.
“Fine, I accept my defeat,” I said as she smiled widely.
“Sadly, I cannot undo a thing because the poison has no cure,” I said honestly.
“No, mate, everything has a cure. Now then, please call for your witch,” she demanded strongly.
She was surely stubborn, but for her to believe me, she needed to hear Jersey’s confirmation. That was the only way for her to accept my death and prepare for it.
“Jersey,” I called softly.
“I’m here to serve, master,” she answered behind me when she appeared.
I turned and faced her seriously.
“Please do tell my mate that the poison I had taken has no cure no matter what I do,” I commanded.
She looked at Astrid, then gave a low bow.
“I believe everything has a cure; the only difference is that it mustn’t have been discovered yet by many. How long does my mate have to live, and where can I find the cure?” Astrid asked.
“What?” Jersey asked as I smirked.
She was obviously going to play the dumb card.
“The cure for the poison my mate took,” she answered.
“What poison? Master didn’t take any,” she answered, making me smile.
“Are you playing dumb with me?” Astrid asked in a low growl, which sounded like a threat.
“Jersey, tell her the truth,” I said, knowing that her answers would only make Astrid more furious.
“That’s the truth, master. I don’t know of any poison you took, and what is she talking about when she says you are dying?” she asked, annoying me.
“I’m Roman, not Garren. How long will you pretend? I only have a few hours until I die, isn’t it?” I asked seriously.
“That’s the issue, master. You never took any poison to begin with. That in the bottle was a potion that shows effects of poison on a stronger supernatural being. It was usually used in the past to make one’s enemy do one’s bidding. You see, whenever they took it and were told it was poison, they believed it and worked hard for the antidote when it wasn’t poison but a potion,” she answered as I widened my eyes in shock.
“What are you saying right now?” I asked seriously.
“Master, the potion you took isn’t poison. It just gives the effects of poison. You may feel weak and cough up blood, but that doesn’t mean you will die soon. Those that drink your blood or sink their teeth into your flesh may experience the same effect or feel weak for a short time, but that’s it,” she answered.
“So, in short, he isn’t dying?” Astrid asked.
“No. I’ll be damned to kill my own master, you know,” she answered as Astrid happily giggled and rushed to her side to hug her.