Garren’s POV:
Ian looked at everyone in his office, as if telling us to back away if we weren’t ready to go through with everything.
Roxanne held my hand, and she would smile here and there to keep me calm.
I was very nervous, and there was no way of hiding it because the planned day was finally here.
“Is Felix joining us?” Neo asked seriously.
“I don’t…”
Amelia cut her words short when a portal appeared right in front of us. Lee looked at us without stepping out, then turned with his hand waving.
“Come along, Felix. Whitney and the rest are waiting,” he said as Ian wasted no time walking into the portal.
The rest soon followed, and the only ones left standing were Roxanne and me.
“We’ll be fine. Let’s go,” she whispered.
I nodded, then walked into the portal with her.
When we stepped out of the portal, we found Ian giving Whitney a murderous look.
“Why are you here?” he asked her coldly.
“I’m here to stand next to the Alpha Queen I serve,” she answered simply.
“What about Lexi?” Amelia asked, concerned.
“She’s in good hands. August will look after her,” one of the twins answered.
“It’s done. Lexi gave me the necessary coordinates, and with Chase’s energy, this portal should lead us right to the Coven or where the witch is,” Lee said, getting everyone’s attention.
“Ask them to make a stop at our castle first,” Roman said as I frowned deeply.
“Why?” I asked silently.
“Just do it,” he ordered.
“Um… if it’s not too much to ask, can we first stop at my castle?” I asked.
“Why stop there?” Felix asked seriously.
“There is something I have to take care of, also I hope you took your fill of human blood,” I answered as she smirked.
“Lee, can you make those few adjustments?” Amelia asked.
“Yes, just give me a minute. You are really lucky, Garren, because this portal has Chase’s energy and my magic holding it, so it’s very stable,” Lee said, then pressed his hand on the portal while a bright light came from his hand.
The huge portal that was in front of us would lead us directly to one of my rooms in the castle. Then he would make another one that would then lead us outside the coven castle.
“Now is the time for those who don’t want to go past the portal to go back, because where we are going we are about to face death,” Ian announced.
“Let’s get this over with, Ian. They all know that already,” Felix said, then extended her hand to Chase who smiled and took it.
“It’s done,” Lee announced.
“Good,” Felix answered, then walked into the portal with Chase.
“Well, this will be fun,” the twins said happily together while they walked in.
Neo looked at Blade, who looked at Leo and then nodded. The three of them walked in together, leaving four of us behind.
“Won’t you go first, Ian?” I asked him.
“Not after you,” he answered.
“Okay,” I whispered, then slowly moved with Roxanne and got in.
Although the light was somehow blinding as we walked forward, it was bearable. When we stepped out of the portal, we found everyone standing in my bedroom.
When Ian and Amelia stepped out, the portal instantly closed and disappeared.
We heard light footsteps approaching us, and everyone got ready to fight.
“Easy,” I whispered, then quickly ripped off my shirt, shocking everyone, and rushed to the door, opening it halfway.
I wasn’t sure if she was to be trusted or not. For now, she didn’t have to know about what was going on.
“Master,” she called in a form of greeting.
“I didn’t see you come in. No, you went missing….”
“Right now, I’m feeding, and your questions are disturbing my peace. I’ll call you when I need you. For now, excuse yourself because I have no need of you,” I ordered.
“Yes, and I apologize,” she answered and then took a few steps back before turning and walking away.
I closed the door and turned to look at everyone, who seemed surprised at how I had handled her.
“Desk, drawer,” Roman ordered.
I walked to my desk and opened a small drawer there, grabbing a small bottle of red liquid.
“Roman, what is this?” I asked silently.
“Take it,” he ordered as I hesitated, but I did. By the taste, I could tell it was blood, but definitely not human blood.
“Now then, let’s get on with it,” he said as I turned and looked at everyone.
“Lee, I’m ready,” I said as everyone gave me questioning looks.
“Of course. It won’t be hard to open a portal that leads to the coven castle or where the witch is,” Lee answered, then pressed both of his hands against the wall as a dark purple light began to glow from there.
I turned and walked to my wardrobe, pushing it open and grabbing a shirt.
As I put it on, I forced myself to maintain my posture. I was getting a little dizzy.
“It’s done,” Lee said.
“Who will go first?” Neo asked playfully.
“Me, of course,” I answered, then smirked.
As much as I was worried, I wanted answers for my parents’ death, and I was going to get them even at the cost of others’ lives. I walked into the portal with the others following behind.
Once I had stepped out, I found a lot of guards with their weapons pointed at me.
Fuck! They definitely were expecting us, but just to be sure, I was going to test them.
“Am I in trouble for you guys to point a lot of weapons at me?” I asked loudly so those behind me wouldn’t walk out of the portal.
“Master Garren, we are sorry for acting rude towards you. It’s just that no orders were given to us by the elders or information of your coming,” one guard, who by his outfit I could tell was the leader, answered.
“Now that you know, lower your swords before you make me uncomfortable and end up pissing me off,” I said in a loud growl.
They all looked at the man who hesitated but nodded.
I watched happily as they all lowered their weapons. I moved closer to the leader with a smile and stood in front of him.
“Wrong move,” I whispered.
“What?” the man asked, then let out a scream when I sunk my teeth into his neck.
As I drank the horrible blood greedily, the rest of the group walked out of the portal. I could hear another guard yell, and the rest of them readied their weapons.
“He has betrayed us! It’s an ambush! Go and warn the elders…” His sentence was cut short, followed by a loud growl.
I threw the lifeless body on the ground, then looked around.
Everything that was happening was playing out like a movie.
Lee stood behind Chase, both of their backs facing each other. They had their hands extended as they worked their magic.
Although Chase’s blasts made one fall unconscious, Lee’s magic was very deadly. Once hit, it broke one’s body parts like a freaking possession. Aurora was in her wolf form, jumping from one vampire guard to another, biting them down, while Ian was right at her side in his human form, ripping heads off.
I looked at the other side and noticed that the twins were surrounded by a lot of guards, yet they looked so happy as they held their ground, taking the guards down while moving together in split movements. They were like two different pieces of a puzzle that worked together amazingly, and doing it in human form on top of that. They really had my respect.
I gasped in pain when I felt a sword pierce my back and push deeper.
Blood drooled on my cheek as the pain intensified. I slowly turned and looked at the guard who was trembling.
Before I could react, Roxanne jumped on the guard in her wolf form, ripping him into pieces right in front of me.
I moved my hand and grabbed the sword.
“This is going to fucking sting,” I whispered, then slowly began pulling it out while groaning in pain. Roxanne turned into her human form and rushed to my side, grabbing my hand.
“I’m okay,” I whispered, and then threw the sword on the ground once it was out.
I turned to look at the rest. Most of the guards were down, and only a few were trying hard to stay alive.
“We are going in!” Felix screamed at the top of her voice as she ran up the stairs, with Neo and Leomord right behind her.
She was about to reach the entrance to the castle when a flashlight hit her and the ones behind her, sending them flying back to the ground where we were.
I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them and looked at Bianca, who stood at the entrance with a smile.
I knew that the coven elders had special abilities; that’s why they were elders. But little did I know they were this unique. If Bianca’s power was that powerful, I didn’t even want to imagine what abilities others had.
“You are not welcome in the castle, you dogs. You can only step foot outside,” she said, then looked at me with a disappointed look before shifting it back to Felix, who was already on her feet. She looked unaffected, while the other two had some injuries on them.
“Surrender now or deal with us, the elders,” she said as the rest of the elders came out and stood next to her.
Ian shifted into his human form and stepped forward, raising his hand to show them his middle finger.
“How about you go fuck yourselves!” he spat.
“Have it your way,” she hissed as the elders began going down the stairs.
Felix and I rushed ahead in a flash movement, raising our fists together to strike one of the elders, but the punch was easily guarded.
I was about to raise my other fist when I was pushed back by a wave that felt like wind.
The elder smirked as the wave intensified, making it hard for me to move forward.
When I glanced to the side, I noticed the rest were fighting, doing their best, and I was the only one pushing them back.
“Roman!” I exclaimed.
“Roger,” he answered and then took over as we shifted into our lycan form. When he growled loudly, the ground shook badly, and that seemed to work because the elder fell to the ground and the wave vanished. Before she could stand, we pounced on her, biting down on her throat and separating her head.
Roman pulled back as I ran to Roxanne’s side before she could be tackled to the ground by Bianca.
I grabbed Bianca’s hand and raised my foot, hitting her chest, sending her flying to the ground. She landed on her two feet with an intense smile.
“Roxanne, stay behind me,” I ordered, knowing very well that her smile was intended to let me know that she was going to harm her badly.
A loud whimper made me turn, only to see that Roxanne was no longer behind me but far ahead, running and shifting violently, trying to get an elder off her back who was clawing at her. Every time he slipped, as if he was falling, she tried to bite him off, but he flawlessly evaded her every attempt, as if he was having fun. I was getting angry just watching that bastard in action.
I was about to move when I felt my feet get stuck to the ground. I tried again but failed. Everything was going badly. Although Ian and the rest were fighting and trying to hold their ground, they were badly injured. They had been deliberately separated so they could be easily killed.
I tried again to move when I felt sharp teeth pierce my skin.
The pain was so intense that I fell to the ground. Hands on my shoulders pinned me down, forcing me to submit. I looked ahead and saw that Felix was being grabbed on both sides by two guards, while an elder thrust his hand into her chest to rip out her heart.
Lee was about to cast a spell when a dark smoky blast hit him, making him step backwards with blood coming out of his mouth.
I looked back at the love of my life and saw how she was surrounded by more than three elders who were taking turns clawing at her back. Ian and Amelia, too, were surrounded by the newly reinforced guards that had come from the castle.
I felt weak and, for the first time, a fear that I had never known. The fear I was feeling wasn’t that of dying, but of failing to fulfill my promise of protecting Roxanne.
“Roman, please,” I whispered, feeling myself becoming weaker.
“With pleasure,” came his response as he took over, grabbing the hands that were on us and breaking them.
When he stood up, he shifted into his lycan form, growling loudly. The growl wasn’t like the first one; this was one the elders had heard before in the past. It was a growl of anger, one that turned him into an unstoppable, bloodthirsty monster.
All the elders instantly stopped and began retreating, their eyes locked on him. As they all moved backwards with terrified expressions on their faces, a woman appeared at the entrance and raised her hands in the sky, causing a shield to go down.
“They are running away!” The twins, who were covered in blood in their human form, screamed together.
“Not a chance,” Ian yelled as he rushed after them.
The last thing I could see before being completely shut in the dark was Roman rushing in full speed ahead.