Garren’s POV:
“Aren’t you exhausted?” I asked Roxanne softly, then yawned.
The whole night, we chatted about our past lives and spent hours laughing and jokingly mocking each other. It was a first for me, and my desire for sex was easily overcome by my need to get to know her more.
“Why should I be?” she asked back.
“Because it’s morning, and we didn’t sleep a wink,” I answered.
She shifted in my embrace, then laughed softly.
“I don’t want to sleep,” she whispered as I pulled her even closer.
When a knock on the door came through, I cursed in silence, then slowly let her go and sat upright on the bed.
“Roxanne,” a familiar female voice called.
“I’m coming,” Roxanne answered and then got up and walked to the door.
“Good morning, Nana,” she greeted in a respectful tone once the door was opened.
“Morning, child. Your father has asked me to invite you to his office,” she answered.
Roxanne looked at me with a frown, then back at her.
“He wants to talk to me, why?” she asked as the woman at the door walked past her and looked coldly at me.
I quickly got to my feet and smiled at her.
“Good morning, ma’am,” I greeted softly.
I didn’t like how she was looking at me, but I had to remind myself who she was. She was Ian’s mother and Roxanne’s grandmother, so she deserved my respect.
“Your father doesn’t want to talk to you alone. He said he wants to have a word with the hybrid as well,” she answered with detest as I held in a growl that was building up.
What had happened to the kind, friendly woman I had come across yesterday?
In front of me was a cold, old, bitter bitch.
“Grandmother, he is my mate and his name is Garren,” Roxanne answered softly as I raised a brow, thinking of how to respond to her disrespect.
“How about we show her her place?” Roman suggested.
“No,” I answered, then took a few steps closer to her.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, for…”
“Stop. You don’t have to say a word or even breathe out. As soon as everything is settled, please leave,” she said coldly, cutting me off, then turned and walked away before I could respond.
I stood, looking at Roxanne angrily.
“Did your grandmother just tell me to die?” I asked seriously, ignoring Roman who was furious and trying to take over to show her who she ought to fear and respect.
Roxanne moved with a soft sigh and wrapped her arms around my waist.
“I will talk to her, so please don’t get upset. She’s just very concerned about you being a hybrid and my mate,” she whispered softly, then tiptoed and looked at my lips.
I hesitated but gave in and slowly leaned in and kissed the side of her lips gently before pulling back. Instantly, Roman and I felt calm and better when the tingles spread throughout our bodies.
“Your father is obviously waiting for us, so we should go,” I said in a low tone, then placed a quick kiss on her forehead before stepping back.
“I guess taking a bath would take a long time. We still look like we did yesterday, right?” she asked as I shook my head with a fake smile.
Her hair was a mess and I was guessing mine was as well because it was let down.
“Let’s go,” she said softly, then grabbed my hand and led me out of the room as I followed with a wide smile.
It wasn’t a bad thing to act differently once in a while. I usually dressed up and looked my very best whether I was home or not, but today I wanted to see how it would be to meet someone without taking care of myself.
A second ago, I wasn’t happy about that woman’s words, but now just holding hands with my mate made everything seem like a bad dream I had for a second. I still couldn’t believe how good it felt to have a mate.
I was so happy that it made me a little scared. If something were to go wrong at the coven, then these moments with her would be my last.
She stood outside Ian’s office door and knocked twice.
“Get in,” Ian’s voice responded.
I was about to pull my hand back immediately when she opened the door, but her grip tightened.
She walked in with me and closed the door behind her.
“You called for us?” she asked once she was facing him and Amelia.
He was standing behind the chair Amelia was sitting on, and he looked a little pale. My guess was that he had spent the whole night awake, going through something or training.
“Yes, please sit down. Also, I apologize for calling you right after waking up,” Ian said as I chuckled softly.
He was saying this definitely because our hair looked messy.
“Thanks,” she said, then moved to where the couch was.
I sat down and patted next to me, hoping she would sit by my side. But she shocked me when she moved and sat on my lap.
I widened my eyes in surprise, then looked at Ian and Amelia, who looked so calm and unbothered by what was going on.
“Are you settled now, daughter?” he asked Roxanne.
She leaned her head against my chest and nodded.
I tensed, not knowing what to do. Was she not embarrassed or scared acting like that in front of them? I couldn’t figure her out. He was her father, but he was also the Alpha of the pack.
“I called the two of you here because I wanted to talk to you about something very important. But first, I want to ask you something, Garren,” he said as I frowned deeply when Roxanne grabbed my arm and moved it around her waist.
“Hold her,” came Roman’s command.
“Are you freaking kidding me? We are in front of her damn parents!” I yelled silently.
“Makes it even more fun,” came his response.
I hesitated before doing just what he had ordered.
She giggled, then moved her hand to my stomach, rubbing there gently as if to feel abs.
I swallowed hard as my heart picked up.
“Roxanne,” I whispered and then closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.
I didn’t want her touching me in a way that would arouse me. Taking a deep breath seemed like the best decision, yet it turned out to be not because her scent was getting stronger as I breathed out.
“Garren!” Ian called in a commanding tone, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Ask away, sir,” I found myself responding in a respectful tone, and that seemed to make him happy because a smile appeared on his face.
Damn it.
I was already showing him respect as if he was above me when he wasn’t.
“I wanted to ask you if the witch working for the coven has the ability to listen in on conversations,” he said.
I kept quiet, then shook my head.
“She wouldn’t do that,” I answered as he frowned.
“You know, witches have different abilities. It is possible she could,” Amelia pointed out.
“I know, but the witch the coven uses has no such ability,” I answered seriously.
Although I had met her a few times, I couldn’t see her face. However, I learned about her abilities from Bianca.
“Good, because what I want both of you to do is listen very carefully to what I’m about to say,” he said as Roxanne quickly sat upright.
“Let’s not waste time and strike the coven while we have a chance. I don’t care if it’s a trap or not, because we really need to take them down now before they have time to think of a way to do it first. They might not attack my pack now, but who knows what will happen in the next few years? They could destroy everything I have built,” he said.
“It’s really not a bad idea that we should take them down, but when do you plan to ambush them?” I asked seriously.
“In the next two weeks. What do you think?” he asked.
What did I think? It wasn’t a bad idea at all. It made me happy knowing I would die with him if something went wrong on that side.
“I think it’s a perfect idea. Also, if you would permit me, I would like to use your training field, and I want the room that is close to my mate’s,” I answered.
“Consider it done,” he said without hesitation.
I looked at Roxanne and saw that she was pouting cutely.
What did she think, that I would be sleeping in her room? I wasn’t going to torture myself in that way.
I laughed softly, then stood up and lifted her in my arms.
“Then excuse us,” I said as I walked to the door.