Book 1 Chapter 56

Book:The Dominant Alpha (Series) Published:2025-3-10

Amelia’s p. o. v
I was uncomfortable over his cold expression while Aurora was calm.
“Will he hurt us?” I asked silently.
“Never.” She responded.
“He really does love us a lot. What we can’t do is rush him into anything just because he is willing to change.” She answered.
His expression softened and he nodded.
“I think it’s time to change a few things about our pack. Thinking about your words seriously, I realize how we are all living badly, just because we are under a curse.” He answered.
“A curse?” I asked curiously.
“Well, yes. My pack is cursed.” He answered.
“I don’t understand.” I said honestly.
He moved his hand and brushed my hair backwards as he began to tell me the whole story. Half an hour went by and I understood everything.
I was stunned over his revelation and very much shocked.
“So each night of the full moon you go through unbearable pain?” I asked seriously.
“Yes.” He answered then sighed softly.
“Have you ever tried to find any direct descendant of that witch?” I asked seriously.
“No. I gave up after tirelessly searching for anyone powerful enough to break the spell. Also, now that I have you I’m sure it will all be fine.” He answered.
I quickly stood up and cleared my throat. No, I wasn’t going to break down in front of him, that would give me out.
“How about I make you something delicious to eat?” I asked then turned to look at the door when I heard a knock.
Ian stood up lazily and walked to the door opening it.
“What do you want?” He asked Nana coldly who was standing with a tray of food in her hands.
“I cooked something for the two of you, I hope you don’t mind. I and Toni have already eaten our meal, so this is yours. I gave it my best.” She answered softly.
“Take that trash away from me, my mate is very much capable of cooking for me.” He spat.
“Oh.” She whispered sadly.
“I’m sorry for disturbing you.” She said in a low tone then turned to walk away.
“Nana.” I called loudly, quickly walking to the door and standing next to Ian.
“We will eat this meal. Thank you very much for preparing it.” I said as I extended my hands to her.
“Amelia what are you doing?” He asked seriously.
“I’m very hungry Ian, I hope you won’t be upset with me for wanting to eat.” I answered after Nana had handed me the tray.
He sighed loudly then turned and walked back to the bed.
“We will eat this wonderful meal, so don’t be sad.” I whispered.
She smiled happily then nodded.
“Thank you so much for being in my son’s life. Even though he is clearly annoyed by me for keeping the truth from him, he can’t seem to hate me and that’s all because of you.” She whispered back.
I frowned then smiled forcefully. Her kindness would turn into hate if she had an idea over what I was planning to do. It really was a good thing that I told no one about my planned departure.
I turned and went back to where Ian was sitting.
“Here food.” I said then put the tray on the bed and sat down.
He wasn’t looking at me or the food, his gaze was fixed to the wall ahead.
“Please don’t be mad at me.” I whispered softly.
He sighed loudly then looked at me.
“I am not mad at you Amelia, I am upset with her.” He answered.
“But she’s your mother.” I pointed out.
“Yeah right, a mother I don’t need.” He spat.
I moved my hand and grabbed his gently.
“Please let’s eat this wonderful meal she has prepared.” I said pleadingly.
“I’m not hungry.” He answered.
I let go of his hand and looked at the covered large bow on the trey which had a set of two knives and forks there.
I carefully took off the cover from the bowl and froze for a second.
Was it actually pizza I was seeing!. No way!.
I inhaled the beautiful aroma of the food happily, which made my mouth water.
“Is this Pizza?” I asked cheerfully.
“Yes, it’s called Zucchini Pizza Casserole. It’s my favourite, which Nana usually makes whenever I am angry or tired.” He answered reluctantly.
Wow, she truly was doing everything she can to have his forgiveness. It would be terrible if Ian wouldn’t forgive her.
I picked up my fork and got a piece from the pizza.
“Say ah.” I said seriously.
“What?” He asked loudly.
“Come on, say ah before I feel embarrassed. I’m trying to feed you Ian.” I answered.
He smirked then leaned in and took the piece in his mouth.
“Delicious right?” I asked calmly while I watched him chew.
“Not really.” He murmured under his breath.
I smiled then picked another piece for myself and chewed enjoying how tasty it was.
As I ate and fed him I wished I had more time to learn what his favorite meals were and how to prepare them.
I couldn’t help but imagine myself in the kitchen with him by my side, either helping me out or keeping me company. After that, we would eat like we were eating right now then take a shower together, make love if he wanted to and rest in each other’s arms for the night.
“Amelia what is it?” He asked in concern.
“What?” I asked back seriously.
He moved his hand to my cheek and wiped off the tears I had no idea I was shedding.
“Amelia, something is definitely wrong with you, you can tell me and I promise to listen without losing my temper.” He said softly.
I moved his hand from my face and laughed softly.
“What are you talking about?. I was just wondering how it would be if my father was alive, I am sure he would have loved this meal.” I lied.
He sighed softly then stood up from the bed and walked to the whiskey table grabbing the bottle.
“You don’t have to be hard on yourself. I’m sure he would want you to be happy while you remember and think about him.” He answered, then opened the bottle and drank from it.
I stood up and walked to where he was after looking at the half eaten pizza.
“Thank you.” I said softly.
He leaned in and kissed my forehead tenderly.
“I’m sure you are very tired, please get some rest. We will talk tomorrow.” He said softly.
I nodded then went to where the trey was, lifting it up.
“Goodnight Ian.” I whispered then walked out of the room with blurry eyes.
After making sure Toni was asleep, I was going to write a letter for Ian and run away. I was counting on Aurora to lead us to a safe place.