Chapter 136

Book:Sinful Empire Published:2025-3-10

I’ve spent most of the last few days watching rubbish television shows, reading, or sleeping. Despite eating regular meals now, I’m still feeling sick. I am considering having Daniel take me to a doctor because I think I have a stomach virus. That or he’s poisoning me.
I have considered that possibility.
Though I’ve kept an eye out, and he eats the same food as me, I’ve noticed nothing different. I’ve even switched plates with him a few times when he got up, and nothing has happened to him.
It worries me; I rarely get sick. I can count the times I’ve been sick in my twenties on two fingers, if you know what I mean.
I don’t want to ask him for medication. I don’t want him to have access to medical care for me. Who is to say he wouldn’t drug me? I wouldn’t put anything past him.
I have been messaging and calling Ivan but not saying much, and he has been asking me to talk to him face-to-face. I can’t leave it for too much longer, or he’s going to get really angry or think I’ve been kidnapped and try to save me. He keeps asking if he can see me with his men, and I keep telling him no. He’s not happy that I’m defying him, I know that, but there’s nothing I can do. I know Daniel will kill anyone who comes onto this property. I also don’t know where this property is, and no one can trace my phone’s location.
On top of everything, we haven’t left the house at all. Daniel watches me when I go into the back garden on occasion so I can get some fresh air and sunlight. He doesn’t let me out of his sight when I do that. If we need something for the house or ourselves, someone delivers it, usually around back, and I’m ordered to the other side of the house so no one learns that I’m here.
Just in case.
Just in case of what? I thought the Dons were scared of Daniel and wouldn’t dare to attack him. Maybe he’s keeping something more from me.
Maybe they aren’t as scared of him as he’s made them out to be. I mean, they are the most powerful families in Sicily.
It doesn’t matter anyway because Daniel seems hellbent on protecting me, as promised, and he goes to extraordinary lengths. In my short bouts in the garden, I’ve seen the cameras and sensors. At first, I thought it was to keep me in, but I’ve since realized it’s to keep everyone else out.
Still, I’m going stir-crazy, and my loyalty to my family still comes first in my eyes. I’ve been psyching myself out the last few days to prepare for today. I am sure he won’t deny me if I remain calm and confident. I don’t know if I don’t ask, right? And the worst answer he could likely give me is no.
So I sit in the kitchen eating breakfast, sipping on coffee, and wait until his mouth is full before I look up. My words are quick but firm. “I am going to see Ivan today. I’ll need the car.”
He doesn’t look up. He seems unsurprised by my announcement and calmly finishes chewing and wiping his mouth on a napkin.
“Of course, you’re welcome to see your family. I will be accompanying you, though.” Now he meets my eyes, and I shudder inwardly. His eyes are calculating and cold. I didn’t expect him to agree; he seems to have predicted this move. I don’t want him to go with me. I want privacy with Ivan to explain the situation because I know Daniel won’t let me tell him the truth if we’re standing there together.
“Ivan will kill you,” I say simply, looking down at my food, trying to remain calm.
He doesn’t say anything, and when I look up, he smiles. I don’t think he’s scared of anything or anyone. That’s worrisome.
I leave to put my shoes on, and when I return, he’s waiting at the door to the garage with the car keys. He opens the passenger door for me.
“Not going to make me sit in the trunk?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “I think you’ve earned a little trust. You know, telling anyone where we are endangers your well-being, not mine.”
I nod and slip into the passenger seat and buckle up. I’m nervous to see Ivan, but I want Ivan to know what’s happening. Daniel drives in silence toward Ivan’s house, and as he approaches the gate, a guard steps up to his window, which he rolls down.
I lean over Daniel and start speaking in Russian. I want to alert him to the fact I’m being kept against my will so he can tell Ivan. Maybe that way, they can surprise Daniel. Before I can say anything, though, Daniel turns to me and tells me to remember why we’re here, except he tells me in Russian. The asshole speaks Russian.
I nod. “I know.” The guard nods and waves us through as the gate slides open.
Daniel doesn’t look at me as he says, “If you think anyone can detain me, just know that I can free myself. I will kill your family and everyone in this house. Including Ivan.”
I nod. I was caught off-guard that he speaks Russian, even with his accent. He pulls up to the house and exits the car. I wait for him to open my door, and we walk toward the house. A guard stops him and searches him for weapons. Then they search me. This surprises me even more, but I suppose they don’t know where I’ve been or what I’ve been up to, so they need to be safe.
We’re led inside by one of the guards. I don’t see Tori, Roman, or Ana anywhere. The guard stops outside Ivan’s study door and gestures for us to enter. I walk in ahead of Daniel and hold my head up high.
Ivan is standing at his desk, leaning on his hands. “Natalia. Where have you been? Who is this?”
“This is Daniel, my husband,” I say, trying to keep confident. I just wanted to show you we’re fine, that no one’s hurt and that what I’ve been saying is true.
Ivan looks at Daniel and says, “Name your price to release her from this marriage.”
“Ivan…” I start to say.
“Quiet,” he barks at me, looking back at Daniel. “Property? Money? What do you want to give my cousin her freedom? I’m open to negotiations.” Ivan stares him down, but Daniel doesn’t flinch.
“Didn’t you hear her? I’m her husband. I’m not holding her prisoner, Mr. Volkov. Marriage was both our choice.” He looks at me.
I nod. “He’s right. He asked me to marry him, and I said yes.”
Ivan slams his hand onto the table. “I will not stand for this. I know this a bullshit cover-up.” He glares at me. “You are a special Bratva member, and I am not having your freedom taken from you by some
Irishman. I don’t care how powerful he is.”
I keep quiet as Daniel engages with Ivan, insisting that I have freedom and choose to remain with him. They start raising their voices at each other until I can’t take it anymore. I raise my hands in the air.
“Enough! I am not a piece of property to be argued over. You cannot go to any court and lay claim to me.” I glare at both of them and then look sternly at Ivan. “I am choosing to stay with him, Ivan.
He glares at me. “You can stay here at my house. I’ll order it.”
I shake my head. “No, I am going with Daniel.”
Daniel steps forward. “And if you try to stop me, you will quickly find out who I am and regret your choice.”
They stare at each other before Daniel turns and takes my hand, leading me out. None of the guards try to stop us, so Ivan clearly heeds his warning. Daniel is fearless in threatening Ivan, but I also know my cousin is strategic, and he’ll want to find out who exactly Daniel is before he makes a move.
Daniel opens the car door for me, and I get in. He slips into his seat, and once we’re buckled up, we leave, the gate opening without pause. I don’t look back as we drive off. I know Ivan will want to track us, but I have a feeling Daniel would easily lose anyone tailing us. He’s been in this game long. He’s been anonymous his entire life; now is not the time he will get caught out.
It doesn’t take them long to reveal that they’re following us. It’s so obvious that it makes me wonder if Ivan is all that good. I’m not impressed, judging by the amateurs he hires. I keep calm and lull them into a false sense of security. Natalia looks at me.
“You’re going the wrong way.”
“Your cousin is having me tailed by some junior asshole with no sense of discretion,” I comment.
“You’re driving rather slowly for someone who doesn’t want to be tailed,” she comments. She doesn’t look back, though, which I appreciate.
I turn down a road and head toward a high-traffic area that I know is quick-flowing. At the last minute, I speed up, check the traffic and skip the stop street, pulling into traffic, and then I pick up even more speed. I weave through traffic effortlessly, and it doesn’t take long to lose the idiots.
“Your cousin’s going to be annoyed with them.” It’s a simple statement.
She shakes her head. “Please don’t hurt him.”
I glance at her. “From what I said, how did you hear I would hurt him?”
“I know what men like you do to people who inconvenience you.” She’s authoritative; it’s sexy.
“I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t hurt my family. That’s my only request.” I can hear the plea in her voice. She clearly thinks I’m more dangerous than Ivan. I don’t blame her. My reputation precedes me in every corner of the world.
I sigh as I take a turn off. “I don’t have any interest in hurting your family. There’s nothing I would gain by attacking Ivan Volkov. However, we will have to stay indoors for a few days to keep safe. You will have to accept that. It’s too risky to go out at the moment.”
“You lost the tail, and we have a wall a couple of feet taller than me around the house. What do you think is going to happen?” she asks quietly.
I stop at a traffic light and look at her. “Natalia, I’ve already buried three guys in the backyard. Hitmen that were looking for you because there’s still a very active hit out for you. And looking for me because I betrayed my clients. Until I can arrange a meeting with the families to settle this peacefully or with their deaths, I don’t want to take risks.”
Natalia looks at me, meeting my eyes. I nod. “I’m glad we agree.”
I pull off, and it doesn’t take long before I pull straight into our garage and shut it behind us. “Wait here.” I get out of the car. “I need to check the perimeter and house to make sure it’s safe.”
She does as she’s told, at least, and once I’m confident the house hasn’t been tampered with and no one is on the property, I go collect her.
She puts a hand to her stomach as she walks into the kitchen. “My stomach is sore. I’m going to lie down.”
“Your stomach gets sore a lot.” I glance at her.
“Yeah, well, your cooking isn’t that great,” she says, turning to leave.
“I don’t see you offering to cook,” I call. I wouldn’t let her cook anyway. It gives her a way to kill me that I might not necessarily be able to detect.
I need to find men. Men I can trust to protect us. I start making a list of men who are in my debt and fear me more than their maker. I start calling and engaging with them, offering them high pay if they’re willing to come on board as security detail.
Some of them have died since I last spoke to them, which is a pity, but it is the nature of our business. I secure five well-trained, dangerous men I know wouldn’t betray me.
I then check my emails for any job contacts. There’s one email that instantly catches my attention.
Evgenii Volkov.
I open the email and read it with mild amusement.
It didn’t take me long to locate you. You don’t hide your contact details very well. Mr. Volkov, head of the Volkov family, informs me that you have forced my sister Natalia Volkov to marry you. I don’t know what you’re holding against her, but I can assure you I have more than enough assets to pay off whatever debt she owes you.
Return her to our family. Mr. Volkov is willing to go to great lengths to protect her. She is of no use to you, anyway, as her loyalty lies firmly with her family. No one can ever doubt that.
I chuckle softly. These guys who ascend the ranks of the families get softer the less they are physically involved with sorting out their family issues. I know Evgenii. I’ve heard about him and his wife and kid. Rumor has it that he is now training Ivan’s daughter to take over the family. It isn’t surprising that she would, though. From what I’ve heard, she’s pretty ruthless.
I hit the reply button.
I don’t think you quite comprehend who I am because you seem only to know my name and my more public contact details. These are for the people who don’t need someone of my skill to solve their problems.
You should hire more professional people to tail me, those guys were amateurs, and it didn’t take much to spot or lose them. I don’t appreciate the tail, though, even if I understand why it was ordered.
Natalia willingly married me, and there’s nothing more to it than that. I request that you leave us alone for our honeymoon period, or I’m afraid I will have to take more drastic actions.
Feel free to call her, but if I find you know our location or you try to approach our apartment, I will shoot and ask questions later. D.
I say apartment so they don’t look for a house. He’s probably going to be so smug when he reads this email. He’ll think he got me to give away details.
I have been doing this for far too long to give away even the most minute detail of my whereabouts. I shut my computer and turn the coffee machine on. I take out my phone and turn on the camera in Nat’s room.
She’s lying on her side, hugging her stomach. She’s had a sore stomach for some time, and I am growing worried that it’s something serious. I think I should arrange for her to see a doctor.
I’m about to turn the camera off when I look at her hand placed carefully on her belly. It triggers a thought in my mind that I don’t particularly like.
It wasn’t long ago that we slept together, but it’s not unheard of that women spend their entire pregnancies being ill. If she’s pregnant…
The thought is probably the scariest one I’ve ever had, but at the same time, it triggers a primal urge in my body, my soul, to ensure that she is protected even more now. If she’s carrying my child, then no one will come near her.
I log online under my female alias and order a pregnancy test. I need to know; I have to know. I’m sure she wants to know as well. If it’s not… a tiny seed of disappointment forms in the pit of my stomach.
I never wanted kids. This isn’t the life I’d wish on others, but now that there’s a possibility, I’m worried she isn’t pregnant. My emotions are raging all over the place, and I don’t know what to do with myself.
I make myself some coffee and watch her on the camera. She is sleeping so soundly, so she must have some sense of trust in me.
If Ivan and Evgenii find out she’s pregnant, they might back off about the marriage because I know, as hypocritical as it is, these mafia families are hectic about religion and having kids before you’re married.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I pace up and down, unsure what to do with myself. There’s a notification on my phone, and I disarm the back and go to the secret entryway. There’s a package left there for me. A small package. I take it inside and sit in the kitchen.
I’m not waiting for her to get up because I’m not playing the waiting game. We’re going to confirm this very quickly, and if it is, then I need to make arrangements.
My brothers would find this hilarious. I’m the only one out of them dead set against having children, and now I’m going to be the first one who has one.
I wonder if I should contact them. It’s been a long time.
I’d rather leave it for an emergency.
I glance at the camera and see Natalia waking up and stretching, and my stomach knots.