Having finished church and arrived at my babushka’s restaurant, I hold onto Roman as Tori excuses herself to assist with the food.
She is such a good wife, just falling into line.
I bounce Roman on my hip. He is hyper-focused on playing with my hair. I feel someone approach, and I glance over my shoulder to see my father standing just behind me.
“Papa!” Roman exclaims with a giant smile.
“Ana, you barely said anything to anyone at church. This juvenile behavior must come to an end.”
I turn my head so he isn’t in my line of vision at all, and he sighs. “Ana, you’ll have to talk to me sooner or later. I love you. I will always love and protect you because you are my baby girl. You will learn to appreciate that one day.”
“As a father, I love you, but as head of the family, you should be teaching me how to be a leader so one day I can take over from you. If you won’t teach me that, I will teach myself.” I raise my chin defiantly.
“Watch yourself, Ana. You need to know your place in this family,” he says with a low, threatening tone as others start arriving.
“It’s you who should watch out for me because I am more powerful than you think,” I say, trying to sound confident.
I feel him lift Roman from my arms and look into his eyes. “You’re too immature to be a leader, so my first piece of advice is to grow up.”
I step away from him. “Since you want to treat me like a child, I will sit with the younger people in the room.” I walk away, knowing my father is fuming at the turn of events. I won’t let him emotionally manipulate me.
I go to where Kira and her husband, Miguel, sit with their children. I sit opposite them and smile.
“Hi, Ana. So nice of you to sit by us for once,” Kira says sweetly. I love her to pieces. She’s so kind-hearted.
“Thank you,” I say. “I thought it was time to sit by more warmbodied people.”
“You mean younger people,” Miguel chuckles. “Which is not always a bad thing.”
The chair next to me gets pulled out, and Luigi sits in it. I haven’t seen him since our fight. I inwardly groan because I don’t want to sit next to him any more than I want to sit with my father, but I can’t get up and abandon Kira now.
More of the Sorvinos are arriving now and finding their places, and I simply ignore Luigi. If I don’t talk to him, though, Kira will pick up that there’s tension between us, which might lead to questions that might lead to…
I don’t want to think about it. But as usual, I am worrying about nothing because no one passes any comments. Soon everyone is enjoying the delicious food my family has prepared, and several conversations develop up and down the tables. A shiny metallic green-wrapped box catches my eye. It’s between Luigi and me. He slides it over to me, but Kira notices. “What’s that?”
“Well,” Luigi says as I look at him,” I heard Anastasia dropped her phone the other day and was looking for a new one.”
I furrow my brows and unwrap the quaintly wrapped box to pull out a rose-gold smartphone, an upgrade from my previous one in my favorite color. “Thank you, Luigi. I really appreciate the thought.”
“I had your number ported to this phone, and it’s very secure,” I meet his eyes and know he means the phone can’t be traced.
“Thank you so much,” I grin and put the phone down, returning to my food. Everyone else close to us also continues with their food, but underneath the table, I put my hand on Luigi’s leg. I lean over to him and whisper, “We need to talk.”
“That’s why I gave you the phone,” he whispers. “I’ll call you later.”
I hear my father clear his throat, and I casually move away from
Luigi, keeping my hands to myself. After a moment, I glance around the table and see my father drinking some water. He was just clearing his throat, thankfully.
We wrap up lunch, and I put my focus on Kira, chatting to her about the bistro and Bella.
When it’s time to leave, I hug her tightly before following Tori to the car. I stare out the window, lost in thought, when my father asks grumpily, “Why did Luigi Sorvino give you a new phone?”
“I broke mine, and he heard how upset I was about it,” I say, looking at my father calmly. “So he was just doing a nice thing by getting me a new one.”
“I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me,” my father huffs. “What are you keeping secret from me?”
“Every woman needs their secrets,” I comment, looking back out the window.
“You’ll need a date,” my father says, and my head almost whips around to look at him again. “Theater. We’re going to a big show during the week. You will need a date, it’s proper. Pick someone from our family, or even a guard if you prefer. Either is fine as long as you’re under protection.”
“Why not take Luigi?” Tori asks suddenly with a bright smile. I want to laugh at how my father’s eyes widen as she continues, “It could be your thank you for the new phone, taking him out. The man is cultured, believe it or not.”
“I am surprised. I won’t lie,” I smile at her warmly.
“Well…” my father starts to say, but Tori elbows him and gives him a look.
“I mean, if you want to thank him, then he can come. At least he can protect you.” My father looks sulky, and nothing could make me happier.
I spend the rest of the day reading and keeping myself busy. My phone goes off around seven, and I glance at the message. The sender is saved as ‘Italian Stallion’, and I shake my head.
It says he’s ready if I am. I message back to give me a few minutes. I go back into the house and pause where Tori is sitting with a book. “I’m going to turn in early. I’m exhausted and not feeling well.”
“Do you want something?” Tori asks, looking at me. “Is it your stomach?”
“No, just a general feeling of unwell. I’m sure I can sleep it off,” I assure her with a smile.
“Okay, but if you change your mind, just let me know.” She smiles gently. “Sleep well.”
“Night,” I call as I leave the room. I get into my room and lock the door, then move into my bathroom and lock that door.
Confident no one can hear me, but still keeping my voice low, I call my partner in crime.
“Luigi, what have you got?”
“Mateo Catalan is going to be at a charity street party in upper East Harlem this week Friday,” he says quickly. His voice is also quiet though I can’t imagine why. Maybe he is scared like I am.
“I’m supposed to ask you to go to the theater with me on Friday as my date.” Before he can say anything, I add, “It was your sister’s idea. A night out to thank you for the phone.”
He chuckles. “Okay, well, that’s perfect. We can sneak out of the theater, get to the party, kill Mateo, and get out and back before anyone notices we’re gone.”
“That’s what I’m thinking,” I say, smiling. My heart is racing, and I don’t know if it’s from the idea of how close I am to revenge or if it’s because I’m talking to Luigi.
Maybe a bit of both.
“Ana…” he pauses, and I want him to say something romantic. Something about needing me more than anything and wanting to see me right now: my father would kill him, though.
“Luigi,” I say quietly, “I have to go. My father is looking for me.”
It’s a lie, but I also need to protect my heart. I can’t fall for the Italian Stallion if I want to be the leader of the family. I also don’t want to place him in danger because I think a huge part of me would die if he was killed. I’d rather have him alive, in love with someone else, than dead because of me.
“Okay, text me later. Have a good night.”
“Good night,” I breathe before hanging up.
I sigh and look into my mirror. When did the circles under my eyes get so dark and prominent? I put my phone aside and cleanse my face before getting a face mask and smoothing it over my face.
I have to look my best if I’m going shooting.
I know I shouldn’t be doing this. Right now, the best decision is to stay away and get on with the regular family business.
I can’t.
I can’t because I promised Ana I would help her avenge her mother’s death. Besides the fact that Ana would get herself killed without me, I would have done the same thing. If I knew who killed my mother, I would. I understand Ana and what it means to grow up without a mother.
Yeah, I’ve got other women in your life, aunts, cousins, and Nonnas. It’s not the same as a mother. It never is.
As the hours tick by each day, I map out the entire area of the East Harlem street party. I check which positions would be best to launch our attack from.
I won’t be underestimating them again. This ‘break-off’ of the Catalan family, Jose’s last remaining legacy, is much more organized than I anticipated.
From my secret network of informants, I have found out that this cartel family has hired hitmen and trained guards. They’re not just big thugs who throw their weight around.
Getting to Mateo is going to be difficult, and I don’t think we’ll be able to get him from above. I guess all those buildings with a view of that stage will be closely guarded.
I message Anastasia.
Mission Plan.
Forget sniping. We’re going to have to take him out from the ground. Wait for a huge crowd to form and blend in.
I watch as she types.
I thought you said we would stick out among the Mexican community.
I smile.
It’s a huge party. There are going to be a lot of people from surrounding non-Mexican communities. We won’t be out of place.
The messages fly back and forth as I explain that we’ll need to mingle. Act like we’re there for a good time, preferably when the party gets going. We’ll sample food and drink while the evening progresses and wait for Mateo to go on stage to give a speech. Well, that’s when we’ll act.
We’ll get in front and take him out. The crowd will panic, and we will blend in again and move out of the area.
I smile. The plan is perfect.
I want to be the one who shoots him. I want to do this.
I’m not surprised by her request, so I tell her if she’s going to do the shooting, she will need to practice with me.
Under the guise of needing protection while she shops and has lunch, I offer to be Ana’s guard. Instead of shopping, eating and general socializing, I take her to a secluded gun range where we can practice together. At first, I stand behind her, my body against hers, as I correct her stance and grip.
She’s not a sniper, but she can hit the target well enough, and we’re going to be closer than the shitty paper man that’s getting hammered by her.
She doesn’t mention us, though. At first, I think she’s just seriously focused, but I feel like she’s avoiding the topic actively. I hate it. Being around her drives me wild, and I only want to protect her from everything. She is so professional, and all my brain keeps thinking about is how I want to bend her over the counter separating us and the targets, push her pants down, and ravish her.
No, I can’t do that.
She clearly doesn’t want there to be an us, if she’s working so hard to avoid discussing it. But a man can hope and dream.
Before I can blink again, it’s Thursday. After dropping Ana off, I head to my sister’s estate.
My nephew and niece are spending the evening with their Nonno Sunny, so Kira thought I could join her and Miguel for dinner.
We’re settled and eating before her true motive is revealed.
“So, Lui, I hear you are spending a lot of time with Anastasia
Such a seemingly innocent comment, especially from someone as sweet as my sister.
“You shouldn’t get involved with her,” Miguel says while he breaks up some garlic bread to eat. “You’re looking for trouble, and you could cause a rift between the families.”
I snort and shake my head. “What is with you guys? I’m a little bored, I don’t have anything to do, and I offer to babysit a princess and be friendly, and you’re acting like I’ve committed a crime.”
Kira looks at Miguel, and I give her a reprimanding look. “She is our brother-in-law’s daughter and the heir to the Volkov family. I’m not going to do something mad.”
They seem satisfied with my answers, but I’m not. The only reason I’m not going to do something is because Ana doesn’t want to. If she changes her mind, I would do so many things. So many sexy, hot, wet things to that woman.
I leave around nine, and as I’m driving, I decide it would be good to go over the plan at least one more time. I text Ana.
Wanna go over the plan again? Is there a way we can hang out so late?
I drive slowly in the direction of her house, hoping she’ll say yes but expecting a no.
I can sneak out to the beach from my house. Park down by the west stairway to the beach. I’ll meet you at the base of the stairs.
That ‘x’ is there again, and my heart flutters.
I’m there in almost no time, and I pace along the beach at the base of the stairs when I hear someone approaching. I turn and see Ana smiling.
“Come,” she says with a smile, “I know somewhere we can have some privacy.”
I walk alongside her in silence, not sure what to say. We reach a little alcove, and I turn to her. “If we do this, this could cause a war for our families.”
“I know,” she says quietly, adjusting the blanket wrapped around her waist. “But I need my revenge, and my father needs closure. I have the stomach for it.”
As she pulls the blanket free and lays it down on the sand, I say, “I know you do. I don’t doubt you for a second. But you don’t have anything to prove to anyone.”
“I need to prove it to myself,” she says as we sit next to each other. “Okay, well, let’s go over the plan again…”
As I start to explain it, she stops me by saying, “Did you enjoy it?” “Enjoy what?” I ask stupidly.
“Sex? With me?” She looks up at me, confusion in her eyes.
“Are you joking? Of course, I did. It’s all I’ve thought about since.” I reach for her hand, and she doesn’t pull back.
“I felt so guilty. I felt so bad that I wasn’t a virgin anymore that I can’t remember if I enjoyed it or if I was even any good.” She looks down, and I reach over and tilt her chin up so she looks at me.
“I’ve chased girls my whole life, and they always submit to me. You took charge. It was the sexiest thing in the world for me to submit to you.”
I see the look shift in her eyes as I continue. “It should always feel good. Otherwise, I’m not doing it right.” “You?” she murmurs.
I smile and kiss her softly. For a few moments, we simply lie on the blanket together, just kissing and touching each other on top of our clothes.
I don’t want to push it further. I don’t want her to feel as though she has to but soon her hand slips into my tracksuit pants, touching my erection. I sigh into her mouth. A thought crosses my mind and I smile against her lips.
I pull her hand away. “Lie on your back.”
She looks confused at first, but she turns over and onto her back. I grin, “Let me make you feel good.”
She giggles, and I shift down the blanket.
I slowly walk two fingers over her chest to her left nipple. There I slowly circle over the fabric. I see her bite her lip, watching me with an intensity that immediately makes me want to orgasm.
Her heavy-lidded eyes are focused on me and suddenly she slowly slides a hand down and shimmies her shirt up, exposing her breasts.
I grin and switch positions. I settle between her legs, but high up. I kiss around her nipples carefully before slowly circling the nub with my tongue. I smirk and blow on them, knowing the chill it creates will tease her. She makes a strange noise in the back of her throat, almost a pleasurable hiccup.
She shifts her hips under me as she gets aroused. I start sucking on her right nipple slowly. My hand massages its way down her body to the hem of her pajama shorts. The fingers snake in slowly.
No panties.
First, I cup her, merely holding her while I give her a light nip before going to the other nipple. She lets out a little moan. Her mound is feverish in my hand, burning like my desire for her.
I move my middle finger, parting her labia. She’s already so wet I could just take her straight away but I restrain myself.
I slide the finger up and down, gently stroking the sensitive area before I move my hand, so the tip of my middle finger lightly graces the tip of her swollen clit.
I look up at her and grin, kissing my way down her body.
Her eyes are closed, and her head is tipped back. Her breathing has quickened, and her eyes only open when I pull her shorts down.
“Part your legs,” I whisper, and with enthusiasm she does as she’s told. I hungrily devour her lubricated folds as though it were my last meal. She tastes of pure sweetness. All the good things that make life worth living. I’m so lost in pleasuring her that I don’t notice her cries, and when I do, I glance up to see she’s clutching the blanket as she’s tensing her body.
I smile and start sucking on her clit, hard. She tries to buck her hips, but I have her locked in place because I’ve hooked my arms under her legs. Without due warning, a dam breaks inside her, and I’m being showered in her orgasm.
I shake my head and grin at her. “Nice?”
She nods. “Yes.”
“While you’re recovering…” I grin and shift up, pulling my pants down. “This should feel a little extra good since you’re still riding a high.”
She looks at me wide eye, “Extra good?”
I smirk and relish in her soft cry of “I don’t know… Oh!” Head tipped back, she gasps as I push deep inside her still-tingling vagina. She arches her back, and her hands grip the blanket for dire life. “Oh, Yes!”
I grin, I want to move my hips hard and fast because I want to chase my own release and but I also want her to cum hard.
Still clutching the blanket underneath our bodies, her head thrashes around as she calls out in pleasure. I make out my name amongst what I assume are Russian curse words.
My balls tighten, and I lean forward so my arms are on either side of her. “Yeah. Yeah. That’s it. Squeeze tight for me.” I groan as she clenches around me. Another thunder shower erupts as I tilt my head back, unceremoniously grunting out as my sack unloads deep inside her.
I collapse on top of her and grin. “Still feel bad?” I murmur, breathless.
“Uh…” she sighs.