I’ve been sitting in my apartment for a few days just thinking about Arianna. I wonder how long it will take Helena to convince Romero to trust me, if she can at all. I don’t know what I expect to happen, but I know I can’t give up on us being together.
I can’t take this waiting anymore. I grab my bike keys and leave the apartment, driving to Brooklyn, where I know she likes to race. I pull into the lot and see no cars around, but I decide to wait. Maybe she’ll come past to look for a race and see me. I can only hope.
I see headlights flash, and my heart swells with excitement. The car stops, the lights turn off, and my blood runs cold.
It’s Dominic.
He climbs out of the car and walks toward me. “What are you doing here, Carmine?”
“Getting some fresh air,” I say, cocking my head to the side. “What about you?”
“You just can’t stop lying, can you?” Dominic growls. “This is why you can’t be trusted with my sister. Now, we told you not to see her, so what do you think you’re doing at a place she likes to visit.”
“Why are you acting like this?” I ask. “You are my best friend, Dominic. We are brothers. Do you really think so little of me that I can’t see your sister?”
“My sister has always been off-limits, brother,” he sneers. “You crossed that line.”
“I love her,” I say, raising my voice. “I love her more than you could ever understand. Or maybe you could, ‘caus
I reckon you love Sofia like I love Arianna.”
“Leave both of them out of this conversation,” Dominic snarls.
“I respect Alessandro doesn’t want me to see her, Dom, but nothing you say will change how I feel for her. I fucking love her. Whether I can be with her or not, I love her. There will never be another person for me.” I move to get my helmet, and Dominic watches me.
“I don’t want some player breaking my sister’s heart,” he says.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that, like what? A thousand times now. I don’t know if you are even listening to me, but I’m not a player. I won’t hurt her, ever. I would kill myself before I did.” I get on my bike and turn my head in his direction.
“What would you do?”
“What would I do about what?” he asks.
“If Sofia weren’t allowed to see you because of your playboy past? I mean, are you going to cheat on Sofia? Are you going to break her heart? I don’t think you will, yet you’re dead set I can’t have changed. Why is that?”
“Stay away from my sister,” Dominic says quietly. “I mean it, Carmine.”
“Whatever you say, brother.” I put my helmet on and start my bike, revving it loudly before zipping out of the parking lot back toward my apartment.
The door is slightly open when I get there, and I pull my gun from the holster on my hips. I nudge the door open slowly, but the lights are on, and Arianna is sitting in the living room, which I can see from the front door.
I lower the gun. “Ari, what are you doing here?”
She gets up and rushes to me, throwing herself against me. I wrap my arms around her. “Ari, what are you doing here?” I ask again. “If your brother finds out.”
“He won’t. He thinks I’m asleep in bed,” she says softly.
“He doesn’t think that,” I say, putting her at arm’s length. “He’s a really smart man.”
“I know, but I put measures in place to make sure if he checks on me, it looks like I’m there,” she grins. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
I shake my head and chuckle. “Of course I am. I mean,
I just came back from looking for you in Brooklyn.”
She stands on her toes and wraps her arms around my neck. “Then kiss me.”
I do kiss her. I kiss her as though this is my last moment on Earth, and I need to make it count. I put my gun on the counter and hold her ass, lifting her so she wraps her legs around me. I stumble slightly with the added weight but quickly navigate my way to my bedroom.
I drop her on the bed and grin. “I’m going to make you scream my name,” I promise.
I reach down and pull her shoes off, tossing them aside. Then I grab the hem of her tights. “Lift,” I command and pull down as she does so, leaving her in just a sheer pair of panties.
“Yummy,” I growl. She props herself up on her elbows as I spread her legs. I kiss her thigh gently. “I do love the way you taste.”
“How do I taste?” she asks, feigning curiosity.
“Like a breeze on a hot summer day,” I say quietly, kissing further up her thigh.
“Like a cold bottle of water after a marathon,” I continue, kissing closer to her mound.
She tips her head back. “Stop teasing, Carmine.”
I grin, hook a finger in her underwear, and tug it to the side. I place delicate kisses all over her lips before I slide my tongue between them, groaning softly for her pleasure. She whimpers, and I know she’s aching for this.
My dick is already standing at attention. I play with her clit with my tongue. Ringing that doorknob of Satan as though I own hell. I can tell by how she tries to shut her legs, arches her back, and whimpers that I’m doing the right thing. I slide two fingers into her and start to move them while I noisily slurp at the juices that spill out of her.
“Oh God, that is hot,” she cries out, bucking her hips slightly. “More.”
I grin and move my head quickly, so my tongue flicks quickly, driving her insane. Then I stop and slurp between her lips hungrily.
I stop and get up, and she whines slightly, but she grins as she sees me undoing my pants. “Oh yes, I don’t want no love involved tonight, Carmine. I want you to fuck me.”
I grin. “I’ll do that gladly, darling.” I push my pants down and pull out my rock-hard dick. I spit on my hand and rub it up and down the shaft before I position myself.
I don’t ask if she’s ready. I just push into her. I don’t wait for her to get her bearings. I just start to pound in and out of her, moving my hips quickly. “Oh, fuck, yeah,” I groan, feeling the heat rise to my face.
I sit up and yank at her shirt, pulling it roughly over her head. She unclasps the front of her bar, and her boobs burst out as though begging for air. I put both hands on her breasts and squeeze as I continue to pound in and out of her. “Fuck, I’m going to cum real soon,” I grunt, her hips moving with mine.
“I want you to cum in me so badly,” she cries. “Make me your dirty little girl, Carmine.”
“You are mine,” I growl, letting go of her breasts and placing a hand on either side of her head. I kiss her roughly. “You belong to me.”
A few minutes of rough pounding go by, and I ejaculate the hardest I’ve ever done. I sit there panting, my dick softening while still in her. I pull it out and collapse next to her.
“You’ve got me bewitched,” I finally breathe out.
She laughs, and it’s the sweetest sound. “Well, we can do this all night.”
“I wish we could.” I turn on my side and prop myself up. “But it’s late, and you should be getting home.”
She pouts, and it breaks my heart. I kiss her nose. “We’ll see each other again soon. I promise. I meant what I said. You belong to me now.”
She smiles and kisses me softly. “For once, I don’t mind.”
After giving Carmine several kisses goodnight and almost losing my clothes again, I get into my car and join the traffic, ready to go home and sleep in. Traffic is a bit hectic, so I decided to take the scenic route through the outer suburbs. I’m not in a rush to be a caged bird again.
After the discussion with my father, I wonder if he’d speak to Alessandro for me, but I don’t want to ask. I don’t want to play into their hands where they feel they can control me.
I’m tired of being controlled.
Suddenly, my car veers to the side as a large SUV collides with my left side. I try to right myself, but it hits me again and sends me onto the shoulder of the turn and into the barricade. I hit my head on the steering wheel, and the world spins around me.
I feel nauseous, and I put a hand on my head. It comes back wet with blood.
My door wrenches open, and rough hands yank me out of my impala by the arm. I stumble and fall to the ground before two sets of hands drag me to my feet. A sack goes over my face, forcing me to walk blindly. I hit my head again and cry out in pain as they try to get me into a car. Probably the SUV.
My arms are twisted and tied behind me, and I’m left to lie on the vehicle’s floor. I can feel it start to move, and I feel every bump in the road as we leave my car behind.
I don’t know what this is about, but I think that if Carmine were still protecting me, I wouldn’t be in this situation. Whatever…whoever is doing this is after my family. Again, I’m just a pawn to be sacrificed for my family.
I close my eyes, my head is still spinning, and a headache is forming now around the area I hit it. Maybe I’ll bleed out before they can do anything really sinister to me. I hope so. I’m not naive to what families do to each other when an enemy member is captured.
I don’t know for how long we drive, but I feel whatever vehicle we’re in stop, and I’m roughly dragged out by my legs. I hit the tarred road hard, my chin hitting the rough surface, causing my teeth to clatter together and my headache to worsen. Luckily I didn’t bite my tongue off.
Roughhousing to get me back to my feet, I’m half walked, half dragged along. I know we enter a building because I hear the squeak of a door opening, and the temperature changes almost instantly.
We go up some stairs; obviously, thanks to my shins hitting every metal step going up.
“Can you at least let me walk normally or warn me if there are stairs?” I ask loudly, but there’s no response. Up another flight of stairs, I stumble, trying not to hurt myself, and then we walk along what sounds like a metal platform.
I’m forced into a chair. My arms are untied and then retied to the chair itself. I can’t chance to attack whoever brought me here without knowing how many people are in the room. As though an afterthought, I’m patted down for weapons, but I left my gun at home this time.
The sack is ripped off my head, and I squint at the bright light shining in my face.
“I don’t know who you are, but you just contact Alessandro Sorvino, and he’ll sort you out with whatever you want,” I shout.
“Whatever I want,” a male Russian voice says from the shadow. “Will he give me his wife’s head on a platter?
With his own?”
He steps into the light, and now that my eyes are adjusting, I can see he’s tall, with graying hair and a bunch of ugly scars across his face. His one eye is milky, definitely blind, and he has yellowing teeth as he sneers at me. “Did he offer my cousins what they wanted?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know anything about the family business. It’s my brother you want to deal with.”
“Oh, I’ll get to him eventually. After I pick off every single person that he loves,” he pauses and claps his hands. “Where are my manners? My name is Igor Triev, my brothers were head of the Russian mafia family, and your brother and his wife killed them. Are we all caught up on our family history?”
He leans down, and his breath reeks. I turn my face away and gag, but I don’t say anything. This is not something I can talk my way out of, and my brother’s advice is coming back to me now that my head isn’t pounding so hard. Don’t talk. It’s what they want.
“What’s wrong, little sparrow? No more songs to sing?” he asks, tilting my chin toward him with his dirty finger.
I pull away hard and glare at him.
“I have no time to go into details to placate you,” he says, standing and backhanding me. My head snaps to the left hard, and I taste blood in my mouth. I swallow, and I can feel my face stinging.
“I’m going to torture you, little sparrow until your brother starts to feel your pain. Do you understand me?” he grins down at me. “Then I am going to torture your mother. Your father. Your brothers. Your baby cousins. When I am done in New York, there will not be a single Sorvino left to take over the family business, and the family will be a lost thought in the air, completely forgotten.”
I glare at him defiantly as he says, “Bring the pliers.”
I clamp my mouth shut, and he laughs. “Oh, I won’t do your teeth just yet. This has to be slow. No, there are many ways to torture a person without having them die from shock or pain. I don’t want you to leave us too soon.”
I can feel the fear pumping through my body, but I refuse to let it show on my face. When Alessandro sees I’m not down for breakfast, he’ll know that I sneaked out, and he will come to find me. Then I feel sorry for this fucking clown because my brother does not play nice with people who hurt his sister.
They flatten my hand against the handle of the chair, and I try to clench it, but he’s already holding one of my fingers tightly.
I breathe hard through my nose, trying to tune out the pain. I shake my head, trying to keep myself distracted. I feel the pliers clamp on the nail. It has my fake nail as well as my real one. I try not to whimper, but I don’t think I have the pain threshold to deal with this.
As Igor starts to pull, I moan through my mouth. I pray he’ll stop. That he isn’t really going to go all the way, but as the nail parts with my finger, I keep my mouth clamped but shriek anyway.
I open my eyes to see the blood spurting out of my finger, and I feel hot tears on my face. I shake my head as he clamps the pliers on another one. “Wasn’t that fun?” I shake my head, but he starts pulling anyway.