I was dressed in a white long-sleeve short gown, matched with black thigh-high boots. My hair was tied up into a ponytail with two strands on each side of my face. I did a little bit of makeup, putting on my favourite strawberry lip gloss, before making my way out of my room and downstairs to the living room where my mom and Asher were.
I took a seat on the couch, my legs raised, resting on my mom’s lap. My phone buzzed in my hand, and I unlocked it to see that Hayden was texting me to let me know Kevin was on his way to pick me up. I sent him a quick okay before locking my phone.
“Do you know Hayden is taking you on your date?” My mom asked, pushing off my legs from her lap.
I shrugged, shaking my head. “I have no idea; he hardly tells me.”
“I’m so happy for the two of you, and Hayden is such a sweet boy.” My mom says, laughing. The sound of the doorbell ringing interrupted our conversation.
I stood up from the couch, made my way to the door, and opened it. I find Hayden standing with a bunch of roses in his hand.
“Hey, baby girl, you look beautiful.” He says it with a big smile on his face.
” Hi.” I smiled, giving way for him to enter.
“Hey Hayden.” My mom called out to him with a welcoming smile on her face.
“Good evening, Mrs. Adams.” He greeted my mom, taking out a single flower from the bunch of roses, then handed the roses to her. He turned to me to give me the single rose in his hand.
I pouted at him, making him laugh. He blips my nose, laughing at my facial expressions. He pinched my cheek softly, then made his way to where Asher was, picking him as he spun him around, making Asher let out a series of giggles.
He dropped down, and the two did their usual weird handshake. “Hayden, will you play ball with me?” Asher asked in his cute little voice, excited to see Hayden.
“I can’t, big man; I’m taking your sister out.” Asher pouts, his lips cast down. “What about on Saturday, just the two of us?” Hayden asked, trying to cheer him up. Asher’s lips stretched in a wide grin, and he nodded his head eagerly.
“It’s best we leave now.” Hayden suggested, his hand strapped behind my back. “See you later, Mrs. Adams.” He says to me, and the both of us make our way out of the house.
We got into Hayden’s car, driving out of my house to wherever Hayden had in mind for our date. I was excited for the day and curious to know whatever secret he was keeping from me.
We drove for an hour and parked in front of a fancy-looking restaurant. We both got out of the car. We made our way into the cosy restaurant with a marvellous view. I walked close to Hayden, his hand wrapped around my back.
We were greeted by the manager of the hotel before being directed to a table with two seats. There was a small candle light lit in the middle of the table, giving off a romantic atmosphere. The table was also decorated with a small case of flowers on each side.
Hayden pulled out a seat for me before taking his opposite mine. I looked around the restaurant, noticing the unique look, which led me to the conclusion that it was an Italian restaurant. I was surprised. I have never been to an Italian restaurant before or even had Italian food before. I was excited and couldn’t wait to taste them.
“Buonasera e benvenuto. C’e un menu sul tavolo da ordinare. Nel frattempo, posso offrirti da bere. (Good evening, and welcome. There is a menu on the table for you to order. In the mean time, can I get you any drinks?)” A male waiter said, speaking in Italian.
I didn’t understand Italian, but I had an idea of what he was talking about since he pointed to the menu on the table.
“Good evening. What is your finest wine?” Hayden replied, speaking in a very fluent Italian language. I still feel goosebumps in my skin even though I have heard him speak so clearly, especially when he calls me beautiful names in Italian.
“Abbiamo Barolo, Callet, Caminare Noir…” The waiter answered, listing different types of wine for Hayden.
“Prendero il Moscato d’Asti, thank you.”
“Sure.” He nods at us, leaving our table.
“I didn’t understand a word you guys said, but damn, you looked so hot speaking Italian.” I exclaimed with a grin on my face.
“Thanks, Amore.” Hayden smiled across the table at me. “Why don’t you look at the menu for what you want?” Hayden said, pointing to the menu on my side of the table. He picked his as well, going through it.
I looked at him, admiring his handsome features as he concentrated on the menu in his hands. I picked it up, looking down at it with furrowed brows.
Okay, I’m confused.
I have no idea why most of these foods were so bad, and I couldn’t even pronounce them, but what almost gave me a heart attack was the prize attached to the sides of the foods.
Wow, they are freaking expensive.
I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. I looked up at Hayden to see what he was doing, only to find him looking at me with an amused look on his face. I sighed and dropped the menu on the table, giving up, making Hayden laugh out loud.
“You are so cute, babe.” He cooed with a look of adoration on his face.
I huffed. “I have no idea what most of the foods are, and have you seen the price? They are freaking expensive, Hayden. We could have gone to Starbucks or MacDonald; I won’t have mind.” I whispered, and he playfully rolled his eyes, a smile playing around his lips.
“You don’t need to worry about the price, Bree; I’m the one paying. So order what you want without holding back or thinking about its cost.” He says it sweetly to me. “I know you prefer MacDonald and Starbucks, but I wanted to treat you to something great and fancy because you deserve every bit of it.”
“I feel bad because you pay for everything every time we go out.” I whispered in a sad tone.
“I don’t mind paying for it,” he protested. “If you don’t feel comfortable about it, we can pay for our next date.” I smiled at him, nodding my head. “But just to be clear, that won’t be a regular thing,” he jokes, but I know he meant every word.
” yeah.” I said, agreeing with him. There was no point in arguing with him about it. Hayden can be really stubborn when he wants to be, especially with things like this.
The waiter came back to our table with a bottle of wine and two glass cups. He placed the cups at our front, then popped the wine open before pouring a reasonable amount into the glass cups. After serving us our wine, he put the bottle inside an ice bottle, which he put on top of the table by the side.
“Are you ready to order?” He asked, looking at Hayden and me.
Hayden looked at me to know what I wanted. Since I had no idea how to pronounce it, I pointed out the food I wanted to him so that he could order it for the two of us. Hayden nods his head, looking up at the waiter and ordering our dinner.
We let the waiter know our order as he jotted down our order and bowed his head, leaving us once again.
“So, about what you wanted to tell me yesterday…” I trialed off, looking at Hayden. I watched him stiffen for a minute before smiling at me. I didn’t need a genius to tell me that it was a forced smile because it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Why don’t we eat first? We can talk about it after.” He responded with a pleading look in his eyes.
“Okay.” I said, What the arms are waiting for a few hours.
We decided to talk about other things like school work, food and so on, while we wait for the waiter to bring in our food. We didn’t have to wait long for the waiter to bring in out food. I stated at the food, inhaling the wonderful aroma.
” Buona serata ” The waiter said, leaving our table.
” it looks delicious. ” I smile.
Hayden and I immediately started eating, I had to suppress the moan that almost escaped my lips when I took a bite of the delicious food. Hayden gazed at me with a smile on his face while he ate his food.
I ended up clearing my plate, you can’t really blame the food was just to delicious and courtesy flew out of the window the minute I took a bite. I took a sip of my wine after the plate was closed in front of us and our desert, a chocolate sliced cake was put in front of us.
” About what you heard yesterday, it’s true I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to worry you about it. ” Hayden stated. ” I’m just going to go straight to it, instead of telling you a long story. ”
He swallows hard. ” Sophie has been pressuring my dad to change my mind into dating her.”
” Wait… what. ” I asked surprised and confused. ” Why would she think your dad will listen to her demands.”
” Because he wants to acquire an hotel her dad has and she knows he was ready to do anything as long as he gets what he wants.” he takes a breath. He looks at me for a moment waiting for my reaction and when he saw the dishearten look on my face, he sighed dejected.
” look, I just want you to know that I will never give in to my dad’s demand. I love you Bree and I don’t care what happens, I will always choose you, no matter what. ” He assures me, taking a hold of my hand that was placed on the table.
I truly didn’t know what to do after hearing Hayden say his father doesn’t approve of us being together. Was this how he felt when I told him about my dad. My eyes brow furrowed with my head cast down.
” Hey, hey hey, baby girl. ” Hayden gripped my chin lightly lifting my head up. ” I don’t want you to worry about it, Dylan, Daniel and I are going to come up with a solution okay. ” he says as he look me in the eyes, his eyes full of honesty. ” it’s all going to work out in our favour, so turn that frown into a smile for me.” He cooed and I couldn’t help but comply to his request.
We decided to spend the rest of the dinner talking about other things, not wanting to ruin the moment and despite the news the dinner was great.