“How are things between you and Hayden?” Maddie asked as we made our way to the cafeteria.
“It’s been great.” I said it enthusiastically, not bothering to tone it down.
The girls laughed at my happy expression, with Sofie nudging my shoulder.
“I’m so happy. I still can’t believe that you and Hayden lasted this long. Believe me, I thought this was not going to last with the way you two go at each other, but the both of you have proven me wrong. Anyone with perfect vision could see that the both of you are madly in love.” Maddie said, sounding a little chirpy.
“The both of them are literally inseparable.” Sofie says, wiggling her brows.
The three of us stopped at Sofie’s locker so that she could put her books inside. I rested my back at the locker beside her, waiting for her to finish up, while Maddie stood, hands crossed to her chest.
“Tell me something I don’t know; the both of them are so wiped over each other.” Maddie chipped in, playfully rolling her eyes.
“Like you and Dylan aren’t whipped over each other.” I countered back with a smile.
“Yeah, you are right. But we aren’t the only ones; Sofie and Oliver are the same.”
“So it’s settled; we are whipped over by the boys in our lives.” Sofie said, closing her locker.
We continue with our walk to the cafeteria, pushing the food open. When we got in, our eyes roamed over the many students, each in their own group. Watching them as they chat amongst themselves, chunging down on the cafeteria food.
We made our way to the line with a tray each in our lines. “I heard a lot of scouts fighting over Hayden after the game last Friday.” Maddie whispered.
” really.” I asked; I had no idea the scouts were already calling since Hayden didn’t tell me about it. “It’s good news; I’m not surprised. Hayden is really good at football.”
We bought our lunch and making our way to our usual table. It wasn’t up to a minute before we just sat down when the cafeteria door shut open and the boys walked in. When I say the boys, all four of them, including Oliver,
Hayden waved at me when he cut my eyes, taking a tray with the rest of the boys to get their lunches before they made their way to us. We adjusted so they could fill themselves in. Hayden sat beside me like usual, Dylan beside Maddie, and Oliver beside Sofie. Daniel, on the other hand, sat beside Dylan.
Greetings, hellos, hellos and heys were said around the table, and the four of them placed their tray on the table, and we started munching on our foods.
“I’m so glad to finally eat launch with you after missing out on a lot of lunches with you because of the game.” Hayden whispered, and his breath fanned my neck.
I turned to look at him with a smile on my face. “Me too,” I answered, leaning over and pecking his lips, with him humming into the kiss.
“Really guys, are you going to do this right now, in front of our food?” Daniel questioned, dropping down the fries with his hand back on the tray.
Hayden rolled his eyes at him while the rest of us laughed.
“Well, if you are so jealous, why don’t you stop with the one-night stand and get yourself a girlfriend?” Hayden said cockily, sticking out his tongue at Daniel in a childish manner.
Daniel’s face cringed into disgust, shaking his head. “Why would I settle for one when I can be with as many girls as I want?” He smirked cheekily, wiggling his brows.
“You are like a walking std.” Maddie said, looking at him with a baffled expression.
“Believe me, I’m clean. I don’ put my D except I have on the C.” A smile played on his face, and he used his hand to move his hair that was falling on his face, taking a fry off his tray.
“Okay, we totally do not need to know that.” Oliver grunts out, looking at Daniel in pure horror, but to us, it was something we were used to.
“Don’t blame me; blame Maddie. She was the one who stared at the whole thing..” Daniel replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“How is it my fault? I didn’t do anything here.” Maddie glares at him while he smiles, showing off his teeth in a sarcastic manner.
“You were the one who asked me a question. So that means… Maddie cut in off, stoning a fries at his face.
“I didn’t ask, I stated. Note the difference. ” She countered back, rolling her eyes.
“It’s still the same thing.”
“No, it’s not, you duck.”
“I can’t believe you would call me that. I am… ” Daniel was cut off by the sound of Hayden slamming the table lightly, not to attract any other attention from the students.
“Will the two of you quit acting like children?” He said, interfering and stopping whatever arguments Maddie and Daniel were having.
“Will the two of you quit acting like children?” Daniel mocked Hayden in a high-pitched voice, contrary to what Hayden sounds like.
Hayden sent a glare Daniel’s way, and the rest of us laughed at them.
“Right, before I forget.” Oliver speaks. “Josephine wanted to know if you guys wanted to hang out some time, like a sleepover. So that she can officially meet the guys,” he stated, waiting for our replies. ”
We agreed and murmured, Yeah, and sure, we’re heard among the table. “Good, I will let her know. She has been so nervous about it because she didn’t know if the guys were going to agree to come, seeing how many great stories she had about the three of you..” Oliver points at Hayden, Dylan and Daniel.
“Aww, he told his cousin about us. How sweet! I feel so touched right now. No words can describe it..” Daniel wiped imaginary tears off his eyes, placing both hands on his chest as he looked at Oliver with puppy eyes.
Drama queen.
“Do you always need to exaggerate everything?” Dylan asked, nudging his shoulders.
Daniel nudged back, and the two of them said they were pushing each other’s shoulders. Hayden sighed beside me, shaking his head, not bothering to put an end to whatever childish game those two had going on.
“I feel like Daniel gets childish day by day.” Sofie said, watching him and Dylan with an amused look. The rest of us nod, looking at the duo, before going back to eating our lunch.
School was over, and I was going to meet Hayden at the parking lot since he was the one taking me home today. My dad and I have started talking, and I think my mom must have made some sense to him. Though he still wasn’t happy about the fact that I was dating, he was willing to give Hayden and me a try. So he invited Hayden for dinner this Friday. I still haven’t told Hayden yet.
I made my way out of the school. My eyes first went to Hayden’s parking spot, but he wasn’t there. I furrowed my eyebrows to see him standing at the tree by the side of the school with Dylan and Daniel beside him.
What were they doing there?
They both had their backs facing me, and I smirked, walking slowly, tiptoeing trying to scare the crap out of them, but stopping a few feet when I heard Daniel speak.
“Are you going to tell her about it?” Daniel asked. I felt wrong listening to their conversation, but my curiosity overcame whatever guilt I had.
“No. ” Hayden said sternly. “I don’t want her involved at all; it’s best to keep her safe away from this. The last thing I want is for her to worry over this.”
“I get you, man, but don’t you think she deserves to know what is going on? After all, it concerns both of you, and she will be hurt when she finds out you kept this from her..” It was Dylan who looked this time.
” fucking No, it could get dangerous if she ends up being involved in whatever mess this is. You both know how dangerous he can be..” Hayden’ spat out angrily at Dylan and Daniel.
What were they talking about?
It’s obvious who the girl they were talking about was. Which means the three of them are hiding something from me, and who is the man they are talking about? From what I gathered, he seemed to be dangerous.
“I get what you mean, but Dylan is right. She will be hurt; you know how much she cherishes trust. If you keep on dragging this out and, in the end, it doesn’t work out, Both of you will end up getting hurt-her, more so than you, since she has no idea what is going on. Bree. ”
“Enough; there nothing the both of you can say that would change my mind. I’m not telling her, and I would do everything in my power to make sure things don’t go his way..” Hayden replied adamantly, with a hint of determination in his voice.
“Yeah, but what if it doesn’t work? He can be bru…”
“I’m not telling her, so shut the fuck up and help me look for a way to handle this mess.” He hissed out at Dylan.
Dylan sighed, turning his head slightly back. His eyes widened when he met mine, and he tagged Hayden’s shoulder repeatedly. Hayden growled at him, following his gaze, and his eyes widened as well. Same as Daniel, when he saw I was standing behind them.
“Hey Bree, when did you get here?” Daniel smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his head at the awkwardness and tension in the air.
“Hmm, I think it’s best we go.” Dylan hurriedly said, dragging Daniel with him. “See you tomorrow, Bree.” He waved at me, leaving only Hayden and me.
“How long have you been listening?” Hayden asked, and I could see the nervousness in his eyes as he stared at me.
“From the part where you think I don’t deserve to know whatever it is you are hiding.” I answered, air-quoting on the word ‘hiding. ‘
Hayden sighed, nodding his head. “Can we talk in the car while I drive you home?” He pleaded, and I nodded.
We both walked to his car, getting in, and Hayden drove out of the school parking lot. “I know you have a lot of questions after hearing what you heard, but can I tell you later? Maybe tomorrow over a date..” He asked, glancing briefly at me.
I watched him as he gulped; his hands on the wheel were ghastly white. I took a deep breath. “Okay,” I whispered, forcing our smiles.
I can wait for another, if that’s what he needs. Then I can wait. I thought to myself.
I moved my head, looking out the window, trying to clear my head of any negative thoughts. I felt Hayden’s hands wrapped around mine, and I turned to look at him to see him looking at me.
“I know your head is spinning with thoughts right now, but don’t worry, it’s nothing too serious. Trust me.” He says he was trying to assure me, and it did. I gave his hand a few light squeezes, and he smiled, raising it up to his lips for a quick peck before focusing his attention back on the road.