Today was the day of the game, and the scouts were around, watching the field with so much intensity and scouting for a potential player.
The scream in the field was deafening as students and parents cheered on their favourite team. I let out a deep breath. It was freezing as hell out here, and we had no choice but to play despite how cold it was.
The team was all gathered together, with no one missing, while the coach assigned who was defending and who wasn’t.
I rested my elbow on my knees, trying not to think about anything distracting, like the fact that my dad came back last night and decided to show up for my game for the first time in a long time. I should be happy that he was here, but I knew there were other reasons why he decided to come then to watch the game.
I had a feeling he was up to no good, and Sophie hinted at it yesterday. I never cared about me, not even once.
I don’t know what my mom ever saw in him. He keeps threatening me with my inheritance, like I care. I had no problem working and making money for myself as long as I had Bree in my life.
Speaking of Bree, my beautiful girl, She had come with the girls and
Oliver was watching my match; she was wearing one of my jerseys, looking sexy as fuck.
When she told me about her dad not accepting our relationship, it really broke my heart, especially with how hurt she was about it. I know I promised her to change her dad’s mind about me, but I had no idea what to do.
“Hayden.” I was brought out of my thoughts by my name being called repeatedly by the coach. My head pecked up, looking at him.
“Where is your head, son? Your mind seems to have drifted somewhere else.” Coach glares at me. “You need to get your head in the game, Hayden. The scouts are here; it’s your turn to show them what you got. You are the captain; you can’t let your teammates down. Get your head in the game, boy.” His lips were pressed In thin lines, making me gulp nervously.
“I’m sorry; it won’t happen again. You know I’m always dedicated to every match I play, coach.” I put on a fake display of confidence.
The coach looked at me like he was trying to see if I really had my head in the game.
He nods, giving me one last look before going back to address the team again. He ended the speech by creating our usual chant and walked off, leaving us at the entrance of the field.
“Are you okay, man? You completely spaced out during the coach’s speech.” Dylan tapped my shoulder slowly. He and Daniel were on either side of me, and both had a concerned look on their faces.
“I’m fine; I just had a lot on my mind. It’s nothing to worry about.
“You don’t have to pretend like everything is okay. Your dad is here, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever seen him come watch you play. Unless he is running for the award of best father of the year, why is he here?” Daniel questioned, glancing at where my dad sat, watching through the field with disinterest.
“I will tell you later, after the game.” I say this to them, assuring them.
We stood in line as we watched the cheerleaders perform their routine against our opponents. I loved my eyes, from them to the love of my life. Bree. She had a beautiful smile on her face, pointing eagerly to the field while talking to Sofie and Maddie. I watched her face light up when Maddie said something.
Her eyes scanned the field. I was sure she was looking for me, but there was no way for her to spot me since where we stood was dark and the source of light was way too dim.
The referee blows the whistle, sending a wave of panic to run through me. We made our way out of the tunnel, and the crowd went wide. There was lots of shouting and cheering, even from students of the opposite team. I look back at the crowd of students where Bree was. She was already looking at me; she had a banner in her hands as she screamed my name, cheering me on with the rest of the crowd.
Watching her do that gave me a lot of confidence, and I so badly wanted to run over to where she was and scuff her up, spin her around, and kiss her like there was no tomorrow.
But I can’t, not now. Maybe after the game, I waved at her, and she instantly waved back with a smile on her face.
I stopped at the beginning of the field with the rest of the teammates, the whistle blew again, and the match began. I raced, taking the ball before the opposite team could, and adrenaline rushed through my body, Dylan and Daniel shielding me like always. I threw the ball to the final receiver, and the crowd went wild.
The game continued like that till the whistle for the first half was blown, leaving us at 22-15. With the Wolves as the winning team. We rushed back to where the coach stood and circled him for another speech, telling us the mistake we made and a better strategy to attack our opposing components.
The referee blows the whistle again, announcing the beginning of the second half. We made our way back to the field, and my eyes subconsciously shifted to where my dad was. He had his whole focus on his phone, hardly paying any attention to the game.
What exactly was I expecting? I shouldn’t be disappointed, but yet.
I was able to get the ball on time, giving the opposing team a head start. I could hear the scream of the crowd, along with my coach’s voice, to get my head in the game. I waved off whatever thoughts I had, focusing more on the game. My legs pump faster and harder than in the first half of the match, and sweat trickles down my body as I shout instructions to my determined teammate.
The match carried on for some time, with the Wolves scoring the last goal, and the crowd went wild again, screaming and chanting our names.
The minute the final whistle was blown, I rose out of the field, making my way to the stand while my teammates cheered, shaking themselves as well as the losing team.
But I didn’t care; I had just one focus, and that was the girl who made me feel alive. I took my helmet off and threw it over to Oliver. I spread my hands wide and watched her jump into it without a second thought. She let out a squeal when I spun her around. When I dropped her back on the ground, I gave her no time before pressing my lips on her in a very passionate kiss.
I pulled back only when we needed to breathe, with a smile on both our faces. Sofie and Oliver watched us with admiration while Maddie was locked in Dylan’s embrace, making out with each other.
“You did great today, man.” Oliver said we did a little bro handshake since he was part of our crew now.
“Thanks, man.” He nods, and Sofie waves at mine, giving me a smile before Oliver and her walk away, giving Bree and me some privacy.
“You were amazing out there.” She squealed, her hands at the back of my neck while mine rested on her hips.
Thanks, babe; I wouldn’t have done it without you.”
She laughs, shaking her head. “I didn’t do anything but cheer on you.”
“Exactly, your presence and cheers are enough to motivate me.” I pulled her closer, pecking her lips.
I felt a presence beside me and looked to see my dad standing a few feet away from me with a glare on his face. Bree followed my eyesight, pulling away when she saw my dad.
“Mr. King, I didn’t know you were here.” She laughed nervously, looking anywhere but at my dad.
“Call me Dominic. Please. I came to watch Hayden’s match. I was around; I figured, why not stop by and watch him play?” He smiles.
Anyone who had heard him talk would think he was a loving, doting father, but I know better to know that everything he said was all lies and fake. Even his smiles were fake. He had no idea what had happened in the field; he wasn’t even paying attention as he typed away on his phone, never once glancing up to see if I was actually playing better.
Not even a single cheer from him, even if it was a fake one.
He looked at both Bree and me with a forced smile on his face. “You played well, son.” I scoffed at his words, not saying anything.
Bree must have noticed the tension between the two of us because her hand locked on mine, giving it a soft squeeze. I looked down at her to see her looking back at me with a warm smile on her face, and I ended up smiling as well.
The clearing of throats was what brought us out of whatever moment we were having. I stared back at my dad, whose focus was on our locked hands. His face hardened. When he looked back at us, he had his fake smile on.
“I heard you are dating my son. Is that right, Miss Adams?” He questions Bree with a smile still on his face.
“It’s none of your business, so back off.” I snapped. I felt Bree’s hold tighten as she gently squeezed my hands again, in a way of saying to calm down.
“It’s just a question, son. You don’t need to get all protective over her; I’m sure Miss Adams is very capable of protecting herself.” He had a sly smile on his face.
I don’t know how he does it, pretending to be someone that he isn’t. He was ready to do anything in front of the camera just to fool the people. The day at Bree’s house I was surprised to hear he was partnering with Bree dad in a restaurant, which was so unlike him.
My dad doesn’t just associate himself with anyone, especially those he considers middle-class.
Yeah, Bree dad is doing okay; his business is flourishing, but not in the aspect where he could get the attention of my dad. I knew he was up to something after giving them an invitation for a dinner party in
I tried poking around alone to see what he was up to but came up with a dead end. I can’t do it alone; I need to involve the boys.
Their parents are like mine; maybe they would be able to find out something from them.
I could feel Bree’s palm getting sweaty, and I knew she was nervous in front of my dad. “Yes, sir, that is true.”
“I see.” He says, going silent for a second. “Why don’t you come over next week to my house for dinner? I would love to get to know you more.”
Bree looked at me first before nodding. He gave me a look before walking away from us, out of the field. I watched his retreating back with a glare on my face.
“Your dad’s really intimidating,” Bree says, taking in a deep breath.
“Forget about him.” I said to her, not wanting him to ruin our evening. “I need to go talk to the coach, then shower. I will see you in the cafe close to your place.. I pecked her cheek, making my way out of the stand to where the coach stood.
“King, you did really well today. You got a lot of scouts eyeing you today; be expecting a call anytime soon.”
“Yes, coach,” he tapped my back softly, leaving the field.
I rushed over to the locker room to take a bath before changing into clean clothes. I took out my phone, texting the boys about the plan before leaving the locker.
Ready to hang out with Bree?