Pollux PoV.
“Do whatever it takes to get our money back. It’s past due.”
Castor asked me to go to one of Wirie’s saunas. The sauna was frequented by human government officials. After getting a report from Alvise that our target would visit the sauna,.
I headed to the study with Castor. I pulled the closet door handle first and entered the hallway that connected Castor’s room with our study. With a sound sensor from either me or Castor, the lights came on.
Castor walked over to the desk and pulled out the top drawer. He pulled out a white file and held it out to me. I looked at the target’s profile and read carefully.
“Senator of the Conservative Party, Corbin Webb. I don’t recall him ever being late in paying his debts. How strange,”
“He lost big during the election. He was still lucky to get votes because of his wife’s family’s influence,” Castor said as he pressed a button under his desk.
I heard the creaking sound of the wall shifting in front of me. I hadn’t used the cricket whistle in over a month. That’s what I call my reliable weapon for finishing pending business.
“Ah, I like him. I just need to bluff him, don’t I?”
“Yeah, as you can see. He still owns the property on the island of Prand, and I checked that it was recently transferred to his only daughter. She plays snakes and ladders with us because she always wants to go upstairs and doesn’t want to be bitten by snakes.”
“I see. Leave it to me. Ah, I forgot one thing. Is his daughter beautiful?”
“Focus, Pol. You’re getting married soon.”
“Just kidding. If I can catch two rabbits at once, I won’t waste it.”
I grinned when Castor clucked rudely. I raised my hands to shoulder height and picked up a cricket whistle from shelf number two from the top. I crouched down to open the bottom drawer and grabbed some ammunition.
Bringing out all my weaponry, I placed it on the table. I loaded the ammunition into magazines and cocked them. Two cricket whistles were enough to scare my target into peeing his pants.
I also took a titanium-handled dagger from the shelf opposite me. I used it only as an anticipation for short-range attacks. I didn’t want to carelessly take out my claws just to play around with humans.
I did a mind link with the two warriors, Fede and Cino, who were standing guard at the west wing post. They immediately responded to my command and welcomed me to the front hall. The two warriors had always enjoyed their role as queens in the chess game.
We departed in a black SUV driven by Pippo. If we were to get into a gunfight on the road, then Pippo would be the werewolf who could take control of the road with his driving skills. There was no other warrior who could control speed and maneuver at the same time as him. Hence, he always moved by car at any time and in any situation.
“Remember. We’re just bluffing. If one of you gets too emotional, don’t use the wolf’s body parts. Just shoot the legs of the bodyguards or whatever you want. No casualties, but you can have fun too, do you understand?”
“We understand, Alpha Pollux.”
I saw our car stop in front of a two-story building. Pippo parked the car right in front of the building’s entrance and drove the car again after dropping us off. I put the headset on my head and started humming.
I didn’t know who the singer was that I was listening to at the moment, but I liked her voice. As I passed by the customer service desk, one of the women standing behind the counter smiled at me. She also looked at me without blinking.
I returned her smile and gaze by blinking one eye. With all the charm I had, I was able to pass through the lobby without the slightest suspicion.
I looked left and right in the corridor I was passing through. I saw a room with many women sitting on several seats and employees tending to the women’s hair. The room was only separated by glass, so I could see some of them looking at me as I walked.
I kept my smile as wide as possible. I walked up the second floor to the sauna room. Before that, I went into the changing room and changed the suit I was wearing into something more like plain white nightwear.
I had no intention of burning off any sweat today, so I put on the suit and tucked my gun into my waistband. I grabbed a towel from the shelf by my head and draped it over my shoulders.
“Corbin, where are you?” I said as I kept humming.
I finally found him in one of the rooms, with two humans standing guard. I approached them and moved quickly. Before they could pull their weapons from under their suits, I pointed the muzzles of my two guns at their heads. Fede and Cino were already pointing their weapons at the two guards.
“Have you ever heard this song?” I turned up the volume of the player I was listening to.
“I don’t know, sir,” replied one of them with a thin beard.
“So what do you know, hum?” I brought my gun closer to his temple.
“I only know combination locks,” he stammered.
“Very good. I like your quick thinking. I’ll need you later. I also want you to suck my dick. Get the fuck down on your knees!”
I moved my weapon toward the floor. I’d seen him flirting with Fede when his stupid boss came to Castor to lend money. What a sucker for a man’s dick! I was going to make him not flirt with any more werewolves, including my two favorite warriors.
I kicked open the sauna room door and entered with my arms folded across my chest. I looked at Corbin’s stiff and pale face. With his mouth wide open, he stammered my name.
“Are you glad I came to visit?”
“Pollux Melluci, I’m glad you finally came. I was just about to pay my debt with interest as soon as I left here.”
Clicking my tongue, I said, “Really? I’m glad that I’m welcome at this time. Mr. Webb, I don’t think we need to talk business right now, because I’m in the mood for fun.”
I nodded my head toward Fede. The warrior immediately grabbed the bodyguard who had been talking to me and kicked him until he tumbled into the room and fell at my feet.
I shot one of his legs until he winced. I ordered him to suck mine. It was a disgusting act, but I had to do it so we could get our money back. I pretend to enjoy the bodyguard’s blow job and let out a fake sigh in front of Corbin Webb.
“Want to try it?” I asked with a grin.
“No, of course not. Holy shit! I’m still normal,” Corbin denied with his lower lip pursed.
“‘Tis a coincidence, then. I want my money right now, or I’ll tell him to suck your fucking dick.”
“I’m sorry, Pollux Melucci. I promise I’ll pay it back. Just give me another week.”
“Ah, I want you to admit it yourself if you’re lying.”
I shoved the bodyguard roughly and put my gun to his head. I told him to do the same to Corbin. I also pointed one hand with my gun at Corbin’s head.
“Don’t do this to me!”
“Do it, son of a bitch!” I shouted.
“Just take the money in the safe in my villa in Prand. I swear to God, I’m not lying. I keep my money there. Please don’t do this to me!”
I spewed my bullets into Corbin’s calf. I wanted him to realize his ignorant position on his debt. As I pulled for the bodyguard to come with me, I heard a groan from behind me.
I walked out of the sauna room humming, “Where does the day flow? Only time.”
For the rest of the day, I headed straight for Corbin’s villa on Prand Island. I lifted the collar of the bodyguard’s shirt until his face was level with mine. I was thoroughly disgusted with this human and slammed his body against the vault door.
“Get my fucking money, now!”
The bodyguard took our money from inside Corbin’s vault. I left one 5 Vora coin in the safe. Before he took his hand out of the safe, I stabbed my dagger into his hand until the tip of the dagger was stuck into the coin.
I heard another moan of pain behind me, but I paid it no mind. As I walked down the stairs, I saw a blonde Barbie-like woman who I assumed was Corbin’s daughter standing at the bottom of the stairs.
I touched her chin, then gave her a quick peck on the lips and waltzed away with two suitcases of money in my hands. I heard a woman’s harsh cursing voice that sounded even more melodious because it was combined with crying.
“‘What a pity, beautiful. I already have Godiva,” I muttered.