Chapter 80

Book:Where We Belong Published:2025-3-1

I didn’t want to move. I was wrapped up in Blazes’ arms, my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat. Nothing else seemed to matter when we were together. But I had a double at the hospital and needed to get a move on.
I had managed to slip out of the bed and reach for my slippers before he woke a groan falling from his lips.
“You working all day?”. He mumbled.
I had already told him last night that I was working a double. I wished I hadn’t volunteered to go back early but I couldn’t not go in.
“Yeah”. I chewed the inside of my cheek. “But please remember Everleigh has pre-school. I’ve already packed her snack, and her clothes are on top of her drawers”.
“Mind if I keep her off?”.
“Why?”. I frowned.
“Ain’t seen her in 5 days darling. I wanna spend some time with her”.
“Okay”. I nodded. “I have to go get ready. I’ll talk to you soon”.
“Love you babe”.
“I love you too”. I whispered.
I wished I could say him being home made me feel better, but it didn’t. I felt the world on my shoulders because at any time he could be sent to prison again or arrested.
They were always going to be hanging over us waiting to snap at any point. I had no idea why they had such a hard-on for him. Sure, he did terrible things, and I know I don’t know the half of it, but he also had a family and wasn’t the same person he was.
I filled my Stanely with icy water and my travel mug to the top with coffee. I had a feeling I was going to need lots of it today. I was packing away my lunch when I heard him on the stairs.
“You wanna take a ride tonight?”. He asked.
I felt the heat flush my cheeks. After last night I think I was all out. We hadn’t been together like that in forever and I’d be lying if I said thinking about it didn’t make me blush.
Sex with Blaze was on another level. But it was never just sex. Every emotion was there, everything was always heightened, intense. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I thought about his weight on top of me.
“A ride along the beach before dinner?”. He added.
Oh, a ride on his bike.
I bite back my smile but gave him a nod. “I’ll try and finish for half 7. We could do Chinese?”.
“Aye darling whatever you want”. He scratched the back of his head as a yawn fell from his lips. “Fuck I’ve missed you”. His hands found my hips as he pulled me back towards him.
“Missed you too”. I lay my hands on top of his. If there was ever a time I didn’t want to go to work today, was it. I couldn’t think of anything else but going back to bed and falling asleep on his chest.
“You really gotta go in?”. He asked.
I couldn’t call in sick when I asked for the shift. They were already short staffed as it is, and I wouldn’t add more stress to the staff that were already there.
“I’ll see if I can finish early, but I have to go in”.
“Okay babe”. He kissed the top of my head. “I’m heading back to bed for a few hours before Everleigh wakes up”. He turned me around his lips finding mine. “Your mom take her tonight?”.
I nodded. “She would have her all day everyday”. I smiled.
“I gotta drop by and see your old man today anyway so I’ll ask”. Another kiss on my lips. “You need me you call”.
“Okay”. I nodded. “I love you”.
“Love you too sweets”.
I was finally in the car on my way to work. It really did take everything in me not to call Josh and tell him I wasn’t coming in. Work was important but my family came first and today all I wanted was to be with them.
A sigh fell from my lips. I still had vacation time and if I didn’t use it, I’d lose it. Josh’s famous last words. Thankfully, I only agreed to work today. I pulled into the carpark and reversed into a space near the entrance.
I didn’t start till 6 so I cut my engine and enjoyed most of my coffee before it was time to head in. Ally was on my hitlist for a catch up today. I felt as though I hadn’t seen her in weeks. It wasn’t but the last time I saw her she was discharging me from here.
And like everyone else she tiptoed around me because she didn’t really know what to say. I grabbed my things and headed inside making sure to lock my car. I didn’t bother to look at the surgical board because I was spending the first shift in the ER. Which I didn’t mind because usually you were kept busy.
I headed straight towards my office to settle in for the 16hours ahead.
A broken arm, a head injury and 3 broken fingers later….
We had been rushed off our feet all morning and it only seemed to be getting worse. It was accident after accident through the doors. I had yet to go to the toilet, the pee I had been holding in for almost an hour.
Every time I went to go an ambulance would pull up outside.
“Ava, do you want coffee?”. Maggie asked.
“Yes, please”. I grinned.
Maggie was the best charge nurse I had ever worked with. She had been running the emergency department for years and she knew it back to front and inside out. Maybe I’m speaking out of context, but I’d rather work with Maggie than most doctors.
“I’m sending Freddie out so, Starbucks”. She winked.
Freddie was an intern that always wanted to work in the ER. He wanted to become an ER doctor and be based here. But he was smart and grounded, and he was kind. He wanted to learn, and he was willing to listen.
I was treating a large gash on Mr Johnsons leg and every other patient here was treated and waiting for a bed or to be discharged.
“Lass will this take much longer?”. He asked.
“A few more stitches Arthur and then I’ll be done but promise me you’ll be more careful”. Arthur had become a regular here. We would see him every few weeks with a new cut or bruise.
The man was 76 years old, but he was in brilliant health other than the slips and trips.
“Aye lass I hear you. It’s these bloody eyes of mine. I struggle to see at times and then I end up tripping over my feet most of the time”.
See, his mind was as sharp as a tack.
“How about when I finish here, I get someone to take a look at your eyes and see if we need to get you a stronger prescription for your glasses?”.
“Aye lass and did I hear you say something about coffee?”.
I stifled my laugher but couldn’t hide my grin. “What would you like?”. I asked.
“A black coffee if it’s not too much trouble”.
“it’s no trouble at all”. I smiled. “There all done”. I dressed his leg finishing it off with surgical tape to hold the dressing in place. “Rest up and I’ll be back soon with your coffee”.
“Thanks again sweetheart”.
“Is that Arthur pulling at your heart strings?”. Maggie grinned.
He was that.
“He’s a sweetheart”. I smiled. “Oh, and Freddie can you add a large black coffee to the list”.
“Sure, thing Ava and I’ve got you down for a cappuccino”.
“Thank you”.
“He’s been in here more often than I would like”. Maggie sighed. “Every few weeks it’s something new. I would never pry but I don’t want to think he’s struggling to look after himself”.
“Says he’s having trouble with his eyes”. I updated his information into the iPad. “I’m going to get someone to come have a look at them before he leaves”.
“Good idea. I’m going to get some discharge papers in order and then I’m going to get an update on where we are with the bed situation”.
“I’m going to pee”. I was surprised I had managed to hold it in for this long. I put the iPad back and headed for the bathroom. While I was there, I could check my phone and check in with Blaze to see how Everleigh was.
He answered on the first ring.
“You good darling?”.
I couldn’t stop my smile. After last night it felt like we were back to being us, back to being in the little love bubble we created. I felt more connected to him now than I have in a long time.
Relationships needed sex just as much as they needed love and my god, we both needed what happened last night to happen.
“I’m good but busy. How’s things going, is Everleigh, okay?”.
“Aye darling we’re all good. Gonna take her out for a bit to see if she’ll nap in the car. She need anything new?”. He asked.
“If you mean clothes then no but a new pair of sneakers for nursery would be good”. I chewed the inside of my cheek.
“Size 7 yeah?”.
I was impressed.
“I’d go for a 7 and a half so she’ll get more use out of them. Could you also stop by the store and pick up some more yogurts?”. She ate the last one after dinner last night and my god that girl loved a yoghurt.
“Aye babe. You need anything?”.
“Some snacks for the house”.
“Alright darling and you’re sure you’re good?”.
“Yes, I’m good”.
“Still on for tonight?”.
“Did you ask my mom?”. I asked.
“I’ve to drop her off whenever”.
“Okay well I need to get back to work I’ll check in later. I love you”.
“Love you too darling”.
I washed my hands and slipped my phone back into my scrubs. I don’t know what it was but things between us were good. I don’t know why I expected them not to be but after what had happened, I wasn’t expecting it to be this way.
If I’m being honest, I didn’t expect him to come home straight away. I thought he’d have spent the night at the clubhouse getting blind drunk. But he didn’t, he came home to be with his family.
I closed the door behind me and made my way back to the workstation. It had died down a little, no more new patients had come through the door and beds were becoming available.
I knew as soon as I saw Maggie’s face something was up.
“Bay 4”. She handed me the iPad. “I think her cheekbone is fractured”.
I frowned. Her? Scrolling my eyes over the iPad it wasn’t until I checked the patient’s history that it all clicked into place.
“That young girl from before?”. I asked.
She nodded. “I think we need to call the police”.
“Is she alone?”. Her patient history was frightening. Cracked jaw, broken fingers, dislocated wrist and so much more.
Her shoulders sagged as she shook her head no.
“Same guy as before?”.
“Yes”. She nodded. “Shall I page Josh?”.
“No”. I shook my head. “Let’s assess the situation first and then if we need help, we’ll call security”.
“Okay”. She sighed. “I have a bad feeling about this”.
“Me too”.
My stomach was in knots, and we could only help her if she wanted it but this time, I was going to do everything in my power to keep her here and make sure she was safe.