Cara’s POV
Sitting at the table in my father’s quiet dining room; my only companion was the sound of my fork dancing on the plate as it picked at a barely eaten piece of toast. My mind was preoccupied-replaying the events of the previous night and my recent conversation with my father.
The plan I had been so sure a few minutes ago would put an end to it all now seemed bleak. I kept weighing the pros and cons…
Until the sound of Cecelia’s cheerful voice, a stark oddness to my current emotion broke through my thoughts.
“Hello… Good morning, every-” She paused, “Where’s everyone?” Singing as she skipped into the dining room, looking like a perfect ray of sunshine.
My lips pressed together jumping up to highlight my cheekbones in a dry smile that didn’t reach my eyes, “It’s nice to know someone’s in a good mood after dropping a huge bomb yesterday.”
I stuffed a piece of toast into my mouth.
“What?” She took a seat beside me. “Don’t tell me you don’t agree that Jacob’s handsome.”
“Are you kidding me? That guy is dangerously good-looking. My jaw, literally speaking, dropped open at his entrance last night-
“I knew it-
“But that is not the point.” I quickly added. “Emphasis on the word ‘dangerously,’ and he’s not my type. My darling husband is enough to quench my thirst.”
She snorted. “Being married doesn’t stop anyone from appreciating a good eye candy.”
“Yes. Yes, it does.” I stressed, stuffing another piece of my toast and taking a huge gulp of my orange juice before speaking again. “What it doesn’t stop is the gist I expected my unmarried friend to give me, instead of showing up at my father’s house with the ‘said’ eye candy when her ex-which by the way, I never knew was secretly aggressive, was here.”
Cecelia shrugged.
“I called, but you didn’t pick up. Jacob said he wanted to visit for some private business, and I decided to make use of the opportunity to spend the weekend with you.” She began selecting from the array of breakfast options on the table.
“I didn’t pick up once, Cece. You could have called again. We almost had a brawl in the living room last night thanks to you two.”
“I was going to come anyway. Luca would’ve found himself behind bars if he did that. Jacob is a very… influential… person.” The corners of her lips tilted up a little.
My eyes narrowed in on her. “Are you enjoying this?”
“No. And even if I am, it’s allowed. He let me go, so he should face the consequences.”
“I’m in love with Jacob, alright.” She blurted out. “I met him a month ago-
“… we haven’t had clear communication for just two weeks. Are you saying all these happened and I wasn’t told?”
“I didn’t want to rush into it. What if it doesn’t last? Believe me, that thought was on a big banner in my mind.” She sassed. “We met at a restaurant, and you know when people say, ‘You meet someone and you just connect?'” Her cheeks flushed lightly, a small involuntary smile playing on her lips. ” It was that way for us.”
I could see the inevitable from the way her eyes lit up, and my heart clenched for Luca… at what it meant for him.
“Not love at first sight like they say, but just connection.” She muttered. “We haven’t even slept together, you know? We both just came out of hurtful relationships and agreed on taking it slow. He’s been really helpful, Cara. These days I find myself remembering that I haven’t even thought of Luca during the last 24 hours when all I did before was wonder why I couldn’t stop thinking of him…” She gripped the cutlery in her hand tightly, exhaled heavily, and then placed it down.
“I knew you were hurting, but I wanted to give you space till you were ready to talk.” My hand reached out for hers. “You can talk… I’m still here…”
Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“It hurt badly, Cara. It hurts.” Cecelia’s voice dropped to a whisper, a flicker of pain crossing her face. She didn’t need to explain how bad it was for me to know. The way she looked away, trying to hide her emotions, said it all.
“At times, I’ll sit and wonder if that was all I meant to him. I gave Luca years of my life for what? Nothing? I loved him… so much that… I was willing to remain by his side, marriage or not. I…” she choked out, “I… I should… I…”
Giving her hand a soft squeeze, the words I’d suspected came out,
-You still love him.”
“… but I don’t want to!” She cried out in a whisper. “I’m angry at myself that I do. It’s like I can’t just let go of everything, and you know the worst part? I love Jacob. I know I do… no, I’m sure I do.”
“I believe you. You just love Luca more.”
“It makes me so mad Car. Then I also wondered, what if we had ended up together? I’d have been with a man who’d not think twice before ripping my heart out.” She pulled away from my hold as her eyes darted around the table like she just realised something important.
“Where’s everyone?”
“Don’t bother.” I waved her off. “Adonis stepped out an hour ago with my father to go check out someplace; I didn’t ask. Jacob excused himself also a few minutes ago; you should know about that…”
“I do… what of… what about…
“Oh, Luca? I kicked him out at dawn.”
Cecelia giggled, wiping away her tears.
“I didn’t trust his caveman instincts. Who knew the goofy guy could turn Mr Bear?” I tried to make light of the situation, replacing the tearful look on her face. “I would’ve stopped you if any of them were around. Now, what do you intend to do? You know your feelings better than I do. You can either decide to acknowledge them and let bygones be bygones or move on.”
“How can I do that? He’s with Tina…”
“There’s something you don’t know. Luca and Tina aren’t together, together.”
She raised a brow at me. “I don’t grab…”
“Like… they’re not together for real. At least to Luca.” I explained, diving into the story. When I was done, her expression had closed up, and it made me wonder if opening up was the right thing to do.
Cecelia looked more angry than she was previously.
“I don’t care.” She spat.
Definitely worse.
“Is that all I meant to him? He should’ve told me. It changes nothing.”
“You should-
“Honestly, him being with Tina just tipped the scale over. We had been having issues none of us wanted to address for months. Our relationship was going nowhere, and now that I’m with Jacob, I don’t want to discuss them.”
I observed her, “So you’re going to leave things as they are? Forget Luca? Knowing fully well you still feel for him?”
“Love dies, Cara. It’ll fade away. Just like I can grow to love Jacob more, and guess what? There are no secrets between us. We both know it’ll take a while to win each other’s heart completely and are well on that road.”
Sucking in my bottom lip, I rubbed at my bump. A move that had become a habit recently, “I may have casually mentioned to Luca that I’d try to get you two to talk…”
An annoyed expression graced her face, “Look who’s trying to play matchmaker. You’re not off the hook either.”
My mouth fell open. “What… who… why?” I spluttered.
“A lot happened, and you didn’t think to tell me?”
“The moment Adonis woke up, everything became chaotic and rowdy. It’s been one problem or another. I totally forgot.”
“And the ones before he woke up?” She asked, referring to the fill-in I just gave about Luca and Tina’s situation.
“That. Wasn’t in my story to tell. Seriously, I wouldn’t be saying a word if it isn’t null and void. Luca is practically playing placeholder at the mansion.”
She sighed, picking up her forgotten breakfast plate. “I can’t believe this much happened, and I didn’t know.”
“Trust me. Be grateful you don’t. I feel like my head is about to explode. My babies would be born in less than three months, and my convalescing husband is busy playing ‘fighter’ in a dangerous underground ring.” I rolled my eyes.
“Was that what the fight was about?” She asked cautiously, stuffing her mouth.
“Partly. I blew up in his face. It’s all fine now, though. We worked things out.” A smile broke out on my face as I recalled my dramatic conversation with my father.
Let’s say things were about to get awry from now…
Cecelia gave me an apprehensive look. “Should I be worried that you’re smiling?”
My smile widened. “No. Not at all.”
“Now, I’m worried. Just be careful, Cara. Compared to someone else I know, Adonis would lose it if he lost you.”
I was grateful that she didn’t ask what I was up to… or elaborate further on what she was hinting at. Out of respect for Adonis’s feelings, I didn’t think discussing his vulnerabilities would be something he’d like. He always wanted the world to see him as the big bad wolf and I wanted to keep things that way.
“Nah…” My nose wrinkled. “There’s no way I’ll be leaving him. I plan to stress him out here and in the afterlife.”
She nodded, “Good. Now, is there anything else we haven’t discussed? Before the men return. Once Jacob gets back, we promised to visit the beach… well… I wanted to visit the beach and forced him to agree to accompany me. Do you want to tag along?”
I gave her a look that said ‘Really?’
“You want me to be a third wheel?”
“It’ll be fun! You don’t necessarily have to come alone. Bring Adonis along.”
“No. Thank you. Moreover, I think Adonis is holding up the bro code. He gets a bit distant when I mention Jacob.”
“Tell him to go shove it up his behind and leave my man alone. I take back my invitation. You’re both uninvited.”
That evoked a loud laugh from me.
Perhaps Jacob was good for Cecelia. She was finally being her chippy self again. I didn’t know what else to do in Luca’s favour. There was no way I would force her to be with him. That was her call to make, not mine. But I could pitch in a small word of advice as a friend. So when our laughter died down, I cleared my throat.
“I know you’re an adult, Cecelia. You know what you want. But I hope you’ll see Luca one last time.
“Cara, I-
I shook my head, interrupting her.
“I’m not saying you should get back together. Just… hear what he has to say. Get closure. Like you said, you spent years together. You don’t owe him anything, but please, help him move on.” My lips pressed together in a thin line as I contemplated adding the last part.
“He’s a huge part of Adonis’s life and has become a part of mine too, just like you are. You’ll both continue to see each other no matter what. So you get me?”
She pursed her lips, wanting to argue but knowing it wouldn’t change how true the words were. “Fine. But on my terms and time!”
“I told him exactly that.” I agreed, earning myself a scoff. “Since we’re done talking about heartbreakers and tears, let’s cause some butterflies in your belly. Tell me about your new man.” I clapped my hands together. “Something tells me he’s not ordinary?”
Like before, the excitement returned with a full gleam. “When have I ever done anything or anyone ordinary?”