Sofia was just about to head to the coffee shop to begin her business task for the day. She insisted on doing the task that day even though Alfred informed her it could be done any day of the week.
After thinking what Sydney said through, she called Alfred and told him she wanted to postpone the task.
Alfred was also in the light about Gil’s plan and cleverly replied to her, careful not to create any suspicion.
Up in her room, Sofia put on a crimson button-up dress that was slim-fitting, put on a little makeup, tucked her hair in a tidy bun, and left for Gil’s apartment.
By the time she’d reached his front door, her heart was in her mouth. She was a bundle of nerves.
“You can do this.” She let out a breath and reached for his doorbell, only to discover the door was open.
She thought it’d be fun catching him off guard, so she slowly opened the door further and entered into the house that was almost completely dark.
She could see nothing but the sun’s rays that filtered through the heavy, big drapes. The place smelled so good it made Sofia’s stomach grumble.
What was that? Fried chicken or turkey?
“Gilbert-” She hit something hard and nearly fell to the ground, but someone caught her.
“Careful, my love, don’t hurt yourself and our baby.” Gil’s deep voice reverberated across the room.
Sofia steadied herself and looked around the dark room. The only part of his body she could see was his eyes.
“Why is it dark in here? Turn on the lights, please; you know I’m afraid of the dark.”
Gil said nothing.
Sofia felt his hand draw away from her, and she began to panic.
“Bla-Gilbert, this isn’t funny.”
“Call me Gil; Gilbert sounds like a name for an old British man.” His voice came from behind.
Sydney turned quickly.
The lights switched on; they were dim red.
The room was decorated in ribbons, flowers, and balloons. There was a large round table in the middle of the room with assorted food, wine, flowers, and whatnot on it. The ground was littered with rose and sunflower petals. An ‘I’m sorry’ banner hanging above the table.
Sofia’s back was faced at it all; her eyes were locked with Gil’s, who stared at her from head to toe.
He wondered if Sydney must have told her everything since they were wearing matching colors.
It was the first time Sofia had ever seen Gil in a two-piece. It suited him perfectly well: the red two-piece and black pants with a red clean oxford.
Sofia was swooning.
“You look stunning.” Gil complimented nervously.
“Same goes for you.”
Gil smiled. “You think I look stunning?”
Sofia nodded. “Stunning, handsome, s*xy.”
He walked behind her and grabbed her shoulder affectionately.
He moved his lips close to her ears and whispered. “I’m sorry for lying to you, but I’ll make it up to you.” He backed away. “Turn around.”
Sofia did turn. Slowly she did.
Her whole body froze when she took in the decorations.
Simply observing what he had set up because of her made her eyes well up with tears.
Sofia looked at him and shook her head unbelievably.
“This is beautiful, but you are still an a**hole.”
“Your a**hole right?.”
“Not till you convince me that I am.”
With a smile, Gil extended his hand. Taking it, she trailed after him to the table.
After pulling out a chair for her, he pushed her in and sat down in front of her. Sofia glanced at him and then at the food.
“Did you prepare every one of these yourself?”
“I wasn’t planning on ruining this date.” His expression altered as he looked at her. “I never meant to keep you in the dark about my identity, but I guess it was a twist of fate. I may not have met you if I didn’t pretend to be Blake.”
Sofia had the same impression. She was relieved it happened but was upset he kept on with the pretense even after they started dating.
Using a tong, Gil served the coleslaw.
“But that’s no excuse; I should have told you the truth.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me? Why did you keep on lying to me?”
Gil handed her a plate of fried chicken laps and coleslaw, then leaned back in the chair.
“I was scared.”
“Scared of what?”
His eyes met hers. “I was scared you’d run away the instant you’d realize I’m not the man you had a crush on. You told me you fell in love with Alfred’s son. The first day I met you, you were so smitten by the person everyone told you I supposedly was.”
“The way you looked at me made my bones weak and made me feel completely and utterly spellbound; I didn’t want to let you go. Even when I tried, I kept coming back. No one’s ever looked at me the way you do, and no one has ever made me pull my guard off, only you. That feeling scared and excited me so much that I didn’t want to lose you.”
“You loved the idea of who I was, and I was afraid to be otherwise.”
Sofia winced at him. “The idea of you? Gilbert I would slap you in the face if you keep talking like this. You think I was in love with the idea of you?”
“I had a crush on the idea of you, but I fell in love with you; they aren’t the same thing. To the world, Blake Patel was a wealthy, s*xy, rich playboy who’d kill for the people he loves, and you, you are funny, s*xy as hell, middle class, and would turn every girl down because he’s in love with one girl. That’s the man I’m in love with.”
“Or was that all a facade too?”
“No, no, it wasn’t.” Gil replied quickly.
“Then why was it so hard for you to believe I loved you and not Blake Patel?”
Gil stared at his laps, hands clenched into a fist.
“I let the obscene memories of my past relationship get between us. I apologize.
“I thought the reason why my ex left me was because of who I was. The man I portrayed myself to be. I thought no one would take me for who I was. I tried to change myself for you, but it was impossible; I couldn’t hide the person I was, and despite that, you still loved me. I told myself that you liked Blake Patel and not me because I did not want to fool myself into thinking that someone truly loved me for who I was.
“I was such a fool.” He looked at her and placed his hand on the table. “Give me your hand.”
Sofia didn’t hesitate.
He ran his hand over her ring finger, which was empty.
“I’m sorry, and I don’t want you to ever get mad at me to the point of threatening to bite me to death.” He smiled.
She laughed. “You were lucky you escaped.”
“Merely. At least I know you are not a vampire.” He exhaled and reached for his pocket. “Look up.”
Sofia’s eyes narrowed at him. She glanced up in time to see him use his free hand to pull the rope that held the “I am sorry” banner.
After the banner collapsed, a “Will you marry me?” banner took its place.
Sofia felt her heart flip.
She stared at the banner with wide eyes.
She had no clue if she was seeing properly.
She turned back to Gil, who was now kneeling and clutching a little package that contained two diamond rings.
He was shaking with anxiousness.
He was unsure of her response, but he hoped it would not be negative. Proposing was harder than he’d imagined.
“I don’t think there’s any reason to waste each other’s time. I love you, and I want to be your husband. I would like to be your child’s father. I want to take full responsibility for you and our child. I want you to be my bride.”
“Will you marry me, Sofia Woods?”