SYDNEY GRABBED EMILY’S bag off the dining table and ran to the front door where Gavin stood.
He’d stopped by every morning to pick up the kids and drop them off at school.
Sydney hardly spent time with them anymore, since they spent most of the day in school and with their daddy.
It was only at night Gavin would drop them off, and at times, they’d sleep over at his place.
As much as Sydney missed them, she knew their relationship with Gavin had dampened over the months, and spending quality time with him will strengthen their bond once again.
She’d been happy to see Ethan smile genuinely again. Although he stopped playing hockey after being disqualified from the championship game, he played hockey with his daddy at the public hockey field.
“Emily has been complaining of tooth pain.” Gavin said as he collected the bag from her.
Leaning against the doorframe, Sydney scratched her brows. “You give her too much candy.” Sydney accused.
She complains that you give her too many apples; therefore, I do not give her too many candies.
“Fruits are healthy.” Sydney exhaled. “When you pick up the kids from school, I will take her to the dentist.”
“Do not worry; I have already made an appointment with a dentist.” He half-smiled.
“Oh… Thank you…”
They stared at each other in silence for a brief moment before Gavin spoke.
“I’ll run along now; say hi to Sofia for me.” Sydney gave a nod.
A part of her wanted him to kiss her goodbye like he always did before leaving.
Gavin went down the short flight of steps, then paused to gaze at Sydney, whose eyes were half-open and staring at him.
Her senses knocked back into her.
Panicking that he caught her staring, Sydney waved him goodbye to cover up her embarrassment.
Gavin broke into a smile and said, “Is it okay with you if we go to the local cinema tomorrow to watch a movie?”
Sydney kept waving nonstop.
Her brain was in scrambles, and she didn’t even know when she opened her mouth and offered him a reply.
“Yes, everything is okay.”
“Three thirty?”
Sydney could swear she heard Ethan and Emily rejoicing. She looked over at them in the car, and they quickly regained their composure, pretending like nothing happened.
“I’ll see you later.” Gavin smiled dazzlingly as he waved her off and got into his car.
He glanced at her one last time before driving off into the busy street.
Sydney’s hand was a flag in motion.
“You still have feelings for him, don’t you?” Sofia said, standing behind Sydney.
Sydney flinched and abruptly turned to look at Sofia, who was still dressed in her pajamas with her hair disheveled.
“I thought you’d gone to work.”
“I will be working from hone for the meantime since Mr. Patel is remodeling the facility, so the company would be essentially shut down till further notice.”To her utter disappointment.
She had been looking at her phone every minute in the hopes that Gil would call, but he never did. She wondered if his love for her was just a facade or maybe she’d scared him off after their last encounter.
Sydney collapsed on the couch after entering the house.
“Holding grudges against him is not only hurting him but you.” Sofia advised.
“Sofia, you know what he did to me.”
Sofia knew everything he did to her and everything she had done to him.
“I’m not taking his side, but you had your fault in it too, Sydney. You pushed him to the edge.”
The words stuck in Sydney’s throat as she tried to refute it. The truth could not be denied.
“I know there is no excuse for being infidel, but if you look at it from everyone’s point of view, you’ll see he did all he did because you pushed him too.” Sofia sat next to her and held her hand. “You should pour your heart out to him and try hearing things from his perspective; maybe then you’ll get the closure you need, or you can give him a second chance.”
“I know it’s not easy, but try to forgive him.”
Sofia left Sydney to consider what she’d said.
She went to her room and took a shower before putting on a yellow sundress with white flats. She slid her laptop into her bag and walked to the living room to see Sydney up and smiling.
“I’ll give it a shot.”
Sofia was right; holding grudges against him was eating her. They needed to talk things out and get the closure they deserved.
Sydney realized she’d never actually given Gavin a listening ear or anyone else, to be exact. She’d been too busy wallowing in the memories of her past to care about others feelings.
Now Gabriel had helped her heal from her past, and her father was behind bars; she could see all the wrong she’d done over the years.
Her naivety. Stupidity and ignorance.
She’d always wanted Gavin to be the one who sat and listened to her demands 24/7 when she never thought of reciprocating it. It was a fault on both parts, and she had no right to put all the weight on him.
Sofia smiled heartily and pulled her into a hug.
“I’m so proud of you.” Sydney laughed.
“I’ll do it but on one condition.”
“Anything, name it.” Sofia was overjoyed.
Sydney grabbed her shoulder and pulled back.
“You weren’t glowing this much before you met Gilbert.”
Sofia frowned and flushed.
“He treats you well, and I can see he loves you a lot, and you love him too.”
Sofia looked away. “He pretended too. He hasn’t even tried approaching me since I ended things.”
Sydney wanted to tell Sofia the truth about Gil’s plan to propose marriage to her, but she didn’t want to ruin the surprise.
“Go talk things out with him today.”
“Please, Sofia, you will have to speak with Gilbert since I agreed to speak with Gavin.”