Once again, I feel desire tickling inside me as she bends over to stir the water, then reaches into the cupboard to grab some essential oils, giving me a lovely view of her breasts. ‘Tea tree or Geranium?’ she asks me.
‘Tea Tree’
She struggles a bit with the bottle, then gives a frustrated sigh. She hands it to me, and gives me an imperious ‘Open that’ before going back to nursing the bath. I clamp the bottle lid in my stronger right hand, and try to force it open. Eventually the top creaks and suddenly gives, and I hand the opened bottle back to Lexi, who decants a third of the contents into the water. The smell spreads through the room, and I sigh – tea tree is one of my favourite scents.
I realise I’ve been staring at Lexi only when she walks over and leans forward to place her face right in front of mine. Satisfied she has my attention, she smiles, and says ‘While I’m flattered that you can be so totally distracted by my body, Robs, it’s time to get you into the bath. So take off the top and let us get you into the water, ok?’
‘Ok Mum’ I mutter, sardonically. Lexi bumps her fist to my shoulder, and then steps back. I take the hem of my shirt and pull it slowly up and over; fighting slightly with it as it tangles again in the bandages on my head. When I get it off, though, Lexi’s eyeing me and flushing slightly.
I laugh then, loudly, and she grins a shamefaced grin.
‘Can’t help it Robs, I feel like I’m 16 again and just discovered what an orgasm was.’ She steps forward, and reaches out to gently cup my breasts. I lean back against the toilet’s cistern and watch her expression as she explores me. Her hands are warm from the bath and her fingers are gentle. My nipples are erect again, and Lexi strokes them gently, before raising her eyes and looking at me.
‘I wish you could see yourself the way I see you’, she says quietly.
‘Maybe you could teach me’ I answer. ‘But only if you learn to love yourself too.’
She smiles, sadly I think, but doesn’t say anything as she drops her hands to take mine. In a single fluid movement she steps back and pulls me to my feet, then steers me to the bath and helps me step up and into it.
She helps me as I lower myself down into the water; I give a groan and lean slowly back in the almost scalding heat. I rest my arms on the wide sides of the tub, and watch as Lexi dims the lighting and then steps in to the tub with me. She lowers herself down, and I watch the water rise up over her thighs and up her stomach and chest, till all but the tops of her breasts are submerged like mine.
Lexi also leans back with a sigh and we just look at each other for a while. We’ve wound up with my legs tucked in under her haunches, and her feet resting on my thighs. She smiles and closes her eyes, letting her head rest back against the bathtub’s rim, with the result that she slides slightly forward, closer to me.
‘You ok?’ she asks, after a while.
‘Can’t remember when I’ve ever been this ok.’
‘That’s good’ she says. Then she yawns, widely. ‘Whoa. I’m buggered, Robs.’
‘Pretty far gone myself,’ I say.
‘Hand me the soap?’ she asks, but instead, I pour some into my hands, then lean forward and soap her shoulders. Her eyes flick open, and she watches me, then she gets up and turns around so she can lie back against me while I rub the suds down over her shoulders and back and of course her breasts. I run my hands down under the water and over her body, making sure to clean her lips as well; all while she’s languidly lying against me, making soft noises of appreciation.
Bliss is the best word I can think of as I gently nuzzle her ear. Her body feels so good against me. I slide my hands back over her and wrap my arms gently around her, then lean back so that the bath supports me and I her. I close my eyes, listening to the sound of us breathing together and feeling her back against me. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
Eventually, of course, the water starts to get cold, and we have to get out. Lexi grabs us some towels and then amuses herself drying me off like I’m a girl again. There’s a glow to her that’s been absent the last while; and it makes me happy to see her light-hearted playfulness emerging again. I pull her into a spontaneous hug and am rewarded with a kiss, then she quickly dries herself off; dropping her used towel to the floor.
But when she turns to look at me again, her face serious and her eyes dark and sad.
‘Robs?’ she says, quietly breaking the silence.
‘Yes, Lexi?’
‘I’ve got a silly question to ask.’
‘You’ve never asked me whether you can ask me something before.’
‘It’s… I’d understand if you don’t want to…’
I raise an eyebrow but say nothing, waiting for her.
She looks down, and seems to almost shrink in on herself as she asks, quietly, ‘Would… would you mind if I slept with you tonight? I… I don’t want to be alone in an empty bed anymore.’
And just like that she moves from the confident vixen to the insecure girl who never had time to finish growing up before life got in the way. I can’t find the words; all I can do is grab her fiercely and hold her hard against me; I don’t know how long for. Eventually I manage a hoarse ‘Why did you even need to ask?’
I notice that she’s shivering so I take her by the hand, and lead her through to her room. We both have double beds, but my room gets no morning sun and I’m not so attached to my bed that I’ll struggle to sleep in hers.
I pull aside her blankets and she sits down, then lies back as I tuck her in. I do a quick scamper through the top level of the house to turn off the lights, then head back to her room to crawl, chilled, in behind her. She squeals at that but doesn’t draw away, and I burrow in against her to leech some of her warmth. Then I sneak my right arm under her head and wrap my left around her, pulling her close as I spoon her.
After a short while she wraps my left arm under hers, and holds it tightly against her under her breasts.
Again, silence, apart from our breathing. I can smell her through the scent of tea-tree we both carry with us; she smells of home, of safety.
‘Thank you, Robyn,’ she whispers after a while.
I burrow my head against her and kiss the nape of her neck. ‘No, Lexi. You don’t ever need to thank me for loving you. You deserve all of it, and more.’
‘All I need is you,’ she says softly.
I smile, and squeeze her against me. ‘That makes us two peas in a pod’ I whisper.
Soon, she’s asleep. It eludes me for a while, my mind is too busy processing the day’s events. My groin aches pleasantly thanks to Lexi’s efforts and I can only marvel that all my fantasies seem to have come true. I know that life just got seriously complicated for us both; but I don’t care.
I’m in love with my sister, and it’s reciprocal, and, just for a moment, all feels right with the world.