“Girls time ended sooner than expected.” I said teasing Mary.
“Oh, yes.” Mary replied. “Saraya was feeling dizzy and we decided to end our rendezvous sooner.”
“Dizzy?” I asked alarmed. “I think I should call the doctor.”
“Easy, she is fine, I just helped her to bed now, let’s watch her for sometime.” Mary said and started going through the items she had bought.
“Aren’t these a little too much?” I asked.
“I bought a wallet for Arlan and some baby items for Matilda, you should invite her and Arlan together for Christmas.” She said going through the items. “It would be nice to have both of around.”
I shook my head. “I don’t think that is a good idea.”
Matilda gave me look that suggested I’m was saying gibberish. “What do you mean by that?”
“Those two are currently like cat and rat and I think inviting them both before they sort out their differences isn’t a good idea.”
Mary stopped what she was doing and turned to me completely. “What is the bone of contention?”
“I’d rather not gossip about other.” I replied and took a sip fron my glass of juice.
“And who said we are gossiping about them?” She said, feigning anger. “I’m only worried about them, after all, you consider them family.”
“Well, let’s their thoughts is yet to align.”
“Alex doesn’t not want the baby?” She asked.
“It’s Matilda he doesn’t want.” I revealed, meeting her gaze.
Mary gasped. “Poor Matilda, what can she do all by herself?”
I shook my head. “I think you’re feeling bad for the wrong person.”
“What are you saying?” She questioned. “Don’t tell me you’re on Arlan’s side just because he is your friend.” There was strain in her voice. “Matilda is also your friend.”
I sighed. “You know nothing about what is going on.”
“But I do know you men are being so unfair.” She scoffed and walked out of the room. “Birds of a feather.” She muttered on her way out.
“Where are you going?” I called after her but she was way gone. “Women!” I shook my head.
My phone buzzed, I picked it and smiled when I saw the caller’s name. It was Arlan. “I was just talking about you with Mary.” I said the moment I picked up.
“Hope I’m safe?” He teased me.
“Of course you are, she was talking about having you and Matilda around for Christmas and I told her it wasn’t a good idea.”
“Did you…”
“I didn’t tell her the specifics but told her you two have your differences.” I explained.
Arlan sighed on the other end of the line. “Differences is an understatement, Alex. My mind is made up. Matilda and I… think we’ve reached a point where there’s no going back.”
“Have you spoken to her since then?”
“She isn’t picking my calls but I’ll go over to her place tonight to discuss what is best for the baby and hear her terms. I just hope she is cooperative.”
Before I could respond, Mary reappeared. “Is that Arlan?” she asked pointedly.
I nodded, covering the phone slightly. “Yes, he is. Why?”
“Put him on speaker.”
I raised an eyebrow but she rolled her eyes in a deadly manner. I had no choice than to comply with her instructions. Placing the phone, she sat beside me. “You’re on speaker now.”
Mary wasted no time. “Sorry to interrupt in your private affairs but I hope you can hear me out.”
“I’m all ears, Mary.”
“Arlan, I do not know the specifics of the issue you have with Matilda, but do you really think avoiding Matilda is the solution here? You should come with her here for christmas, and whether you like it or not, that baby ties you to her.”
Arlan’s chuckle was dry. “Thanks for looking out for us, Mary. But this isn’t as simple as showing up and pretending everything’s fine.”
“It’s not about pretending,” Mary countered. “It’s about making an effort. For the baby, if nothing else.”
Arlan’s voice softened. “I get where you’re coming from, Mary, but trust me, nothing can be done. My mind is made up, I’ll go see her to discuss the specifics of co-parenting before the baby arrives.”
Mary looked at me and sighed, not giving up. “Alex, back me up here.” she nudged at me.
Caught between my wife and my best friend, I sighed. “I see both sides,” I admitted. “But Arlan, maybe Mary’s right. Christmas could be a chance to at least establish some common ground.”
Arlan groaned. “I’ll think about it, okay? But no promises.”
Mary didn’t look satisfied, but she let it go for now. “Fine. But don’t wait too long to decide.”
After the call ended, Mary turned to me. “He’s being stubborn.”
“He’s dealing with a lot,” I said cautiously not to attract her wrath. “Give him some time.”
Mary shook her head. “Men and their pride. Isn’t it exhausting?” She asked. “Arlan should be doing all that he can to be on good terms with Matilda, besides it’s his first time being a father.”
Not willing to engage with Mary in the conversation, knowing she was going to flog the issue for the rest of the day, i decided to plan my escape route. “Speaking of being a father, I should check on Saraya.”
Mary shook her head. “She should let her be, she should be sleeping by now.”
I smiled at her, “you don’t have to worry, I’ll check on her and leave. I’ll be sure not to disturb her.”
I hastily walked out and placed my hand on my chest once I was in the hallway. “Oh, thank goodness, I was able to escape her rants.”
I got to Saraya’s door and gently turned the knob to avoid disturbing her to my surprise, she was seated on her bed.
“Dad …”
“I thought you would be sleeping.” I walked her her.
“Well, I couldn’t.”
“How are you feeling?” I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Mary told me you’re feeling dizzy.”
“Not anymore,” she said, though her voice was faint. “You don’t have to worry.”
“Do you need me to call the doctor?”
She shook her dad. “No dad, it’s nothing serious. I think it’s just stress.”
“Anything you want to talk about? You look so pale. Is something eating you up? You know you can always talk to me about anything.”
Saraya hesitated, her gaze dropping to her hands. “There is nothing to talk about, Dad. I’m fine, I really am.”
I frowned, not convinced. But I didn’t press. “Alright. Just promise me you’ll let me know if your dizziness gets worse.”
She nodded, offering a small smile. “I promise.”
“I’ll leave you to have some rest.” I kissed her forehead and took my leave.