“Congratulations girl.” Tessy hugged me. “I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt.”
“And a godmother.” I added.
“Everything seems to be working in your favour but have you informed Arlan that he is going to be a father?” She asked still giggling.
I shook my head. “This news is too big to be shared over a phone call or text. I want to tell him in person to see his reaction for myself.”
Tessy nodded her head approvingly. “I agree with you, I wish I could see the look on his face too.”
I placed my hand on Tessy’s. “You don’t have to worry about a thing, I will be sure to get you a full details of everything that happen once I break the news to him.”
“I trust you.” She hugged me again. “This feels so good after the hectic day work.”
I raised my glass to her. “Cheers!” But Tessy grabbed the glass from me.
“You’re pregnant and should cut down on drinking.” She placed the glass down and gave me a glass of water.
I chuckled, shaking my head as I took the glass of water. “You’re already acting like a godmother,” I teased.
Tessy crossed her arms, feigning sternness. “Someone has to look out for you, and that little bean growing inside of you. Speaking of which…” She leaned closer, her tone softening. “I know the chances are very low but what if… I mean I don’t intend to be a joy killer or anything but what if after telling Arlan and he still does not want to have anything to do with you and just want to co parent with you instead?”
I paused and looked straight into Tessy’s eyes. “I already told you, Arlan is mine. If I can’t have him, no one else can.” I said with a flair of confidence and emptied the glass.
Tessy’s words bothered me on my way to Arlan’s place and it kinda jolted me into reality. I had never thought of the possibility of co-parenting with Arlan. I just wanted to own him and our baby and side by side, we would be one happy family.
“If Arlan won’t marry me, then I will make sure, he never sets his eyes on his baby. Let’s see if he can live with that.”
By the time I reached Arlan’s apartment, I had made up my mind to get his answer ready.
I stepped out of the car and marched to the entrance, I entered the code I’d known by heart, only to be greeted by an infuriating “Access Denied” message.
I raised a brow, looking puzzles. I tried again, slower this time, convinced I’d made a mistake. But the same message blinked back at me.
“Are you kidding me?” I muttered under my breath, jabbing the code in one last time. Still nothing.
I pressed the buzzer instead, annoyance bubbling through me. “I can’t believe he changed the code to his place because of me.”
Moments later, the door opened, and Bridget was standing in front of me. It was a peep actually because she held the door closely to herself.
“Hi, Ms. Matilda,” she said darting her eyes side by side. I could tell she was nervous but that isn’t my business.
“Oh good grace, Bridget,” I said, trying to walk in. “I’m glad l, you’re in. The code isn’t working.”
Her body stiffened as she tightened her grip on the door. “I’m sorry, Ms. Matilda, but I don’t think I can do that.”
My patience snapped. “Excuse me? What do you mean you can’t do that?”
“I’m following Mr. Arlan’s orders,” she said, her voice apologetic but firm. “He instructed me not to let anyone in without his explicit permission.”
I blinked, stunned by her words. “Do you even know what you’re saying right now? It’s me, Matilda and not anyone as you’ve just said. I need to see him.”
Bridget only sighed. “I understand, but I have my orders. I suggest you contact him directly to permit me to let you in, I’m sorry.”
“Bridget, do you realize who I am to him?” My voice rose, but Bridget looked away.
“I’m sorry,” she repeated. “You’ll have to get his approval.”
And just like that, she closed the door in my face.
I stood there, fuming, my fists clenched at my sides. “Unbelievable,” I muttered, my voice shaking with rage at the embarrassment that I had just be served. I stormed back to my car, slamming the door shut behind me.
As I sat behind the wheel, I forced myself to take deep breaths, trying to calm down. “This isn’t good for the baby,” I reminded myself, pressing a hand to my stomach.
But the anger wouldn’t subside. “What madness is this? Arlan dare change his passcode because of me and let that riff raff in person of Bridget embarrass me?” I scoffed.
I wasn’t going to sit back and let this slide, I picked up my phone and dialed his number. The call went straight to voicemail. I tried again, and the same thing happened.
“Fine,” I muttered, tossing the phone onto the passenger seat. “If you won’t answer my calls, Arlan, then I’ll make sure you hear me loud and clear another way.”
I waited in my car for what felt like forever. The anger that had first taken over me had faded into frustration, and now all I felt was exhaustion.
I was hungry and more than that, I needed water to drink.
“I think I should leave now and come back in the morning.” I started the ignition of my car and was heading out when I saw a car pulling into the lot. It was him. Arlan.
A smile spread across my face. “Gotcha, Arlan.” I didn’t waste any time. I shifted my car into gear and parked right in front of him, blocking his way.
He stopped the car, and for a moment, neither of us moved. He probably thought I’d move out of the way. But I didn’t.
He got out of the car, looking at me angrily. “Matilda,” he called out. “Move your car, I had a very hectic day, I will appreciate you don’t add to it.”
I grinned, stepping out of my car and walking towards him. “Oh, so did I and I guess that makes the two of us. And concerning my car, I will move it but first, I need to talk to you about something.”
“I’m not interested in talking to you, just move your car and let’s call it a night.”
But I was far from being done, I grabbed his hand roughly. “Don’t you dare walk out on me, not when I waited out for you for over three hours.” I reached into my bag and pulled out the sonogram picture from the hospital. Without saying a word, I held it up for him to see.
He paused, his gaze locked on the picture in my hand. His eyes shifted from the image to my face and I could tell he was very confused.
“What’s this?” he asked when he finally found his voice.
I crossed my arms, watching him carefully. “Stop pretending like you don’t know what a sonogram is. That’s your baby, Arlan and that’s the reason I’m here.”
He stared at the picture for a brief moment in shock. “My baby?” his lips pressing together as if he was fighting to say something. “Nothing happened that night.” He refuted, raising his voice.
“Something did happened, Arlan and this is the evidence staring at you right in the face.” I countered. “Except you intend running away from your responsibilities as the father of the child I’m carrying, you won’t insist nothing did happen.”
“How am I sure I’m the father of the child you’re carrying?” He retorted.
“Tessy was right.” Was the first thing that came to my mind. I angrily ran my hand through my hair. “Don’t you dare insult me, Arlan. You’re the only man I’ve been with.”
“We met yesterday and you didn’t make mention of this, is this one of your ploys?”
“One of my ploys to do what exactly?” I countered. “I know you want to deny this and run into Saraya’s arms but I really want to watch you deny your own flesh and blood for a bitch.” I emphasized on every single word.
“Enough, Matilda.” Arlan said raising his hands in the air. “How long have you known?”
“This morning, the date is clearly written on it.” I pointed out.
“You seems to know a lot about this stuff.”
I could feel my patience wearing thin. “You would know these things if you start following to my gynaecologist appointment.”
He ran a hand through his hair, clearly struggling to process everything. “This… is so unexpected,” he muttered.
“Of course it is,” I replied him, looking at him dead in the eye. “But I need to know what you’re going to do about it. Are you going to be a father, or are you going to shut me out like I’m talking shit?”
He looked down at the sonogram again, his face hardening. “I need some time to process this.”
“Time?” I couldn’t hide the disbelief in my voice. “You need time? I don’t have time, Arlan. This baby is growing every second, and I demand to know if I’m doing this alone or not right now.”
He closed his eyes, looking like he was trying to gather himself. “Matilda, this is a lot for me to handle right now.”
“I don’t care, Arlan. You need to make a decision.”
He didn’t respond right away. Instead, he looked at me for a long moment, his face rested on mine as the both of us were breathing heavily. “Move your car, Matilda,” he finally said, his voice calmer. “We’ll talk in the morning.”
“No,” I said, standing my ground. “We’re talking now.”
He looked frustrated, his jaw tightening. “I don’t think we should talk like this. We are both too excited for this conversation, we are talking about a whole new life here.”
I shook my head, feeling the anger rise again. “Fine, then tomorrow it is.”
I turned and walked back to my car, trying to steady my shaking hands. I started the engine, but as I drove out.
As I was driving, a brilliant thought hit me. I smiled at myself. “You really do not run out of ideas, do you?” I praised myself.
I connected my phone to my car and dialed a number. Soon, the familiar masculine voice came on. “Hello, Alex.” I said with a sly smile on my face.