Chapter 26

Book:His to Own, Daddy's Secret Desires. Published:2025-2-16

I watched Mary walked in looking gloomy as I glanced up from the tab I was holding. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
She hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a low voice. “Your mom hasn’t joined us at the table since the board’s unanimous decision.” Her eyes were downcast and so was her voice. “I’ve done everything possible to make her join us but she just won’t concede.”
“If that is all, then you don’t have to bother yourself about it.” I muttered under my breath.
Mary sighed. “She’s your mother, Alex. You should worry about her, as a matter of fact, I think you should stop avoiding her as well and talk to her.”
My hands tightened round the tab I was holding. “I’m not letting her blackmail me emotionally,” I snapped. I was already tired of the emotional manipulation and wasn’t in the mood for another round.
Mary stepped closer, placing a gentle hand on my arm. “I understand how you feel, Alex but I want you to remember her seventieth birthday is coming up. So you should patch things up with her as soon as possible.”
I shook my head, irritation washing over me. “I don’t need to be guilted into this, Mary.” I answered. “Nobody stopped her from coming to the table, it was her sole decision.”
She looked at me with that patient, understanding glance. “You know she won’t be around forever, Alex. And when she’s gone, you don’t want to regret not making amends, do you?”
I looked away, allowing myself to be vulnerable. “I just don’t want to be manipulated,” I said finally.
“I get it, Alex. But sometimes we have to put our pride aside for the people we love.” She gave me a small, encouraging smile. “Your mom is not one you should ignore, especially now.”
I let out a heavy breath, feeling torn. Part of me wanted to stand my ground, but another part of me knew Mary was right. I didn’t want to look back with regrets. “You sure don’t give up, do you? I’ll talk to her,” I conceded reluctantly.
Mary’s eyes softened as she smiled. “Thank you, Alex. I know you always want the best for our family.” She pecked my cheek.
I grabbed a tray of food and headed to my mom’s room. I knocked gently before entering.
“I heard you’ve not been eating.” I said and placed the tray on the table close to her bed.
“Finally, you remember you have a mother,” she replied, her words laced with sarcasm.
“You’re the one who’s always been distant,” I shot back, settling into the chair across from her.
“Only when you don’t listen to me.” She retorted.
I leaned forward, unable to hold back. “You mean refusing to agree with your decision to choose Ian over Saraya?” My time revealing my disappointment.
“When it comes to business, competence comes first.” My mother replied, showing she was not ready to back down.
“And in what way is Ian more competent than Saraya?” I questioned.
“You know nothing, in due time, you will find out Saraya is just like her mother. A pest who brings disgrace to the Newman’s family.”
My patience snapped. “I know you’ve always hated Antonia, but can you at least stop speaking ill of the dead?”
“Not when her mistakes are still haunting us!” my mother spat, her tone venomous. “Do you think I enjoy cleaning up after the mess she left behind?”
“Saraya is not a mess,” I said firmly. “She’s my daughter, your granddaughter.”
“She is nothing like you or me,” my mother replied, her words cutting like a blade.
I exhaled sharply, trying to stay calm. “The same way I was ‘nothing like James,’ right? You treated him better until I became your only option. I won’t stand by and let you treat my daughter the same way.”
There was a flash of shock on my mother’s face. “Is that what you really think of me?” She asked. “That I loved James more than I loved you?”
“Even in death, you sure still love him more than you love me.” I said completely losing it and revealing my hurt. “But that should stop with me, I can bear it but can’t bear it when it comes to my child. I will protect Saraya until her position is completely solidified.”
“I see you came to declare war!”
“I came to tell you that Saraya is your grandchild as much as Ian is. Saying Saraya is incompetent before she has the chance to prove herself is being biased, don’t you think?” I replied her.
“Ian had always been true heir worthy of the Newman’s business, even since he was kid, he had been learning the basics of our family business. How could you decide to hand everything to Saraya just because she is your daughter and you know she is oblivious to how things are being done.”
“Just like Ian, Saraya will learn how to be the heiress of our family business.” I looked away and exhaled. “You should eat your food, join us at the table for breakfast tomorrow, if you can.” I stood up to take my leave.
“Would you have chosen Saraya if Evan was sound?”
My mother’s question threw me off balanced.
“What?” Was all I could as a cold shiver ran down my spine.
“You heard me right, Alex.” She said with an expressionless face. “You have two kids yourself, don’t you?” She asked.
“Mother!” I thundered, breathing seems to be an hercules task at that moment. I was finding it difficult to breathe.
“See for yourself as a parent, Alex.” My mother stood up from her bed. “You’re struggling for answers, aren’t you? You should know sometimes, parents have to take tough decisions not just for themselves and kids but for the general good of all.” She added. “You should ask yourself if you’re different from me before judging me.” She said, standing few steps away from me.
“Goodnight.” I turned away from her and opened the door. Once I was out, I could feel myself breathing again.
“I need a drink.” And with that, I headed to the bar.
I poured myself a glass but before I could empty the glass, Mary stopped me.
“I guess it didn’t go well with her but drinking isn’t the solution to the issue at hand besides you shouldn’t be drinking.” She reminded me.
“Just a glass and I will call it a day.” I pleaded with my eyes.
“Once you take a glass, it hard to stop at one.” She began. “If you need to drink, then I can get you a glass of water.”
I waved my hand in the air. “Forget it.”
“Now tell me how your conversation with mother went.”
“Well, nothing out of ordinary, I’m used to her pointing fingers at me unnecessarily.” I told her.
“I know your mother can be… difficult, Alex. Don’t let her words get to you.”
I sighed heavily, running a hand through my hair. “It’s not just her words, Mary. It’s everything. She questions every decision I make, undermines me at every turn, and now she’s making me doubt myself as a parent.”
Mary placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “You’re a great father, Alex. Saraya and Evan adore you and so do I.”
Her words drew a small laugh from me. “Mother just have a way of twisting things.” I muttered. “She said something tonight, Mary. Something that made me question everything. She asked if I would’ve chosen Saraya if Evan were sound.”
Mary’s breath hitched, her eyes searching mine. “Alex… that’s a cruel question to ask.”
“You’re right and it is one I can’t get out of my head now,” I confessed. “What if she’s right? What if my decision to back Saraya is out of compensation for my lost years with her or… It’s all guilt for what Evan can’t be?”
Mary’s sighed, cupping my cheek. “You’re asking the wrong questions. This isn’t about comparing your children or making up for something. I’m sure you love them so much.”
I nodded slowly. “But what if I’m setting her up to fail? Mother doesn’t believe in her, and Ian… Ian’s been groomed for this since he was a child. Saraya’s stepping into a battlefield she didn’t even know existed until recently.”
“Then you have to prepare her,” Mary said firmly. “Guide her, mentor her, and show her she has what it takes. You’re not just handing her a title, Alex. You’re handing her a legacy.”
I studied her for a moment, gratitude swelling in my chest. “You always know what to say, don’t you?”
“Well, let’s say it’s one skill I’ve had to honed as the spouse of a business owner.” She smiled at me.
“Are you mad at me?” I asked her.
“And why should I be?” She asked back.
“Evan… is your biological child, our child. Do you ever feel like I’m putting him in the back…”
“Hush!” Mary placed her finger on my lips. “I know what you’re thinking and I can’t deny those thoughts have crossed my mind but I know Evan’s capacity more than anyone and understands your decision.”
I pulled Mary into a big hug, “thank you honey, I never could have made this far without you.”
“You’re welcome.” She patted my back and withdrew from me a bit. “I guess mother is not joining us tomorrow?”
“Let’s hope she joins us for breakfast tomorrow.”
“Okay, you should head upstairs, I will join you shortly.” Mary said to me, I nodded and left.