Priyank carefully carried Priya in his arms, following Maya out of the hospital room. He felt a rush of contentment having her so close, her scent and the rhythmic beat of her heart soothing him despite the tense situation.
Maya led them down the hallway, her posture stiff with concern. “Priyank, I know you care about her, but you have to give her space. She needs to figure things out on her own.”
“I know, Maya,” Priyank replied earnestly. “I just want to make sure she’s okay. I promise I’ll give her space.”
Maya nodded, her expression softening slightly. “Good. She’s been through a lot, and she needs time to process everything.”
Priyank nodded in agreement, glancing down at Priya who was looking up at him too. “I understand,” he murmured to Maya.
Levi and Rish exchanged a look when they saw Priyank carrying Priya out in a bridal style, making it look like a cliche movie scene.
“Is this real?” Levi whispered to her brother.
“I’m seeing the exact same thing you are seeing, so it must be,” Rish replied, sounding doubtful.
Levi sighed. “True, Priyank is really affectionate toward Priya. I’ve seen it for the past two days; I can vouch for it.”
“Priyank may be a rough person, but he handles everything for Priya, not letting others help out. He even shows jealousy and anger if someone else tries,” Rish added.
“Where’s the car?” Priyank asked, noticing Levi and Rish whispering to each other.
“There,” Rish pointed, raising an eyebrow. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, she’s just a bit weak still,” Priyank explained, carefully transferring Priya into the back seat of the car.
Priya shifted uncomfortably, adjusting herself in the seat. “I can sit on my own, you know,” she muttered, shooting Priyank a pointed look.
Priyank chuckled softly, closing the car door before joining her in the backseat. “I know, I know. Just trying to help.”
Everyone settled inside the car, and the drive was quiet, tension lingering in the air.
Priya stared out of the window, lost in thought, while Priyank fidgeted nervously beside her. He wanted to reach out to her, to hold her hand and comfort her, but he resisted, reminding himself to give her the space she needed.
“Priya, that house is not the main pack house, because your parents mostly live in the house they own, so hopefully you won’t mind,” Maya broke the silence.
“I don’t mind at all. I’m already glad that I will be able to see where my parents used to live,” Priya looked in Maya’s direction and smiled.
“Great. One more thing, nobody in the pack knows yet that we found you, so for now, for your safety, it will be better to stay inside the house and not go outside.”
Priya nodded, understanding Maya’s concern for her safety. She shifted in her seat again, trying to get comfortable, while Priyank sat close beside her, still nervous and watchful.
As they reached the house, Priyank helped Priya out of the car, supporting her gently.
Maya showed them around the house, explaining where everything was. Priyank stayed close to Priya, never letting go of her hand, wanting her to know that he was there for her.
After a while, Maya left them alone in the living room. Priya sat down on the couch, feeling overwhelmed by everything that had happened. Priyank sat beside her, putting his arm around her shoulders.
“It’s going to be okay, Priya,” he said softly.
Priya leaned into him, grateful for his comforting presence.
They sat together in silence for a while, finding peace in each other’s company. Priya eventually started to feel sleepy, the events of the day catching up to her.
“Let’s get you to bed,” Priyank suggested gently, helping her up from the couch.
Priya nodded, allowing him to lead her to the bedroom. He tucked her into bed, making sure she was comfortable before sitting down beside her.
“Sleep sweetheart,” he promised, brushing stray hair from her face.
Priya smiled softly, her eyes starting to close.
He stayed with her until she fell asleep, watching over her protectively. As he sat there in the quiet of the room.
He couldn’t help but reflect on the whirlwind of events that had led them here. Just a few days ago, Priya was away from him, and now he had found her, safe but clearly shaken by everything he get to know.
Priyank’s thoughts drifted to Maya’s words about giving Priya space. He knew she was right; Priya needed time to process everything.
But it was difficult for him to keep his distance when all he wanted to do was protect her, to shield her from any more pain.
Maybe it’s just his overprotectiveness toward her, but he doesn’t see anything wrong in that.
A whisper reached his ears as he glanced toward the doorway. Levi was standing there.
His eyebrows furrowed, not understanding what she wanted to discuss with him.
Carefully standing up so as not to wake Priya, he whispered back, keeping his voice low. “What happened?”
“Everyone wanted to talk with you. There’s something you need to know,” Levi answered.
Priyank nodded and followed Levi out of the room, heading to the living room where Jackson, Rish, and Maya sat with serious expressions on their faces.
He approached them quietly, sensing the gravity of the situation. “What’s going on?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Maya looked up at him, her eyes troubled. “You should sit down, you might be tired too.”
Despite her hatred towards him for whatever he had done to Priya in the past-things she hadn’t witnessed at all-she had observed him for two days now. She could see the immeasurable amount of affection and love he had for Priya.
Priyank sat down on the sofa. “I’m all ears. Please, go ahead.”
“As you know, Priya is our heir to rule the pack,” Maya began.
Priyank nodded, already aware of this.
“But for now, someone else has been ruling. When Priya’s parents passed away and she went missing, the pack needed a leader. They held a vote, and now that person has been ruling the pack for the past 18 years.”
“Now things are different; it’s going to be difficult.”
“I don’t understand. What do you mean by ‘it’s going to be difficult’?”