148. Lethal

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-2-16

Kaylee seemed to grow older after I finished my statement.
“He’s gone” she whispered, I could hardly even her.
“Gone, where?” I asked her.
She shuddered as if thinking of it alone would summon deadly bad luck.
“He’s stubborn, I.. I begged him, he was not listening, it was like I was holding him back and I did not want to be his next target. He__”
“You’re making no sense”
“When Christian found out about it, about your involvement in this. He realised that Marcellino was playing the asshole just to spite him and make him angry. Marcellino could have just told him and save time but he was too scared to confess when he found out about your relationship with Christian… Because Marcellino knew that if he told Christian one on one what he had and Elisa had done, Christian would have killed him and her and then killed anyone that tries to lay a finger on you” Kylee’s breathing was uneven.
“He’s angry Jenna, he had figured it out and he is also very scared and the news was devastating, he can’t lose you, and you’re pregnant, he was so scared… But right now, he’s too furious and he had to harness that anger, you’ve probably never seen him angry, he’s destructive ”
“What do you mean by harness the energy?”
“He’s going to wipe them out”
I busted out in laugher.
“This must be a joke”
“Jenna, I’m serious ”
“You said these people were dangerous, they are mobsters for crying out loud, they kill for a living. They’re dangerous ”
“They are dangerous, but he’s dangerous to danger ”
It was quietness that followed, nothing but quietness.
I left the car, because the doors, the roof and the floor seemed to be closing in, they wanted to trap me.
Inside the house, it was warm and peaceful, too peaceful. It was ironical. How can everything be so calm when the love of my life was out there. First thing I knew , I was crying, then I ended up screaming.. Then my hands pulled the curtains.
If fell too good, to destroy it. It was also very expensive, everything in the house was expensive. I picked up vases and I slammed them. Anything my hands could touch, I slammed.
After about thirty minutes, I was spent.
Exhaustion leaked out of my body like blood from cuts. I laid there on the ground and Kylee walked into the room, when had she been when I was wrecking the entire place?
“I see that you’ve got a little Christian in you” she said and I bursted out in laughter.
We both laughed and I couldn’t stop.
I looked around and I stood up and alone, I cleaned everything.
I was standing in the back of the SUV.
Wayne was right beside me, loading one of the many guns he was carrying. He pushed it aside and he looked up at me.
His eyes were almost glittering, with pure joy. He smiled and I could see that he was eager to kill.
“It’s been a long time since we went for one of these things boss…”
“Blood thirsty fucker” I muttered and the others in the van laughed.
“We start from the top and move to the bottom ” Wayne instructed the men.
It was the dead of the night, we were infiltrating the house of the Russian Don. Their boss. We would kill him and his family, his entire mob would be enraged.
But, they would be disabled without a leader. Killing their boss would make a big statement, fear would haunt them senselessly. The gate of the building was massive.
We drove down from the SUV, one by one.
“Come on boys, whoever gets shot at most, gets the biggest pay. Don’t die” I said and behind me, my men were jittery and eager.
The first one to move was carrying explosives, he placed it at either sides of the walls and moved back, it exploded. I turned on my night vision goggles, someone behind me was chewing gum and popped a bubble. It rhymed with the sound of the explosion.
I moved first, there were tons of men running out of the house. They were armed to the teeth. It would give me greeter pleasure to kill them and use their weapons to kill their gang later. I smiled and took aim, then I pull the trigger continuosly.
Bullets went flying, I could hear them swooshing in the air, they were whistling as they flew past my ear. The boom of the guns were music to my soul, so were the sound of men crying and falling.
The first badge was done, almost a hundred men were laying on the ground dead.
“Take their guns and shoot them all, just to make sure”
I climbed the stairs and behind me, someone open fire, the men that would have been playing dead were all dead now.
There was another gate, this one was tighter.
“We have to head fast, I’m sure more men are on their way as we speak”
“Split up!” Wayne yelled his command, the men split into two groups. I was the leader of one group, while he was the leader of the second.
I led my group through the front while Wayne led his group through the back.
“Shoot the walls down” I told them.
With the guns of our enemy, we shot the walls, they were about two feets thick and concrete. They came down at last and we entered.
Wayne and his group were no where to be seen or head, the compound was quiet, as if everything was…
“They’re in the brushes!” I yelled when I spotted movement.
We opened fire, men yelled, many shot back but quickly, everything quieted down.
“That was close, keep your eyes open, is everyone alright?”
“I’m hit, but I’ll be fine” one of my men said. I wanted to ask him if he was sure he could continue but more men appeared on the rooftop, snippers.
I didn’t have time to think, or even shout commands… All I could see was their red lasers pointing at us. We were concerned.