Horny Twins Collabo:++ 6

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-16

“She was a year ahead of me. Doing engineering as well. Brilliant. Pretty hot too; she played hockey for the women’s second team and I guess that’s how we started talking.”
“Reckon she could have run rings around me. She was trying to make the first eleven. She wanted hockey colours.”
“Describe her.”
“Five foot ten or so. Slender waist, but a sprinter’s build. Pale blue eyes, brown hair with a wave to it. You know the look some Eastern European girls have? That face shape with the delicate jaw and big eyes?”
“Uh huh.”
“She had that in spades. Gorgeous. Funny. Interesting.”
“So why didn’t you date her?”
“Batshit, bunny-boiling crazy. I only found this out after I’d done the deed.”
I laughed. “Ouch.”
“Yeah. I wish I’d known that before. Seriously, I considered changing Universities. She was… uncannily good at finding me.”
“So what happened?” I asked, propping myself up on an arm and watching his face.
“When you two shagged, dumbo.”
“Um… Shan…”
“You said it didn’t weird you out to talk about this stuff,” I said, quietly. “This is me trying to be open, Olly.”
He stared at me for a moment. “OK. OK. You’re right. Um…” he hesitated. “OK. So. We hit it off at a social evening. I’d noticed her around obviously, and I had a drink or two in me and decided to just go over and say hello. She was friendly, and open, I bought her a drink and we talked about our courses.
We danced a bit, drank a bit more. She was a nice height for me, and she had this way of looking up at me and smiling this small smile… well, one thing led to another and before I knew it it was 2am and we were walking hand in hand back to her rooms. She snuck me in, and we weren’t even through the door before she had her top off.”
“Fast mover,” I breathed.
“Determined too. She grabbed my hands, put them on her, told me to use her.”
“Use her?”
“Her exact words. ‘Use me.'”
“Wow. Kinky.”
“You have no idea…”
“So spill the beans.”
He took a sip of his wine, and coughed. “OK. This bit might get… detailed. She… she wanted me to bite her breasts. Not hard… just…”
“Love nibbles,” I said, softly.
“I guess. I wasn’t really complaining, her breasts were amazing. Perky little ones, great nipples… She smelled nice; clean. Before I knew it we were on her bed; she was on top of me, grinding her panties against me, arched forward so her breasts were close enough for me to nibble. And kiss. And suck.”
I squeezed my legs together, and bit my lip hard.
“Then, she had a hand in my pants, and was touching me, stroking me.”
“Nice?” I breathed, my mind conjuring up the image to taunt me.
“I hadn’t been with anyone for a while, you do the math,” he grinned. “Yeah. Yeah, it was nice. She pulled me out. Then, before I knew what was happening, she was rubbing me against her pussy. She’d pulled her panties aside and basically just climbed on top of me like that; still in her skirt and me still pretty much fully clothed.”
“Mm. Sounds like she couldn’t wait. What was it like?”
“She was incredibly tight. Very hot. Soaking wet. She was moaning before we’d been going at it for ten seconds…”
“Lucky wench,” I teased him. “Must be nice to be wired like that.”
“Apart from the batshit crazy bit.”
“That was later. You’re telling me about before.”
“Um… I didn’t last long. She… she gave me this look as I came, like, ‘I’m not done with you’. And she wasn’t. She rode me and fingered herself till she’d come, then she got off the bed and stripped. She stripped me. She sat down on my cock again, and… hot-dogged me…”
“What?” I said, in disbelief.
“Hot-dogging… it’s like… it’s when the girl rubs her pussy along the guys cock like it’s a hot dog sausage?”
I fell backwards, laughing till I wheezed for breath.
Olly gave me a disgusted look. “Shut it, Shan. It’s embarrassing enough; I don’t need your mockery…”
“Why’s it embarrassing?” I wheezed, chuckling. “You sound like you got a great shag out of it.”
“It’s embarrassing telling you about it,” he complained. “You’re my… you’re the person whose opinion matters most to me.”
“Olly,” I managed, trying not to laugh any more. “Olly, I’m not judging. I just found the image… hilarious. Hilarious, and… interesting,” I added, grinning. “I’ll try that someday… that is… if I find someone I can let go long enough to do it to,” I sighed.
“Sorry, Shan. Didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Ssh, it doesn’t matter, we’re talking about you,” I interrupted. “So… she was…” I snorted, “hot-dogging you… then what?”
“Obviously I got hard again. She spun round, knelt down, and basically instructed me to fuck her doggy-style.”
“I did. I lasted much longer. She didn’t. I think her legs gave out in the end before I finally finished.”
“Mm. Lucky slut,” I breathed, conscious of the tingling of my own clit. “Lucky you, too, to find one like that.”
“Pity about the baggage. She seemed OK in the morning, kissed me goodbye and snuck me out before anyone else woke up. 2 hours of sleep broke me.”
“Was she really that crazy? Or just lonely?” I mused.
“Crazy, desperate, I don’t know. She freaked me the fuck out and I didn’t ever really speak to her again. She left the end of that year.”
“Regrets?” I asked him, softly.
“I… feel guilty for not saying goodbye to her, I guess.”
I leaned in, rested my head on his shoulder. “You’re a sweet boy, Oliver.”
“Sometimes,” he sighed. “I regret how cold I was to her. But… I was younger and stupider and honestly not ready for anything intense.”
“Mhmm. Intense can take its toll,” I agreed, closing my eyes. He wrapped an arm around me, pulled me closer; I wriggled slightly.
“You look tired and sad, Shan. What’s on your mind?”
“Just… wishing, I guess.”
“For the experiences you’ve had. Mine have been slim pickings. Best sex I had was from a girl…”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up a bit. A girl?”
“I licked some carpet once, Olly, it’s nothing major.”
“Wow… I just… Shan, that’s something I honestly never thought I’d hear come out of your mouth.”
“I was lonely, she was nice… match made in heaven, really.”
“Are you…”
I laughed. “No, no Olly. When I’m anything it’s penetration I want, not clit… well, mostly anyway. But… variety is the spice of life.”
I watched him shaking his head, amused at the effect it had had on him. “Shall I tell you about it?”
“No, please don’t tell me about the time you shagged a girl… of course I want to hear about it, what the fuck,” he yelled, laughing.
I snorted. “Typical guy.”
“Shan, when a hot girl says she’s got lesbian tendencies… that’s right up there in the top three of every guys’ fantasy list.”
“Hot girl?”
He thumped the back of my head. “Don’t act dumb, it demeans you.”
“I think I’m attractive, not hot, Olly.”
“Shannon,” he said. I glanced up at him, then away, disturbed by the intensity of his expression. “Don’t belittle yourself.”
I shrugged, flushing.
Olly pulled me in and touched his forehead to my temple for a moment.
I let out a small, shuddering breath and waited for the shivers to pass.
The fire hissed and cracked; golden sparks chased one-another up into the flue, and the logs jetted out whorls of smoke as they burned. Ollie sat, and I lay on my side, watching the firelight playing on his face.
“So?” he probed, gently.
I took a breath. “I guess this is about the girl.”
“It’s a miracle, she’s a mind reader.”
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Olly.”
“Yeah yeah.” He waved his hand. “I hear that a lot.”
I lay still a moment, remembering.
“It was a dark and stormy night,” I began.
“Oh, for fuck sakes,” he said in disgust.
“Olly, I’m serious. It was a dark and stormy night. It was winter. July. She and I were studying in the library, or at least, trying to. The wind was howling, it was hard to concentrate because other buildings kept losing roof tiles and the bins outside were blowing around and crashing into walls.”
“Uh huh. Less scene setting, more action.”
I snorted. “Fine. The library was closing and her room was closer than the car park; when she saw me packing up she offered me some tea and a warm place to hide while I waited for the worst of the weather to pass. We dashed across the quad to her residence and were both completely soaked before we’d got halfway there.”
“It was mad… it was… exhilarating. The wind. The rain. The noise. I felt so alive in that moment. She was holding my hand; I can remember the feel of her fingers in mine, the way she laughed as we ducked into the entrance hall of her residence. Our bags, our clothes – totally soaked too. Her hair, plastered to her face, and the grin she gave me as she brushed it out of her eyes.”
“She let me into her room and handed me a towel and a dressing gown, then dried herself off; she didn’t seem self-conscious when she stripped to change. It… she captivated me. She was tall… almost as tall as me. She had this amazing flame-red hair. And she had these unbelievable legs… ”
“She was flushed from the run and the cold air. She caught me staring, and… and she turned to face me, smiled, and asked if I liked the view.”
“You clearly did.”
“I stammered out some apology. I can still remember the sound of her laughter. The way she sauntered over to me, without a stitch on; the way she leaned forward… she had these lovely, lovely small breasts, delicate pink nipples… and this scent. Oh god, Olly,” I added with a small shudder. “I wish I could have bottled that. She sat on my lap, lifted my chin gently, and then just kissed me.”
“Wow,” he breathed. “Oh god, that sounds hot.”
“You just simply… Olly, words just don’t do the feeling justice. You know that trite phrase, ‘She took my breath away”‘”
“Mm, I’ve heard it…”