Luca felt like there was a deity somewhere, listening to his desperate prayers. He blinked multiple times to see if it was a dream, but she remained in his sight.
Her pink highlights bounced as she spoke with a big smile. There was only one person who could be so hyperactive around four am on the morning.
He didn’t know when his legs began moving towards her. Perhaps his heart was tired of pretending. Luca didn’t think twice, his hands stretching out before him,
“Cece?” He hesitantly called,
Cecelia looked behind the guard who had come to pull open the door, her smile widening as they took in the familiar faces. The moment they got to his, it instantly dropped.
“Hey everyone!” She waved energetically. “Cara wasn’t replying to my texts, so I decided to return. Why didn’t you tell me that Adonis was back up? This is such good news.” She gave a giddy smile.
Luca took in her tanned skin. Wherever she was, she must have been at the beach frequently. It was their dream. To travel to see the sea thrice every year.
Does this mean she still cares?
He closed the rest of the gap between them. “Cecelia, I-
“Get your f*cking hands off me,” Cecelia growled, lowly. “Touch me, and I would not hesitate to sue you.” She spat, her words dripping with hatred.
He paled, stumbling back as though he was pushed away physically.
She must have been so hurt. What had he done?
“Look, I know-
“Cara…” she cut him off, barreling towards her friend for a hug. “You’ve grown so well. We have a lot to discuss. Adonis.” She also hugged him. “Welcome back to the land of the living.” Then to Miguel, he nodded politely. “Hello, sir. We haven’t officially met. Nice to meet you once again, sir.”
Miguel nodded back.
“Nice to meet you too Miss…
“Oh, it’s just Cecelia.” She supplied.
“Yes, Cecelia. Well, everyone, I believe all is settled, so I’ll be retiring to bed, leaving you youngsters to it. I hope you’ll still be around when I wake up later in the day; we should celebrate your return.” He smiled at her.
“Yes sir. Thank you so much. Have a good rest.”
They all waited until Miguel left, and then Luca decided to try his luck again.
“Are you going to-
“I almost forgot!” Cecelia jammed her hands together. “I came with a guest. Hope there’s an extra room for one. If there isn’t, we can just share. It doesn’t matter.”
She ran to the door, poking her head out, “Come in, baby.”
Cara and Luca wore puzzled expressions. “Baby?”
At that precise moment, the mint scent of a cologne flooded their senses, and a man who looked like he just walked out of Dior magazine stepped into Miguel’s home with about five guards behind him, holding travelling boxes.
“I told you we could lodge at a hotel. I own one not too far from here.” The guy said as he took in the new environment.
Cecelia wrapped her hands around him, “Everyone, meet my new boyfriend.” She announced. “Jacob Maynard.”
The guy gave a small wave, “Hello.”
“Hel-” Cara choked on her words, stunned, “Hello. I’m Cara, and welcome to my father’s home.” Gesturing to Adonis, she added. “This is my husband, Adonis Bernardi.”
Jacob cocked his head. “Bernardi as in winemaking, King of Italy, Bernardi?”
Adonis grunted.
“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about your family. I own Maynard Corporation. Sorry to impose, but Cecelia can be a child at times. She suddenly packed our bags and asked me to spend the weekend with her and her friends.”
Cara pulled on a well-practiced smile. “Oh no, you’re not imposing at all. Although I won’t lie, I’m surprised.” She gave her friend a strained smile, “Cecelia never told me she had a man.”
“F*cking hell. You’re imposing!” Luca attacked, snapping out of his shell-shocked state. “You should leave if you know so.”
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Jacob wheeled around. “Who are you?”
He took a threatening step towards the innocent man. “I’m her fiance.”
Cecelia eyed him, “No, you’re not. Ignore him, baby.”
Eyes shuttling between the two, Jacob studied them. “O…. kay then. It’s good to see you, Mr…
“None of your business. Get out.”
“What is wrong with you? This isn’t your home for all I know; we are allowed here. Cara’s father gave his consent.”
“Not to him. I don’t want him here.”
“He’s a madman; excuse his behaviour.” She said, giving her supposed boyfriend a small peck.
“What the-
Luca stormed over to them, pulling Cecelia away from him.
“Let me go!”
“I’m unaware of the reason for your hostility, but you’re treating my woman badly. I won’t stand for that. Let her go, or I’ll call in the guards.”
“She’s not your woman.”
“Release her.”
Cara watched helplessly, her head automatically switching between them as she prayed her father’s living room wouldn’t become a battleground. She had seen enough violence for one night.
Luca, being the exhibitor, was both a sight and an unwanted one at that. He moved up to Jacob’s face.
“Try me.”
Next thing, Jacob was whipping out his phone, “Hello, get the-
“That won’t be necessary.” Adonis finally decided he’d seen enough and stepped in, ending the call. He pried Luca’s hands off a fuming Cecelia, then turned to Jacob once again.
“I apologise for my friend’s behaviour. He’s obsessed with your girl.”
“Adonis, this isn’t-
A gasp fell from Cara’s lips despite her placing her hand over it. She wasn’t the only shocked one.
Luca stared at Cecelia, her handprint burning on his cheeks, “You… because of… why-
She delivered another hit.
This time, he didn’t say a word. His expression a mixture of disbelief, hurt and something else… something that looked closer to despair.
Had he truly lost her?
“I am not a possession.” She seethed. “I am not a toy. I have my own free will. When I say let me go, you let me go. You would respect my man, or you’ll be the reason I walk out of the door and never see any of you again. Am I clear?”
“You don’t mean it.”
“I do!” She screeched. “You had your chance, but you lost it. Did you expect me to sit in a corner crying till you decided you wanted me back? You have Tina. Why are you trying to crawl back in?” She scoffed. “This man is my world now, and the sooner you accept it, the better.”
“Cara.” She turned to her open-mouthed friend, “I apologise for the scene. I don’t think I’m in the mood to catch up anymore.” She took Jacob’s hand in hers. “Can you please show us to our room?”
Cara absentmindedly nodded, “No problem,” leading them up the stairs to get them settled as they left behind a stunned Luca and a silent Adonis.
“I’m going to bed. Take the couch, get a room, or leave. Anyone’s fine. Don’t kill the guy before we all wake up. That’s all I ask of you.”
Adonis warned as he left his heartbroken friend to reflect on what had just taken place.