Damian’s POV
” If these kids cause any issues. I am beating the shit out of you.” I mindlink Dean.
” Yeah, well you are going to need to get in line. Even my own father said this was probably a bad idea.” Dean admits.
I laugh mentally into the mindlink, ” Your own father told you this was a bad idea! Yet, you used Willow’s kind heart against me!” I snap at him.
” I may have used her kind heart to my advantage, but let’s not play the psychopath game Damian. We both know I can play it a lot better than you can.” Dean mindlinks back with a smirk.
” Do you want to find out who can play the psychopath game better?” I mindlink back in a irritated tone.
” You can’t play that, not with Willow and Draco in the room.” Dean whisper to me in a cocky tone.
I swear, sometimes he really pisses me off, but he isn’t wrong. I can’t fight him with Willow or my son in the room.
” You two knock it off!” Willow says in a stern tone.
” We aren’t doing anything.” Dean says in a innocent tone.
” I might be human Dean, but I am not dumb. I can sense the tension in the air.” Willow tells us.
” We aren’t calling you dumb. Besides, we were just having a little chat.” I reassure her with a soft smile.
A chat that may involve my fist going right into Dean’s face. Sometimes our arguments and disagrees get settled by punching the shit out of each other.
It isn’t the first time me and him have gotten into a fist fight. Don’t get me wrong I love Dean like a brother. Doesn’t mean we don’t our fair share of fights.
Willow stares at me, before looking down at our son that she was holding in her arms. ” Were they just having a chat?” She questions him.
I forgot that Draco could read minds. Even though he is a baby and he can’t talk. He can still communicate by showing you images. Which in mine and Dean’s case. Draco would show Willow a image of us punching the shit out of each other.
It’s basically like watching a old movie in slow motion. Since Draco’s powers are still growing it will take awhile, before it comes out in a much faster pace.
I mindlink Draco, ” Say yes.” I tell him.
I watch Draco give me a cocky little smirk. I listen to him babble loudly at me.
Great, he knows that he has me by the balls.
” Draco, I’ll give you a bottle full of blood. If you lie and tell mommy we were just having a friendly chat.” I mindlink him.
I watch his little eyes flicker with happiness, before reaching up and touching Willow’s face.
” Guess you two were just talking.” Willow says softly, as she kisses Draco cheek.
It didn’t take Draco long to introduce Willow to one of his powers. I am sure he has more than one, but right now mind reading and showing images are the only ones he has revealed. He was so excited too see Willow up and walking around. That he could help, but show how much he loves her.
Letting out a sigh of relief I smile watching Willow with Draco.
Little shit is hard to bribe. Now I have to figure out how to give him a whole bottle of blood without Willow flipping out on me.
Hearing Draco babble some more. I realize that he is staring right at me.
” I can’t give you the bottle now. Your mother would have a fit seeing that much blood in a bottle.” I mindlink him.
I watch his little cheeks puff out as he gives me a glare.
” I am going to make him a bottle real fast. Dean, you wait outside for those hybrid children to show up.” I tell him, as I head towards the kitchen.
Can’t believe I am getting bossed around by an infant. Kinda makes me wonder how this bossy Draco turned into the young man I met. When I took a peek into the future.
Walking into the kitchen I head over to the refrigerator. I open the refrigerator door and grab a blood packet from the bottom drawer. Shutting the drawer and the refrigerator door with my right foot, before grabbing a baby bottle from the top shelf. Setting the bottle down on the counter. I put the blood packet into the microwave, and heat it up for ten seconds.
Once I hear the microwave beep. I take put the blood packet and poke a small hole into the packet, before pouring it into the bottle.
Hearing talking coming from the living. Followed by a strong animal scent. I know those hybrid children are most likely in the living room with Dean and Willow.
I put the lid on the baby bottle, before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.
I see all fifteen hybrid children sitting in the living room. Each of them had a faint smell of human scent coming from them. Along with a few animal type characteristics that stood out, like having scales instead of skin, or rabbit ears. If it wasn’t for the hybrid scent that came from them. They could pass for normal looking demons.
The hybrid scent I am referring too is like a strong smell of dead animal. Since hybrids are basically weak animals that have combined with each other for centuries. All their scents don’t mix very well together, and it ends up making a strong dead animal smell. The smell isn’t strong for humans to take notice, and them mixing with humans would water down the dead animal smell, but it wouldn’t get rid of it.
” Hey honey, these are the children Dean told us about.” Willow says when she finally notices me.
” Yes, I know.” I say softly.
Walking over to Willow I take Draco out of her arms. I gently cradle him, before slipping the bottle into his mouth.
Willow’s eyes go wide seeing the bottle filled with nothing but blood. I can tell she wants to say something to me about it, but she just covers it up by smiling at.
” As I was saying. It would be nice to have you children in this clan.” Willow says looking back at all the children.
” But you don’t want us, because we are hybrids and not actually normal demons.” A small twelve year old girl with red hair, and squirrel ears says.
” That wasn’t what I was implying.” Willow says to them.
” You don’t have to imply it. We have been judged by people all of our lives. We know people are nervous around us, because we are from wild demon animals and not normal demons.” Another child answers.
” That wasn’t at all where I was going with it. Besides, I don’t actually know the difference between you children and normal demon children.” Willow tells them honestly.
” The difference is we are wild animals. While normal demons are descendants from a different cloth.” The oldest child answers.
So, these children are educated.
Here I was thinking it was just a bunch of wild animals with no manners or potty training.
” I still don’t fully understand. I have seen normal demons that are also animals.” Willow tells them.
” The difference between them, and us is we are born with intelligence, and are able to control are demonic nature. While they will sometimes feed out of boredom and attack without reason.” I tell Willow.
” That still doesn’t explain anything. I seen normal demons attacks out of boredom, and for no reason.” Willow tells me.
Yeah, she does have a point about that. There really isn’t anyway for me to explain it in a way that she will understand. We aren’t completely different from these hybrids, but at the same time we are different.
What sets us apart from these hybrids is that. They are a mixture of weak demon animals that have combined throughout centuries or years. While most demons will stick to there bloodlines and only mix with others of there kind.
” We are different because our ancestors are mixtures of low level animal demons that have mixed and combined for centuries. While demons like your husband are what we call human like demons. Human like demons will continue to mix with others like themselves. Same with wolf demons that mix with other wolves. We are just weak animals that mixed with other weak things to make ourselves stronger.” A little girl says.
I feel really dumb right now.
A child that looks like she can be four years old, just explained something a lot better than me.
I got out started by a hybrid.
Hybrid child at that.