Chapter 86

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Dean’s POV
……. ~ PRESENT DAY ~ ……
Sitting next to Damian on the couch. I don’t know how to tell him about that little girl. After me and Alex killed all of the remaining hybrids. Alex spent the next five hours grilling information out of her.
He didn’t hit her or use any type of torturing method to get information out of her. He basic yelled at her until she broke down and started crying.
She told us that her name was Aspyn. That she was living peaceful in a small village with her mother and father. They lived deep in the forest on the edge of Devil’s Peak. She told us how the village was filled with kind, and caring people that didn’t harm or kill anyone. They were just a normal villagers that hunted and planted food just like everyone else. That for centuries it was peaceful until the wild hybrids showed up with a man in his late twenties.
She told us that the man asked her parents and the rest of the adults to join them in attacking the resort. Everyone that refused was killed on the spot. Including both of her parents.
Only a small handful of villagers lived, and they are all children. They range from ages 3 years old up too fourteen. They took all the children to use them as a distraction in this attack. Once it was over and if any of them survived. They would be forced to be new breeders for the wild hybrids.
She even told us about the man that was causing all of this chaos. It was none other than Sato. Sato offered those hybrids a bunch of human women as payment for attacking the resort. I’m not sure if he knew Willow was here, or if he was just attacking to start a war with my clan.
Either way it has only given my family more reason to help Damian in killing Sato. So, really Sato just fucked himself.
Letting out a soft sigh, I glance over at Damian. He was holding his son gently in his arms and smiling down at him. ” Damian, there is something I should tell you.” I say and watch Damian look over at me.
” What do you need to tell me?” He questions me with a raised brow.
” When Alex was helping me take out the hybrids. We came across a little girl. Her name is Aspyn and she is a hybrid, but she is also part human. Apparently there was a small village on the edge of Devil’s Peak were half hybrids lived together in harmony. ” I tell him and pause to make sure he is following along.
” So, what was their reason for attacking us?” Damian asked.
” Aspyn, small clan didn’t agree to attack us. They believed in peace and equality for everyone. That it wasn’t right to just kill innocent people, and because of that a lot of them were killed on the spot, for not agreeing with the other hybrids way of life. She didn’t have a choice, but to go along with the other hybrids. She watched her parents, friends, and neighbors all get killed in front of her. She was just trying to stay alive.” I explain to him.
” She is still a hybrid Dean.” He snaps at me.
” She is a eight year old girl, that knows not everyone will like her! She is harmless and needs a place to belong.” I tell him.
” Are you asking me to take in a hybrid that was trying to kill us!” He snaps back at me with a laugh. I watch Damian shake his head, ” No, nowhere in my future did I see a hybrid hanging around.” He adds.
” Maybe you didn’t look around enough to actually find one.” I snap back at him.
” Why not ask your dad too take her in?” Damian questions me.
” Because they won’t take in everyone from her little village” I mumble to him.
” How many are we talking?” Damian suddenly asked.
” About fifteen of them.” I say with a wild hopeful smile.
” No! No, no, no!” Damian says jumping to his feet. ” Taking in one hybrid would start rumors. Taking in fifteen would cause me to be a joke for everyone to laugh at!” He adds.
” What would cause you to be a joke?” Willow asked interrupting us. She was being carried in by my grandfather.
He carries her over to us, and gently places Willow in the recliner that was on the other side of the couch.
That didn’t take grandpa very long to heal her wounds. It took him at least twenty-five minutes.
” Nothing, because I am not doing it.” Damian says looking directly at me.
” He won’t take in orphan children.” I tell Willow making Damian look like the bad guy.
I watch her face go stern and look at Damian ” Why won’t you take in orphan children?” Willow asked Damian.
” Because, they aren’t normal orphan! They are hybrid children! They are wild animals.” Damian tells Willow.
Willow isn’t aware of the hybrids that are part humans. She only knows of the hybrids that were trying to attack and kill her. She knows nothing about Aspyn, or what is left of her village.
” How about you talk to them first, before you make any type of judgment call.” I ask Willow and glare at Damian.
If I can get Willow on my side. Damian won’t have a choice but to take them in.
I can see that she is thinking about. While Damian glares at me and sends me a mindlink, ” That is a low blow Dean! Using Willow kind and caring heart against me.” He says in a irritated tone.
” They are kids that need a home. Beside they can be very helpful too your clan. You saw how powerful hybrids can be.” I link him back.
” Yeah! And I saw a bunch of weak ones too! What the fuck am I suppose to do with weak things! Have them clean the floors!” Damian snaps at me.
” They can be powerful with the right training, and believe it or not. Some of them are very good at cleaning. They already cleaned that mess you called a library.” I snap back at him.
I watch as the veins on Damian’s forehead start to become visible, as he takes a step towards me.
” You have a baby in your arms. You can’t hit me.” I remind him in a mindlink.
” I only need one arm to punch you into the dirt!” Damian snaps back.
” Come on! It was dirty!” I say out loud and dodge his punch by doing a back-flip off the back of the couch.
” I have important documents all over that library! Yet you let the enemy look at them!” He snaps at me.
I can’t help but to start laughing, ” I saw those, so called important documents, and trust me. They aren’t important in anyway.” I tell him.
I watch Damian pick up a lamp from the side table and throw it in my direction. I catch the lamp with my bare hands, and watch him pick up a vase that was sitting on top of the fire place.
” Oh no! He has a vase! What should I do!” I say full of sarcasm, as I set the lamp down on the floor.
” Fucking smart ass!” Damian says, as he throws the vase at me. I squat down dodging the vase. That I didn’t notice a round marble object flying in my direction.
Feeling instant pain I fall sideways onto the floor. “Son of a bitch!” I says coughing and rolling around on the floor, with my hands between my legs. ” That’s a low blow to hit someone in the balls.” I tell him.
” Damian!” I hear Willow snap.
” I only threw the lamp!” Damian says in defense.
” Than how did the marble ball get thrown at him?” Willow asked.
Suddenly a little giggle fills the air.
” Of course, the midget threw it at me.” I says with pain still in my voice.
” He isn’t a midget. He is a baby.” Willow says trying not to laugh.
” Glad you think this is funny!” I snap hearing Damian start to laugh.
” Good boy for helping your old man.” Damian says praising him.
” When I get up. I am punching you twice.” I threaten Damian.
I can hear Damian son babbling angrily at me. ” I’m not arguing with someone that has a bedtime.” I say out loud.
I can hear the baby babbling more, as Damian starts busting out into laughter.
” Alright! Everyone knock it off!” Willow says in a stern tone.
I hear the baby whining at Willow’s response, ” I don’t care. No fighting!” Willow says, as I finally sit up.
Little shit head!
” We should hear the hybrid children out.” Willow says causing Damian to groan.
Thank goodness for Willow’s kind heart. I know they are hybrids, but they are also children that deserve a chance at living.
However, A small part of me is hoping that I don’t come to regret this decision.