She wishes them a life full of prosperity and love, a life that she and Nico will have one day, a life that she can clearly vision now them in their home with their bundle of joy, just the three of them. She laid a hand on her stomach and smiled tenderly at the baby as if he or she can see, the love she feels for the baby is overwhelming. Nico put his hand over hers, assuring her that he’s here and always will be. Her adoring husband. They were on their way home where the wedding reception will be held, Bella and Santiago will meet them there they left them at the church with the photographer. She has seen Nico’s ex girlfriend and the woman hadn’t been nice at all when he had introduced them, she had ignored Reina and stared down at her if looks could kill she would’ve been dead. Not that it bothered her what woman wouldn’t be angry after a man like Nico just dumped you, obviously she must be still hurting. Although she has to say Anastasia is beautiful, she wonders why Nico had called it quits asking won’t hurt, would it.”Why did you break up with Anastasia. She’s a very beautiful woman.”
“I’m not in the mood to talk about that woman.”He said.
“Well it doesn’t seem that she’s over you from the way she clung unto you, one would swear that you are still in a relationship.”
“She is a very cunning woman so stay away from her, I mean it.”
“I heard you. Loud and clear.”
“I bought you a gift and I want you to wear it tonight.”He said.
“Is that an order? You need to work on your asking ability Mr Garcia I’m not one of your employees.”
“I am the way that I am.”
She glared at him and shook her head.”What kind of a gift is it.”
“You’ll see whenever you gonna have a chance to sneak away from the reception, you’ll find it on the bed in our room.”
“I didn’t see anything when we left, so when did you get it or leave it there.”
“I want to see you naked in it. Except for the thong that you have on.”
She gasped.”And how do you know that I’m wearing a thong. You weren’t there this morning when I got dressed.”
“I don’t need to be there to know that I know my wife or have you forgotten that I still have your underwear.”
“Which I’m still waiting for it. When will I get it?”She asked.
“Soon.”He said giving her that sexy smile that makes her go mushy all over. When they got home a few people were already there including his mother, the bride and groom hasn’t arrived yet so she took the opportunity to quickly go upstairs and see what her dearest husband has up his sleeve. As he had said there is a designer carrier bag on the bed she opened it and took out what ever was inside. She caught her breath at the beautiful red sheer lace robe, he wants her to wear this with a thong only and strangely enough she is wearing a red thong how does he do it, how does he know her so well. She’s speechless. She neatly folded the robe and put it back, before heading back downstairs. She saw him standing near the pool talking to Jose and made her way over to him, but was stopped mid way by none other than Anastasia. Just as earlier on she looked Reina up and down and fluttered her lashes.
“He’ll get tired of you quickly you not his type at all and I for one don’t think that you match at all.”
“Who cares.”Reina said.”I’m his wife and you’re not.”Reina lifted up her left hand and waved it in front of her face so that she could see the big diamond.
“You not married yet a lot can happen in that time. Nico is just angry at me for now but soon he’ll realise that I’m the woman for him so don’t get too comfortable because I’ll expose you for the fraud that you are.”
Reina laughed at her and it wasn’t ladylike.”I’m a fraud. I don’t have the time nor the energy for your stupidity, so please excuse me we have actual guests, not the ones who came here for their own agendas.”She pushed past Anastasia but what she said next made Reina’s whole body shake with anger.
“Besides we all know that bastard you’re carrying isn’t his and I’ll prove it.”
Reina lifted her hand and slapped her so hard that she’s sure half the guests must have heard it, but luckily they were alone. Her hand imprint is visible on Anastasia’s cheek.
“This is far from over. You hear me.”She told Reina holding her cheek.”You’re going to pay for this.”Then she turned and walked away. Reina couldn’t believe that she had actually slap her never before has she lifted her hand on anyone, except for the guy at the strip club. But never before has she been this angry. She felt someone touch her shoulder and turned to see who it was and it’s Cathy, holding a glass of champagne in her hand.
“I’m glad that wasn’t me. What did she do to deserve that?” Cathy wanted to know.
“You saw that?”Reina asked and Cathy nodded.”She’s Nico’s ex and well let’s just say that she said something I didn’t like. The woman is bitter and not worth talking about, don’t you think you’ve had enough of those.”She pointed to the glass in her hand.
“It’s a wedding and I’m enjoying myself. Let me be, anyway I need it and from the looks of it you seem to need it more than I do.”
“Lord knows I do. Where is Logan?”
“Talking to one of many business men. It’s a wedding and he’s talking about work I just had to escape, let’s get you a drink.”
“I’m not talking about that kind of a drink.”Both of them went to the bar that has been set out at the back where all the guests will be eating. Cathy ordered another drink and Reina asked for a glass of coconut water.
“Where is your handsome fiance?”Cathy asked her.
“Probably seeing to the guests or making sure that nothing goes wrong.”
“So your job is to be the perfect hostess.”
“Please don’t remind me. That also means I’m going to have to ditch you soon enough, will you be okay?”
“I’ll be fine don’t worry about me. Your mother in law has given me permission to make myself at home and I intend to.”
Maria came their way.”Senora, senor is asking for you over by the pool.”
She has completely forgot that she’s looking for him, if it hadn’t been for that witch Anastasia.”Thank you Maria I’m coming.”She faced Cathy.”See you around and slow down on that please for me.”
“I will.”She promised and Reina left. Nico was busy on the phone when she reached him but when he saw her he quickly concluded his conversation and ended the call. He also didn’t look okay.
“What’s wrong?”She asked gently touching his cheek.
“Nothing I can’t handle.”He grab a hold of her hand and kissed her palm, tiny electric currents shot through her body a simple kiss yet it has such an effect on her.”Did you manage to find your gift.”
“Very naughty I must say. But I love it. Thank you it’s beautiful.”
“Not nearly as beautiful as you.”She blushed at that.
“Charmer. What made you buy it.”
“I don’t need a reason to buy my wife a gift, didn’t I tell you that before. Besides I love how the colour red sits on you it suits you.”
“I thought you don’t pay attention to such trivial things especially if it isn’t numbers and money.”
“Well when it comes to you I pay attention to alot of things, like the fact that you don’t like to wear jewelry except for your wedding ring or when I ask you to. You love to cuddle and you definitely not a morning person and when you have your breakfast, you prefer a yogurt and an apple or dry toast with chamomile tea. You would rather wear flat pumps than those ridiculous heels and last but not least you don’t listen when I say I love your hair loose.”She gave a soft gasp when he pulled out the pins that’s keeping her hair in place on top of her head and it came tumbling down on her shoulders. “Should I continue…”He asked her.
“You’ve certainly been paying attention.”She is actually surprised at the level of things he knows about her and yet she doesn’t know anything about him, but it touched her that at least he did notice her and her likes.
“And what you love most is designing and sewing clothes and it’s your dream to open up your own boutique one day. Which I wanna help in making that dream a reality….. but I know my stubborn wife will turn me down at every chance she gets.”He added when he saw that she was about to protest.”
“I don’t want any hand outs and I certainly don’t want to be indebted to anyone.”
“I won’t see it that way, I’m only trying to help is that so wrong.”
“No it’s not and thank you for the nice gesture but no. I know you’re trying to help but I have to find my own way.”