Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

“Don’t worry I’ll be there to level it out at the back with every step you going to take.”Reina assured her.”Where is your mom?”
“Last minute checks. Reina I have to tell you something.”She said turning around, having a worried look on her face.
“What’s wrong. Are you okay I hope nothing has happened to your brother, I haven’t seen him the whole morning.”
“No, no brother is fine. Listen brother’s ex is coming to the wedding, Anastasia. I hope you don’t mind I’ve invited her before you and brother got together.”
“It’s okay, your brother has mentioned her that’s his past. Besides it’s your wedding you invited all of them before even knowing me, so no I don’t have a problem with it.”
“Don’t you dare feel guilty.”
“You really are a good person. I couldn’t have asked for a better sister in law then you. I ask myself now what did brother see in all those women he dated before you.”
“Ask him. What does corazon mean?”She asked Bella.
Bella smiled at her broadly.”Does brother call you that. Oh my gosh. That’s so intimate, so loving. Never before have I ever heard him say that, or someone telling me he said that to them other than you. He must be really crazy about you, or in love.” Bella winked at her.
“Now you being silly.”Reina said blushing slightly.”I’m waiting.”
“You’re his sweetheart Reina. That is what it means sweetheart.”
Reina’s heart filled with warmth, he actually calls her that. Nico indeed is full of surprises, she doesn’t even know how to react or respond to them anymore. With each passing day she loves him more and more and after last night she has decided to stay and make things work she needs to give Nico a chance he deserves that, their marriage deserves it. Confessing her love had been a bold move she had thought he might reject her or push her away but he hadn’t, surely that has to be a good sign.
“Oh Reina… earth to Reina.”She heard Bella said.
“Sorry. Are you ready we need to leave.”Reina told her.
“Of course corazon.”Bella said playfully.
“Dear lord I hope I didn’t make a mistake by asking you.”
“I’m just kidding. You can go I’m leaving with brother, you can ride with mom we’ll be right behind you.”
“Where is your brother anyway.”Reina asked.
“He called before you came, he left for the office early something important came up but he said he’ll be here on time. He’ll probably get ready at the office.”
“Okay then, let me get my purse quickly.”Reina said.
Luciana came in.”Oh sweetie you look beautiful.”Her eyes filled up with tears. She grabbed Bella’s face between her hands and kissed her on both cheeks.
“Mom… please don’t.”Bella said.”You going to make me cry too and make me spoil my make up.”
“You look absolutely beautiful, it’s every mother’s dream to see her daughter looking like you do one day when you’re gonna have kids of your own you’ll understand.”
“I won’t be looking this beautiful if it wasn’t for Reina. She’s to thank.”
“Like I told you there’s no need and I enjoyed designing that dress for you.”
“She’s right Reina. Thank you for completing this day and making her look like a princess.”
Reina’s eyes filled up with unshed tears and her throat is thick with emotion as she spoke.”It was a pleasure and I would do it all over again if I have to.”
“Be careful I might take you up on that.”Bella warned.
She gave a low chuckle.”Let me get my purse.”They nodded and she quickly dashed to Nico’s bedroom that she now shares with him. Her purse is on the bed and she grabbed it, her cell rang and it was Cathy.
“What time does the wedding start.”She asked.
“Please don’t tell me you’re not ready yet.”
“I’m done. We’re about to leave that’s why I wanted to ask the time.”
“We are you going to leave now, we’ll meet each other at the church.”Reina said.
“I have a killer headache friend.”
Reina laughed at Cathy.”That’s what you get for partying, and what did Logan say when you came home that late.”
“He came home five minutes after me.”
Reina felt a pair of strong arms came around her waist and she knew it’s Nico. She could smell his cologne and aftershave, he kissed her on the neck and she leaned into him forgetting that she’s still talking to Cathy.
“Mmmmm…”She said when he kissed her again.
“Reina…?”Cathy said.”Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. See you soon.”She replied and quickly dropped the call. She turned around in his arms so that she could look at him, he’s extremely handsome in his black tuxedo, white shirt, black bow tie, with matching trouser and jacket. It sat perfectly on him outlining his good physique and sexy body, on his feet are black patent leather shoes, his gleaming jet black hair is neatly combed back. He looked like a nice dessert to her and all she wanted to do right now was strip him naked and have a taste of him. He gave her a long and passionate kiss which only made her body burn more, she moaned and clung onto him wanting more than he’s giving.
“There’s no time corazon. I only came to tell you that I need to talk to you after the wedding…. and you look beautiful, I can’t wait to tear this dress off your luscious body tonight.”
He kissed her again.
“It’s not fair.”She mumbled.”How do you always know what I’m thinking.”
“Like I said before. You’re an open book you cannot hide your feelings at least from me though. Come let’s go, you driving with mother.”She hooked her arm through his and they left.
“I’ve finally found out what corazon means.”She told him.
He looked at her and smiled.”Enlighten me.”
“Sweetheart.”She said.
“Well done. I wonder who could’ve told you, but I have an idea. I have another one for you.”
“I’m listening.”When they reached the bottom of the stairs he took her hand in his. He was different and looked different and she doesn’t know if she should be happy or scared.
He kissed her hand before speaking.”I’ve finally seen things clearer now and I cannot wait to share them with you. Mi amor that’s what I want you to know, but I’ll translate it for you tonight in my arms when I’ll be making love to you.”
A thousand things were going through her mind. Could this be it, did Nico finally realise that they could have a future together will he tell her what she so badly wants to hear. She looked deeper into his eyes and for the first time she was hopeful and knew that everything has finally fallen into place.
“Until tonight then.”She whispered and they left separately she with his mother and he with Bella.
The wedding went well, everything was a success and the couple got many blessings, the love was clear in their eyes as they said their vows. There was no mistaking their love.