Great just what he needs why doesn’t Anastasia leave him alone, he had thought that his engagement to Reina will put her off but instead she keeps on coming back to try and dig her claws in him he has even screened her calls hoping that she’ll get the message but seems she hasn’t. He doesn’t need her to ruin his relationship with Reina these past two weeks has been the best for him and he does not want anyone to mess it up for him.
“It’s fine send her through.”Two minutes later she strolled into his office wearing the shortest dress that he has ever seen on any woman.
“You’ve exactly five minutes to say what ever you came to say and leave.”
“Nico.”She purred.”Is that any way to greet a former lover.” She walked over to where he was sitting at his desk and sat down in front of him.
“Cover yourself Anastasia that’s no way for a woman to sit. What did you think when you wore this… were you hoping to entice or seduce me? I can tell you now it’s not going to work I’m engage.”
“So I’ve seen on the media. What happened between us Nico I thought we had a good thing going.”She touched his cheek.
“You knew how I felt about clingy woman and you were exactly that.”He turned his face away from her touch.
“You’re getting married. What changed in the past year since we haven’t been together, what does she have that I don’t?”
“You do not want me to answer that.”He pushed his chair back and got up.”If that was all.”
“What has she done unto you, rumor is that she’s pregnant how sure are you that the baby is yours for all you know it could be a trap. You are a billionaire after all so woman will do anything to hold you down.”
He grabbed her around the arm and tightened his grip. “Watch your tongue that’s my future wife you’re talking about and she’s twice the woman that you’ll ever be, now leave or I’ll have security throw you out.”
She walked to door.”This isn’t over Nicolas Garcia. I’ll be back.”Then she was gone he couldn’t care less about what she does to him, but when it comes to Reina it’s a totally different story. He sat down again and told his personal assistant that he doesn’t want any more visitors except for clients… a few minutes later his cell rang and it was the one woman who makes his day, the one woman whom he looks forward in seeing everyday after work, the one woman who makes him forget about everything and everyone and he cannot wait to make her his wife come this Saturday.
“Corazon…”He said gently.”To what do I owe this pleasure.”
“That sounds like a warm greeting. When will you tell me what it means”
“Soon.”He said.
“I wanted to hear your voice that’s why I called.”She admitted.
“Missing me? How sweet I can cancel my meetings for the day and come home.”If he was honest he was missing her too and just wanted to be near her and lose himself in her.
“There’s no need I’ll see you at dinner tonight. You are gonna make it for dinner right?”
“Of course.”
“Okay see you soon. I…-Bye-bye.”She said.
“Bye…”He said in return before she hung up. He knew that she was in love with him, he can see it on her face when she speaks to him or touch him even when they make love she expresses it even though she might not say it out loud he can see and understand. The only question he keeps on asking himself is why is he still marrying her and he comes up with nothing he can let her go so that she can find someone who will give her the selfless and pure love that she feels for him, but he’s selfish he isn’t ready to give her up nor will he ever let another man have her. What does that make him? He asked himself. All he knows was he can not be away from her he needs her by his side she’s the only thing that keeps him sane. He got up and left his office on his way out he told Cameroon his personal assistant to cancel all his meetings and went home.
Isabella walked out of her walk-in closet wearing her mermaid wedding dress that has an off the shoulder neckline with long sleeves. She looked absolutely beautiful Reina thought and went over to her and spread out her sweeping train at the back. The geometric design of the fabric and the beading are the protagonists of the beautiful dress, the design plays with the illusions and appliques to create an extremely elegant pattern drawn over her sleek silhouette. The back in crystal tulle with buttons down the center added sensuality and plenty of style.
“It came out more beautiful than I expected Reina.”She gasped.”No one else could’ve done a better job than you.”She turned around and hugged her tightly.”Thank you I love the dress.”Her eyes filled up with tears.
“Hey don’t cry or you gonna make me cry.”She said her own eyes filling up with tears.”I wasn’t gonna make you look less beautiful than you deserve. I’m glad you love it I made a few changes since the last time we spoke, I hope you approve.”
“It’s perfect. I’m blessed to have a sister in law like you. Don’t be surprise if I come to you next time and ask you to make me an evening dress.”She joked.
“I’d be honoured to.”
“Don’t say that I might take you up on it and we all know how brother will react to that.”
Reina smiled she knows him well he would refuse at the mention of it and say that she needs plenty of rest not that she would agree she’s pregnant and not an invalid she can still work, but telling Nico that it will fall on deaf ears.
“Thank you again.”
“Everyone will envy you.”They heard Bella’s mother say. She stepped further into Bella’s bedroom.”You look beautiful my daughter and you’re right Reina did an amazing job no one could have done it better than her. I saw the dress a week back but I never thought it would be this beautiful. I should thank you too dear having you in this family is a blessing.”
Reina wiped away the tears that had fallen.”It was my pleasure besides you guys made it very easy for me with all the love and support, instead I should be the one to say thank you for everything.”
“Come here.”Luciana said and opened up her arms for her. She went over and embraced her.”Nico is very lucky to have you in his life.”She told Reina. Bella also came for a hug and all three of them stood embracing each other. After a few minutes they pulled apart.
“I better go and change before I tear something.”Bella said and disappeared into her closet.
“Have you and Nico set a date for the wedding yet?”
Reina didn’t know what to say, saying something would mean lying how can she say that they will get married this Saturday when Nico had said they should keep it a secret until they gonna have a white wedding. On the other hand how can she lie when Mrs Garcia had been nothing but kind to her.”Mrs Garcia Nico and I have…-”
“I think you can call me mom now you are going to be my daughter in law. You can continue.”Before she could answer someone knocked on the door.”Come in”She said.
It was Nico and she breathed a sigh of relief he had come at the right time she thought and slowly released the breath that she was holding.
“Mother. And my beautiful fiancee.”He smiled at them and walked over to his mom and kissed her on the cheeks afterwards he came to her and kissed her on the mouth.
She blushed and looked away.”Nicolas. You making her blush.”Luciana said.