“Reina Cruise.”She extended her own hand but instead of shaking it he kissed the back of her hand. He took a while before letting go of her hand.
“Beautiful name like yourself.”
“Thank you.”She smiled if she hadn’t met Nico she would have been flattered but since he has come into her life there is no place for any other man. He has stolen her heart from the word get go and no man will ever compare to him.
Nico has been sitting and watching for the past fifteen minutes how his biggest rival is talking to Reina. He can’t even concentrate on the meeting anymore he’s listening with half an ear…. his blood is boiling, when Antonio had kissed her hand it had taken everything in him not to jump up from his chair and going over there and let him have a taste of his fist. He can’t wait for this meeting to get done, and the way he had lingered before letting go of her hand, the audacity of the man he shifted around in his chair. Never in his life has he felt so protective over a woman before other than his mother and sister and he never thought he would say this but he’s jealous the idea that another man is near her and touching her is making him furious. He stood up.
“Gentlemen if you’ll excuse me.”
“Mr Garcia but we haven’t concluded our meeting.”
“E-mail me.”He said and left. He isn’t going to sit there and watch while Antonio digs his claws into his wife to be.
Reina took a sip from her drink.”Can I buy you a proper drink.”He offered.
“No you may not.”She heard Nicolas say in a harsh voice, he slid his arm around her shoulders.
“You done.”She smiled at him and he took advantage and kissed her.
“You know I can’t stay away from you.”
“Such a flatterer. This is…-“She began.
“I know him very well.”He said flatly and turned cold empty eyes at the man.”He’s Antonio Nikos my biggest business rival.”
“Nicolas always a pleasure seeing you.”
“What are you doing with my fiancee?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to buy her a drink.”
“I can do that for her. You can leave now.”
“Nicolas…”She said.
“It would be better if you stay out of this sweetheart. This man will use any opportunity to get to me I don’t trust him.”
“I didn’t know that she’s with you?”
“Like I’ll believe that. Come on let’s go our table is waiting.”He said to her. She slid of the bar stool and placed her hand through the crook of his arm.
“I’m sorry.”She told him once they were out of ear shot.
“There’s no need to apologise let’s enjoy this beautiful night.”
“Still. I had no idea that there is animosity between you two. Besides I could see the anger in your body language.”
If only she knew it was because of the fact that he had touched her and the thought of any man touching her would send him on a war path.”Forget about it.”
She let it go cause she didn’t want to upset him.”Are we dining here.”She asked instead.
“Yes. I hope you don’t mind and if you do we can go anywhere you like.”
“What ever you chose is perfect and I like the atmosphere here, where is our table.”
“We have a private booth and will also have our own waiter.”He took her a bit further into the restaurant it was quite full and soft music was playing from a piano. The decor is cherry red all around with hand carved wooden tables that’s covered with black linen.
“Here we are.”He said and pulled out her chair for her, she sat down and watched as he took his own seat. Seconds later someone came and attended to them.
“Good evening Mr Garcia. Ma’am.”He nodded.
“Evening Scott. Just bring us a bottle of J. C le roux non alcohol please.”He nodded and left.
“Seems you’re well known here. How dumb of me I keep on forgetting that you are a wealthy man so everyone is bound to know you.”
“You saying it as if it’s a bad thing.”
“I’m sorry I guess I’m not used to the fact that you have a lot of money. When I look at you I see an ordinary man not a billionaire, it will take some time to get use to.”Scott their waiter came back and pour the wine for them, she said no and would prefer a Mojito instead he left and came back after a few seconds with the drink in his hands.
“Thank you.”She said.
“We’ll call you when we gonna be ready to order.”When they were alone he spoke.”That’s one of the qualities I love most about you, you not with me for my money or what I can give you, you really want to be with me. I can see that.”
Nicolas looked at her. It’s true that she’s the first woman that he has come across that isn’t just with him for his money, she genuinely wants him and want to be with him and that’s the thing that scares him the most she can leave him at anytime and he won’t be able to do a damn thing about it.
“There’s nothing fake about you and I can read you like an open book. Like right now something is weighing down on you.”
She gave an inward sigh.”It’s nothing.”
“Come on talk to me?”He held her hand in his from across the table.”What are you frightened of?”
She stared into his gorgeous eyes.”Alot of things.”
“What scares you the most?”He wanted to know.
“That we’ll get married and afterwards you’ll fall in love with another woman.”She admitted.
Of all the things in the world that’s what scares her he has to admit he’s a little taken aback by that admission.”I will not fall in love with another woman.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“I can. Trust me Reina. It’s not even a possibility besides if I was capable of falling in love, I would have already.”He shrugged.”What else scares you.”
“You know the usual. Will I be a good mother and a good wife. Will I fit in your social life. Am I good enough for you and will I have to learn Spanish. Are you gonna be happy with me?”
Her litany of worries came out in a trembling voice that was suppressed by tears he didn’t know what to do about it. He rubbed her hand softly.”Let’s take everything one day at a time okay. Don’t over think things so much, I’m here with you.”
He’s right now isn’t the time to over think everything as long as she’s not alone in this she’ll be fine.
“Ready to order.”He asked. She nodded at him. The rest of the night went well he even took her to a night club for an hour, it had caught her of guard and she had said that they were over dressed but he had said.”Who cares.”And she had comply, when they had danced together up close she had felt the heat of his body and smelled his nice aftershave her heart had started to beat a little faster and the butterflies in her stomach had began to fly around like crazy. When ever she’s near him or too close to him or she just looks at him then she wants him, never in her life did she thought she would want a man so bad. On their way to the car she shivered, it was a bit cold tonight he took of his jacket and put it around her shoulders.