Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

He snapped the box he had in his hands open and a beautiful diamond necklace along with diamond earrings stared back at her it also had sapphires embedded in it. She held a hand on her chest.
“It’s our ancestral necklace it’s been in the family for years and gets passed on from generation to generation. Since you my wife to be it now belongs to you.”
She looked up at him.”Nico… this… this is… I cannot accept it.. it’s…. it’s too much. I cannot possibly accept such a gift.”
“Mother would be hurt if I take this back I’m sure you don’t wanna hurt her feelings.”
“Nico please…”She pleaded.”Don’t do this.”
“It’s a good thing you not wearing any jewelry this will go perfectly along with your dress, and right now it’s taking all my self control not to pick you up and take you back to bed.”He turned her around and put the necklace on, he then gave her the earrings to put on.
She lightly touched the necklace.”I promise I’ll take good care of it and thank your mom for me. I don’t deserve this.”Her eyes welled up with tears.
He grabbed a hold of her face with both his hands.”Never say such a thing do you hear me. Just look at you it’s like it was made for you it sits perfectly on your neck it wouldn’t have looked better on anyone else.”
“You saying that to make me feel good about wearing it.”
“No I’m not.”He gave her a feather light kiss on her lips. “Further than that and we won’t be going anywhere.”
She laughed.”Wouldn’t be such a bad idea though, we all know once we leave the house reporters will be all over us like bees around a honey hive.”
It was his turn to laugh.”You right but why stop living our lives because of them. Don’t worry all of this will blow over soon then they’ll have something else to write about. Come on let’s go it’s getting harder and harder for me not to touch you.” He put his arm around her waist.
“What are you doing?”She asked.
“Holding my woman.”
“And who says I’m yours..”
“Woman be careful.”He said and gave her a squeeze.”I’m a very jealous man don’t forget that.”
Luciana couldn’t help but smile, her son has finally found happiness and she’s glad, he couldn’t have chosen a better woman. He is in love and knowing him the way that she does he won’t acknowledge it. He’s content around Reina she makes him laugh and he himself has something to look forward to. She had been watching them from a distance and they suited each other she is his better half all she can hope for now is that her son opens up his eyes and doesn’t make the mistake of losing her. Never did she think she’ll live long enough to see her son be happy and get married but god has answered her prayers and now both of her kids are happy and leading their lives… what more could a mother ask for. She continued downstairs to go and get her cup of tea.
Reina looked at the gorgeous man that’s sitting next to her and couldn’t help but smile he is amazing, today he took his red Ferrari.”Let’s make a statement.”He’d told her.
“What’s that smile for?”He asked.
“Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are.”She admitted.
He smiled at her.”No I didn’t but it’s a good thing I’m yours.
“Are you really?”
“What?”He questioned.
“Of course. I’m committed to you don’t ever question that.”
“I trust you.”She told him. Few minutes later the car slowed down and came to a stop.”Where are we?”
“I have a business dinner here”He replied.
“I thought you were taking me out to dinner.”
“I will I promise, besides you won’t be the only one here everyone is bringing their partners.”He climbed out of the car and cameras started flashing. He walked over to her side and opened up the door for her, she hesitated but he gave her a reassuring smile and she climbed out with confidence as long as he’s by her side then she’ll get through this. Pictures of them were taken and questions were being thrown at them. Nico stood still and slid his arm around her waist and held her tight.
“We’ll take questions but make it quick we only have…”He quickly glanced at his wrist watch.”Five minutes.”
“Mr Garcia is it true that you getting married.”
“Yes. Next question.”
“When’s the wedding. Will you and your sister get married on the same day.”
“No my sister will get married as planned it wouldn’t be fair to take the spotlight of her.”
“When is the wedding?”
“We’ll make an announcement soon.”
“Miss Cruise how does it feel to get married to Vegas’s most notorious bachelor and business man.”
“All I can say from my part is marrying him would be an honour I couldn’t have ask for any better life partner.”She looked up at him and smiled.
“Where did you meet?”Someone else asked.
“That will be all.”Nicolas said and they turned and went inside the hotel with his arm still around her waist.
“They didn’t ask anything about my pregnancy.”She said.
“They know they shouldn’t unless we make a statement about it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You’re about to marry Vegas’s most richest man, surely you don’t think I got where I am by playing nice. Did you now?”
Before she could answer a man looking to be in his early forties walked up to them.
“Nicolas. Nice to see you.”The man said.
“Dominic.”He responded.
“I take it this must be your fiancee.”He looked at her from head to toe.”She’s very beautiful.”He smiled at her and she didn’t like it one bit.
“Careful.”Nicolas warned.
“Looking forward into doing business with you.”He drawled looking at Reina.
“I don’t like that man and the way he looked at me.”She told him once they were alone.
“I saw it but don’t worry I’m here with you I won’t let any harm come your way. It’s not your fault that you so beautiful.” He gently caressed her cheek.”You turn me on when you blush like that.”
“Nicolas!”She whispered.
He chuckled.”Come on let’s go and get you a drink.”
“I don’t drink anymore.”She reminded him.
“Alcohol I know. I’ll order a glass of pure orange juice or water or whatever you’d like to drink.”
He led her to the restaurant and she saw it’s Andreas and took her straight over to the bar. There were high bar stools and thank god for the heels that she’s wearing she was able to climb on easily.”You don’t mind being on your own for a while.”He asked. She could see he’s feeling bad for leaving her on her own.
“I won’t be alone, you’ll be right here a few feet away. So go and finish up, in the meantime I’ll sip on a martini while I wait.”She teased him.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”She assured him.
He looked at the barman.”No alcohol for the lady.”
“So controlling Mr Garcia.”
“I’m protecting what is mine.”He kissed her before leaving. She saw him meeting a group of men that were already seated at a table in the far corner.
She ordered a glass of juice and sat back to enjoy it. Her thoughts dwell on her soon to be husband, not only is he handsome but also a great lover and right now she’s beginning to fall for him regardless of how he feels about love. He is looking handsome sitting in his chair and having every man around the table listening to him, he has a way of making people hanging onto every word he says. She smiled at herself.
“What I would give if a woman can smile at me like that.”She heard a man’s voice say next to her.
She turned her head and a man looking to be around the same age as Nico stood next to her. He is good looking with dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes, and wearing a designer suit.
“Do I know you?”She asked.
“No… but I would love to get to know you.”He said and sat down.”Antonio Nikos.”He introduced and extended his hand.