Book:FATED TO MY UNCLE Published:2025-2-9

With every step they took into the space, the darker and stronger the power in the air grew.
My wolf suddenly went silent and I doubted if I was going to be feeling her at the surface anytime soon.
“Just breath,” Issa said the moment he noticed my discomfort. “Your senses are overwhelmed, just immerse yourself in it.”
I shut my eyes and tried to drown in the power like he said. It felt strange surrendering myself to it but I had no other choice.
I had to do as he said.
A few moments later, I became used to the strange atmosphere.
“The Order?” I asked as I watched them talk quietly among themselves.
They were nine in number. Three men and six women and they paid attention to no one else but themselves.
“Old snobbish people?” I asked with an amused smile.
“Yep.” A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips and I could not resist returning it myself.
“I can not wait to get to the part where they try to buy me.”
“Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.”
The old announcer called out. “Joining us tonight are the Sisters of the Craven Family and Pack.”
Ugh! Trouble.
I could sense it already. They were dressed differently but it was more than enough to turn heads. After all, they were beautiful but in a dangerous sort of way.
“Look, your not-fuck toys have finally arrived,” I teased.
“Language, you’re a Lady.” He sincerely looked around as if he was worried.
Was he really worried that people would hear me?
“Wow. You must be a really good fuck boy if you are looking around like that.” I winked at him playfully.
He shook his head. “The things I want to do to that smart mouth of yours…”
His gaze lingered and I felt hot all of a sudden and Yara stirred in me hungrily. I wanted to speak but the three red haired hydras stopped before us.
“The dress… it suits you,” Andrea sneered.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” I gave her an icy smile.
“Ladies, it’s my day, could you pause on the drama? Just for today,” Issa pleaded.
“Fine,” Leia replied. “We will get along with your niece,” she finished dramatically.
I rolled my eyes.
“Thank you,” Issa replied.
“Looks like I came to the party early, what’s up ladies?” Miles walked in looking good in his own tux.
Andrea scoffed and Iris watched him with interest.
“Hello, Miles,” Leia greeted as a bright smile formed on her face.
“Lady Leia Craven,” Miles said as he took a dramatic bow. “Miles Bourne at your service, that is if you will have me?” He ended it charmingly.
“You’re a server, aren’t you?” Iris asked Miles.
Miles eyes widened. “Yes I am, how were you able to tell?”
I frowned as none of this made any sense to me. Was there a special meaning to this?
“You really wanted to be of service,” Iris replied as her expression darkened with what seemed like lust to me.
“Yes. . . I did.” Miles had an awestruck expression and I wondered why.
“Snap out of it,” Issa gruffly said and shot him a serious look.
“Don’t worry, the spice has been spread evenly on the steak,” Miles replied as a confident smile spread across his face.
Issa nodded as he was now slightly relaxed.
I had no idea what it meant but I knew a message had been passed. A secret message.
“The Order is taking it’s stand,” Miles said as he looked over us. “You are up, Boss.”
“May the appointed please step up,” A very beautiful and attractive woman spoke. Her hair was like the midnight sky- black and long. She was probably some years older than Issa.
I could feel just how powerful she was from where I stood.
“I will be right back,” Issa said. “Miles watch the ladies. . . and Girls, play nice.”
I watched as Issa proudly walked to the high floor where he stood before the Nine.
“State your status,” The woman stood out and ordered.
“Issa Frostwood. Descendant of Frostwood bloodline.”
“Do you, Issa, Descendant of Frostwood swear before the Order that you will lead with justice and kindness?” The woman asked.
“I swear.”
“Do you, Issa, Descendant of Frostwood, swear to keep the natural balance of all creatures of night?”
“I swear.”
“Do you, Issa, Descendant of Frostwood, hereby swear to be fair and just in all affairs of the Night kind?”
“I swear.”
“Since you have sworn to the three Creeds, I Davina Claw, Herald of the Wolf Goddess, with the power of the Order, hereby officially grant you the title Lycan King Issa Frostwood of Blue Lake Pack. You are hereby recognized. I wish you a good reign.”
“Thank you.”
A champagne bottle popped open and cheers went up. Issa turned away from the nine and walked into the crowd, where he received bows and handshakes.
I corked my brows at the entire thing because it only felt more stupid to me. The Order kept growing foolish with every second.
I mean- Issa was already referred to as Lycan King, so what was the point of this ceremony? To me, it felt more like they were only trying to be more relevant with their existence in the wolf realm.
I scoffed at them.
“We need to be more careful with him,” Andrea said as the cheers died down.
“We?” I asked, looking at her in disbelief.
“Apparently, you are special to him,” Andrea said dismissively. “So you are stuck with us.”
“Why do we have to be cautious with him?” I asked, ignoring her earlier statement.
“Honey, words travel fast and when they know that a Lycan King has been officially recognized by the Order, those bitches will come here in loads,” Andrea said with disgust.
If I understood her correctly, she was worried that she would be getting more competition for the title of Luna?
How pathetic.
“Lycan Issa?”
I jolted as I heard the familiar voice.
“Jamal?” I asked.
“Nocturnal Detective Jamal Khan,” Issa said as he joined us.
He looked so dashing in his suit.
“Miss Andrea, Miss Iris and Miss Leia, it is a pleasure to meet you,” He bowed slightly.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw the way Iris was eating him up with her eyes. “I heard that you don’t answer to anyone,” the seductive hint was loud in her voice.
“That’s correct,” Jamal replied.
“I can make you answer to me,” Iris said.
Was this woman only interested in cock?
Jamal smiled politely. “I do not mix business with pleasure.”
“What kind of business would you like to have with me?” Iris smirked as she twirled her hair.
Jamal tilted his head slightly before speaking. “Police business, I am starting an investigation against you and your entire family.”
“You would not be the first,” Andrea said.
“Although I do hope you last longer than the last one,” Iris whispered, her flirtatious side not discouraged in anyway.
He turned to Issa. “You are a person of interest yourself, Lycan Issa.”
“I will take that as a compliment.”
“Now that you are officially recognized, you are not above the law.” Jamal locked gazes with Issa and i could swear that I felt an hostility flowing through them.
“Neither are you.” Issa finally broke the heavy silence.
But the uneasy and thick tension was there again.
“I hope I am not interrupting,” The Lady who called herself Claw said as she approached us.
“No, Detective Khan was just leaving my Announcement,” Issa said.
“Please, no animosity on this day,” Lady Claw said wearily.
Her eyes fell on me and she stared at me with such interest that I almost cowered. Then she turned back at Issa with a smile on her face.
“She is a rare one,” Lady Claw placed a hand on her hip. “Where did you find her?”
“Back off,” Issa said coldly.
“Come on, Issa, I am just admiring your niece, that’s all,” Lady Claw said before shooting me a curious stare that was born out of mixed emotions which I could not decipher.
I blinked as I found myself lost. I had no idea what was going on before me.
“She is off the market,” Issa stated and his protective side came alive.
“Are you guys bargaining over me?” I narrowed my eyes at them in disbelief. “That’s just rude, I am like literally standing right here.”
“You are more than a bargain… Yulia. You are a living weapon. You should not be alive.”