I was not surprised by what Leia said about Issa. I mean he was a Lycan, so of course he was a whore.
“I used to think what happened in the bedroom, stayed in the bedroom.” My voice was casual as I bit into the fresh green pear I picked out of a variety of fruits.
“Why was she in your bedroom?” Andrea’s voice was cold as she glared at Issa.
“That is none of your business,” Issa answered and took a seat by my side.
I had so many questions for him but I had to wait for this unwanted breakfast to end.
“So she is exclusive.” Iris raised an eyebrow.
“What does she mean by exclusive?” I dared to ask.
The tension in the room seemed to have floated back in. While others were enjoying it, some weren’t.
“Private fuck toy,” Leia said as she drank from a glass cup of wine. She was really vulgar and bold.
“Why are you all here?” Issa changed the subject instead as he poured himself some wine.
“Dad is anxious, he wants the Announcing to go well, so he sent us here,” Andrea revealed.
Issa scoffed. “I am not interested, it’s a waste of my time.”
“I don’t think you have much of a choice. Dad is going to attend and his business associates are coming too,” Iris replied.
“And you also need a Luna,” Andrea added.
I listened closely to the conversation as they ignored me. I did not actually want to be here but with my life in danger, I was stuck with Issa and his harem. He was fucking three sisters.
Was their father okay with that?
“So that’s why you came here,” Issa said with a knowing smile.
“Yes, it’s time you named one of us,” Andrea said, shooting me a deadly look. She was feeling threatened by my presence.
“Yulia?” Issa turned to me. “Who amongst them do you think will be suitable to be my Luna?”
Why was he involving me in this? I frowned in disbelief.
“Why does she have a say?” Andrea demanded.
“I don’t,” I said as I looked at Issa like he had grown an extra head.
“I am making it your place to choose,” Issa said. Andrea scoffed and shook her head.
“Just what is she to you again?” She asked him in an irritated tone.
I got up and grabbed another pear. “I have no desire to be in this conversation.”
This was getting awkward and I had no idea why Issa was doing this. If he thought that I was going to be a part of his fuck wagon then he had better think again.
The sisters watched me with amusement as I waltzed out of the dining and out through the kitchen door to the exterior of the castle; to get some fresh air. I was nervous because I knew that I would always come across those red haired women whether I liked it or not.
Issa was really close with them. Like down to family level close and I did not want to get into that mix, especially with how open they were about their sex lives with Issa. The backyard led to a large garden of trees filled with lush flowers and fruits.
I knew this because it was where I ran when that ugly hellhound chased me. I shuddered as I recalled the terrifying creature. Then I saw him- Jamal. He had killed the hellhound in the most unusual way.
He had hurled several curved knives at it with an accurate precision that scared me. Two struck it in the throat and four had struck each joint of its leg. There had been a lot of knives.
I had seen how tense he was around Issa. I could sense that both of them did not like each other. I had seen the disrespect in Jamal’s face when he had introduced himself.
Who was he and how was he even nearby?
I took a seat on one of the garden chairs and sighed. I did not want to think about how my life had panned out since mom’s passing because it would only deepen the fact that I felt so alone.
“There you are, I have been looking for you,” Leia said as she joined me on the long chair. I was puzzled about what she wanted.
“Why are you looking for me?” I asked.
“To talk,” She answered.
“What in the hell would we want to talk about?”
My world and hers were different. She was a wealthy spoiled brat and I was officially an orphan. We had nothing in common, her and her sisters.
“Since we are going to be seeing more of each other, it just feels right that we should have a lot to talk about,” She said with a shrug.
“We can prevent that from happening.” I narrowed my eyes on her.
“No. We can’t.” She was so sure about it and it irritated me.
“And why is that?” I knitted my brows closer together.
“Issa did something he never did with any of us.” Her voice was low this time and almost distant. As if hiding a significant meaning that I was supposed to discover.
“Nothing has happened between us, if that’s what you are trying to say,” I answered quickly.
“That’s not what I am trying to say.” She folded her arms and looked me in the eye. “What I am saying is that Issa spent the night with you.”
“You just openly admitted to being involved with him back inside,” I said.
“That’s just sex, Yulia,” Leia replied with a smile. “What I mean is that I have never slept over in his room nor have any of my sisters, his room is off limits especially during the night or was off limits until you showed up.”
Leia sounded very serious as she said this. “It’s just a room,” I said.
“Maybe to you, but to him, it’s a personal space, a private place and he just let you in and he did not even fuck you,” Leia said.
“Is that why Andrea was losing her shit?” I asked.
“We are all threatened by you, Yulia. You will see no friend in me,” Leia replied casually.
“Glad we got that out of the way.”
“What makes you so special to him?” Leia insisted.
I was sick of going back to this question even if I did not seem to see the big deal in it. “I don’t know what to tell you.”
“How about the truth? Who are you really?” Leia asked.
“This is just sad,” I said and got up. “If you have issues with Issa then talk to him about your intimacy issues, I don’t even want to be here.”
I left her there and went for a walk.
“But you are here, Yulia and that’s the problem,” She called after me but I ignored her.
First it was Andrea and now it’s Leia. I wondered when Iris would strike. I have dealt with my fair share of jealous girlfriends and wives.
It’s messy.
I knew things were only going to get messier.