Who the hell does he think he is?
He fucking had the audacity to tell me to stay put as if I was some kind of pet!
I had found myself nodding before I came to my senses. Now in defiance of his order, I paced around the room angrily.
Why was I afraid to go down stairs? What was stopping me from leaving this room?
What was so important that he had to leave? I shook my head and tried to forget about it as I headed to the luxury bathroom. I picked up a new toothbrush and toothpaste. I applied a lot of paste and brushed thoroughly.
When I was done, I rinsed my mouth abundantly with water and sighed as I stared at the mirror… at myself.
Were those large sleep bags under my eyes?
Ugh! That pervert made it hard to sleep last night. I was conscious of every movement, down to the smallest sound he made as he turned and tossed.
To be honest, I was terrified of his other rabid wolf groping me when I slept so I half dozed through the night. How I woke up on his chest drooling away was still a mystery to me.
I shuddered nervously as I remembered how hot and hard his body had been on my skin.
I shook my head again trying to clear how wide his chest was from my mind but it remained etched into my memory against my wish.
The broad shoulders and those piercing forest green eyes. Anytime he gazed at me, my legs shook involuntarily.
What was this effect he had on me?
I sighed and walked into the bathtub. The water was set to lukewarm. I relaxed into the tub and closed my eyes. I let the water and foam suit me. I wanted to stay longer but for some reason as I was not about to let Isaa catch me unaware.
I stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel hung close by. I rubbed myself dry and walked out with my hair still dripping.
My phone buzzed as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom. I eagerly went to it and picked it up.
“How is shacking up with the Lycan? Have you guys banged yet? Come on! Give me details!” Lana’s message read.
I smiled fondly at the screen. Throughout the insanity that has been happening, I had not remembered to make time to fill her up with the current affairs of my new life.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Lana. Nothing has happened yet… but there have been close calls,” I typed back.
“Eeeeeek! I knew it!” Lana typed back. I giggled and shook my head.
I could almost see her excited face and the way her eyes beamed with life.
“So how hot is he up close?”
“Hot does not even begin to cover it, he is literally sculpted by the gods themselves,” I typed.
“You must be in heaven right now,” Lana typed.
“It’s more like hell! He is an asshole and a jerk!” The burning fire of my anger stung my core.
How could I be attracted to someone as much as I hated them?
“Oh, so you do like him.” Lana added a winking emoji.
“I just referred to him as an asshole and a jerk, Lana. What are you on about?” I rolled my eyes.
“Please, Yulia, I know you.” Lana insisted.
There was a slight polite knock on the door and I knew that it was one of the maids. Still in my towel, I went in to answer the door.
It was the old maid. “Good morning, Ms. Yulia, I have brought your dress for tonight’s dinner,” She said happily as she entered.
“What dinner?”
“It’s a get together of powerful Alpha families. King Issa does this at the end of every month,” she explained.
“It’s the end of the month?” My eyes grew wide with surprise. I was shocked at how fast time flew.
When did I even bury my mom? Wasn’t it just yesterday?
“Yes it is, Ms. Yulia. You should remember that this meeting will help solidify the union of the werewolf territories.”
“You seem to know so much about this dinner thing.”
“I have been here for a while, Ms. Yulia. Please, when you are done, breakfast is waiting.” She concluded and left me alone in the room.
I gasped as I looked at the dress. It was made with gray lace and shiny pearls. I recognized it from the last fashion show I saw. It was a rare collection. Issa’s pocket must be really big and deep if he could afford something like this. This dress was also exclusive which simply meant that it sold extremely limited supply.
Which also meant that it must have been very hard to get. Just how connected was he?
In excitement, I made a video call to Lana.
“Miss me so soon?” She teased, as her face showed up on my screen. Her face was covered in one of her skin care products. She was still in her pajamas.
“Guess who is going to dinner tonight?” I beamed, unable to contain my excitement. I showed her the dress that was laid out for me.
“Wait! That’s a limited edition couture!” She screamed as her eyes grew wide.
“I know!” I mirrored her disbelief with mine.
“Girl! You are living the life of my dreams! What’s the occasion?”
“Dinner with some royal people, I am not sure.” I shrugged nonchalantly.
“You have not even properly settled down yet and it’s dinner with the rich and wealthy. You are like a princess from a fairytale!”
“Yeah, but the only problem is that my prince charming is out of his mind and he does not even notice,” I said in a sardonic tone.
Lana looked suddenly worried and concerned. “Is he hurting you, Yulia?”
“No! Of course not, don’t be ridiculous!” I wondered why I was suddenly so defensive.
I shuddered as I remembered the blood red eyes of Iran. I knew that Issa’s wolf wanted to ravage me but in the most sexual ways possible.
I heard a voice call to Lana in the background. “What?” She answered as she paused to listen before turning back to me. “I’m so sorry but I have to go. I’ll call you back when I get the chance. I love you!”
I swallowed hard as I nodded at her. When the call ended, I put on fitted sky blue jeans and a round neck red sweatshirt.
That was when the door swung open and in walked a stunning woman with fiery red hair cascading down her back.
“So you are the new bitch he’s been busy with, isn’t it?” I could taste the cold venom in her sassy voice. “I have got to say, I am not even impressed. I thought he at least had some taste in who he chose to replace me with.”
Was everyone connected to Issa insane? Who was the fuck was this woman?