Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

The alarm clock vibrated violently against my nightstand, I sighed. Today is the day my mission and I already feel overwhelmed, I hate the thought of deceiving people and that is exactly what my ‘job’ entails, a job that I did not ask for.
My packed up my suitcase, well I did that yesterday already but I guess I forgot to add some other essentials, with my dark shade on, my hood on and my all time favorite book (Americanah) in my hand I walked out the door and into the black tinted SUV.
“Are you ready, you have to be because if you fail at this Leanor will surely kill you.” Peir said as he drove me. I froze, I have to do this, I’m sort Giovanni (who ever you are) but I have to get you kidnapped, I have to stay alive so that I can see my daughter Ava again someday, so I can see that Diego again. I have to build myself so when I meet him again I would no longer be that weak whore he had full control over, I would meet him again as his equal or even better I would meet him again as his superior and then he would beg me to spare his life.
I don’t know how I would manage to break free from Leanor’s control but I will have to find a way for my daughter… for Ava my little precious jewel.
Pier drove through the city for a long long time, I watched as people went about their normal lives, cyclists cycling, pedestrians walking, runners running, drivers driving. It’s still very early in the morning so there are people jogging on the side walk, people walking their fancy looking dogs in their expensive looking active wear, this is Beverly Hills after all everyone tries to outdo the other in terms of style and snobbishness.
I miss my little town, where I grew up, where we grew up; me, my sister Sidney, Diego, Dester and Damian. Everyone knew everyone and although it was absolutely annoying on most days because of the nosiness over familiarity brings it was also nice sometimes.
We got to Leanor’s private runway, there were a lot of aircrafts there; jets, planes, even what looks to be a rocket.
“Ma’am this way.” A man said as he guided me to one of the private jets.
“Hi I’m Sammy I would be your pilot for today, I hope you enjoy your flight to Islanvia.” Sammy said with a cheerful smile on his face.
I nodded, he helped me get into the jet and we took off…
I mostly read the novel I had brought with me, slept, watched a movie and slept again throughout the flight.
It is a fourteen hour flight so I was on the jet for a long time, I tried my best not to fall asleep to avoid the potential jet lag but I failed miserably.
We landed at Islanvia finally.
It looked incredible, it reminds me of coconuts, something tropical but yet soft and tender. I watched the display of affection at the airport when we landed. I watched families hug each other, families welcoming each other back, there was a daughter who held on to her mother in tears as they hug for a long time. I had a wry smile on my face, I miss my Ava, I miss being part of a family, I miss having people who love me, having people to love, I miss that feeling of not being alone it brings but now I’m all alone at the mercy of a psycho mafia Queen, I am all alone without my Ava by my side and it’s all Diego Fernandez’s fault.
When I find him, he would wish that he never took my daughter away from me!!
Sammy and Pier told me goodbye and I stood there at the airport, confused about my next step, I probably looked like a fish out of water with its mouth wide open.
A Ferrari drove in front of me.
“Get in Ms. Valentina, I have strict orders from madam Leanor to chauffeur you around.” The man said.
“Your body guards will meet up at the resort.” He added and then drove off into the city. The locals all just look so amazing.
There was a royal parade at our front, the commoners stood at either side of the road throwing and handing beautiful flowers and braided crowns to the royal family as they passed.
The driver agreed for us to stop for a while so we can watch the parade.
The Queen passed first, the whole crowd went into a frenzy. “Queen Isla! Oh my God she is so beautiful! Queen Isla!” They yelled, I stared at her with a huge gasped on my face, she is indeed so beautiful, she reminds me of one of those beautiful Greek goddess, regal yet soft and tender.
Queen Isla picked up a toddler from the ground and held the toddler in her hand before handing her back to her mother. The crowd hailed her.
I thought the Queen was the most beautiful woman in the world and then the princess came out.
“Princess Leilani! Princess Leilani!” The crowd yelled. I stared at her, she is so beautiful, I started to feel self conscious of my stupid acne that wouldn’t stop bothering me.
The last person was about to come out when the Driver said.
“Okay Ms. Valentina we have to go now, Madam Leanor is already asking if you have gotten to the resort already.”
Reluctantly I walked back into the car.
“Master Diego!” “Master Diego!” I heard the crowd yelled. Master Diego? Maybe I heard wrong, I looked back as I tried to catch a glimpse of this ‘master Diego’ I wasn’t able to, the crowd had thickened and the car had almost left the place completely.
Anyway, I just have to focus on meeting this Giovanni by four pm at the royal polo stadium today. I hope this mission gets easier.
“All you have to do is wave and smile.” Leilani said, she look so beautiful in that dress, I looked away from her, what her mother asked me to do the other night is still stuck in my head and now I cannot look at my baby cousin without remembering her mother’s words.
“It’s really fun, royal parades is my favorite thing to do in the world after spending time with you of course because you are my favorite person in the world! Don’t tell mom I said that though.” Leilani said with a giggle.
She is so pure and innocent and childlike, she does not deserve to be stuck in a loveless marriage, I wish I can save her, I just hope that Giovanni turns out to be a decent husband for my baby cousin’s sake and the sake of his life too because If he doesn’t act correctly I will end his life.
Leilani turn came after Isla’s parade was over, Leilani walked out the carriage, her smile literally lighting up the whole place, she waved and pick up some flowers from the villagers. The villagers love their dear princess, I can tell.
“Have you thought of what I ask if you.” Queen Isla asked, her hands traced an invisible pattern on my trouser. I pushed her hand away.
“I’m not doing it” I replied starting to get upset by her usual acts, it’s starting to get really annoying!
“Oh Diego, when would you realize that I own you? You would do what I want you to… eventually.” Isla said with such arrogance, it angered me further. I glared at her, my fist already balled up.
It was my turn next, so I walked out of the carriage and started my parade with the frown still on my face.
Leilani saw the frown on my face, she sent me a ‘what’s up’ look, she looked like me being angry was making her sad so I smiled just to appease her.
The crowd’s voices got louder when I smiled, my smile got wider.
I looked to the side, this might be me hallucinating because of how much I want to see her but I think I saw Valentina in a car driving away… maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me?
Anyway I just have to focus on that stupid meeting I have with that idiot Giovanni at the royal polo stadium by four pm today…