The light on one of the elevator buttons blinked, we both looked at each other wondering if anyone was going to get in, no one did. I can imagine the relief Walter felt, I don’t think it was relief for me though, maybe if the person had gotten in I would have probably yelled for help and maybe somehow I would have been vindicated from this situation or it could have gone the other way and the person might have screamed in shock and fear at seeing the wrapped up body, maybe the person might have not given me time to explain and called 911 who would then find my fingerprints on the body. Maybe Walter would have then lied to the police that I am his accomplice then with the evidence of my fingerprints on the body I would somehow end up in jail.
The bottom floor of the resort was completely empty when the elevator door opened, we walked out, Walter carried the body in the blanket on his shoulder towards the parking lot which was also diserted, this make sense since it’s literally one in the morning and we are the only ones occupying the entire resort now. We were supposed to leave tomorrow, me, Walter and Olivia.
I wonder how he plans on getting out of this, people are going to wonder what happened to their beloved actress Olivia Reverra and since she was last seen with Walter won’t people put two and two together and figure out that he maybe kinda most probably murdered her in the hallway of the resort they were both at, at exactly 12:47am while they were arguing about his mystery one night stand girl who people might think has a chance in the matter even if she doesn’t, even if she was literally sold to me, even though she is sure that he would probably kill her if she tries to escape, even though she would give anything to return to how her life was when she was five before her father got mixed up with the wrong crowd, before her godfather/ lover who she trusted more than anyone else in the world sold her off. They would not know that this one night stand girl would give anything to not be involved in this mess, that she would give anything to just be left alone in a quiet island away from all these chaos.
“Open up the trunk of the car.” Walter said. I ignored his order, I searched around for someone anyone, I don’t care if I go to jail I just want all this to end. The murders, the cover ups, my life if need be, after all I am not completely innocent, I have killed before. I killed blinded by love, a lot that was one thousand percent not reciprocated, a love that should have definitely never existed.
I have killed before, it used to be second nature to me, something I could just do on impulse but somehow seeing someone else do it, seeing a body dead, someone I had talked with died makes me realize how wrong it is.
“Open the trunk up now!” Walter yelled aiming the gun at me again. I opened the trunk. He tossed the body in and we got into the car and drove for a long time. The night was silent, the moon was full, the sky was clear. A good day to dump a body I guess.
“Should I tell one of the maids to get you something?” Delvin asked, he looked concerned even if he was trying to him this concern by reading a book. A novel. Which was upside down suggesting that he is not actually reading it.
I shook my head. “I don’t want anything.” I said.
“I just want my child back.” I added in a whisper that only I could hear. Maybe he heard it because he slowly closed the book he had been pretending to read, without a word he came to sit close to me and wrapped me up in an embrace.
I stiffness when he hugged me, he was sitting by my side his arms were around me.
“What are you…” i said.
“Shh don’t fight it besides my friends say I give good hugs.” He said with a small smile, I could imagine the dimples beginning to form on his cheeks. I have seen them, they appear whenever he smiles, they are beautiful, he is beautiful. Handsome should probably be the right word but handsome is a word that does not do as much justice as beautiful. Handsome is plain, stiff, boring. Beautiful is complex, warm. Beautiful is a beautiful word.
I leaned into his hug. It was warm, like that of a friend, like the type of comfort that only someone who never wants to see you hurt can provide.
“What is your favorite Disney movie. Mine is Mulan.” He whispered as he stroked my hair with his fingers. I closed my eyes softly and enjoyed the comfort of his light touches.
“Mine is frozen, I know it’s a bit babyish but I can’t help what I like.” I replied chuckling a little. Yara’s was sleeping beauty, Yara my sister, I don’t know what they’ve done to her, I don’t even know if she’s still alive. I pushed the bad thoughts away, she is alive and I will find her someday… soon I hope, I don’t know how much more of this life I can take without my sister by my side.
“So let’s watch frozen then.” He said. Delvin leaned a bit upward to ring the bell above us. Two maids ran in.
“We would need a big tub of ice cream.” He said then turned to me and said “I have always thought that ice cream is a better substitute for popcorn when watching movies. Popcorns are a bit over rated don’t you think?” He said.
“Well I like popcorns so no they are not over rated.” I replied.
“So you are trying to tell me that you would pick popcorn over ice cream, this is the greatest form of betrayal Zara, I did not expect this from you” Delvin exclaimed holding his hand over his chest like someone had shot him with an arrow. I thought he was being serious with the betrayal thing, I almost started apologizing until he started laughing hard.
“You should have seen your face.” He said chuckling.
One of the maids handed me a biggest tub of ice cream I had ever seen, the other one handed Delvin his.
“Piece of advice homie don’t eat all of it unless you want to have a stomach ache.” He said absentmindedly as he stared at the television, the lights were already deemed. The mention of my stomach reminded me of my baby, what was supposed to be my baby.
As if sensing my burgeoning sadness, Delvin’s embrace got tighter as if he was reassuring me that he is here for me.
We watched frozen and then Moana and after his constant begging we finally worked Mulan. I remember still watching mulan but woke up to me lying on top of him, I woke up with his face only a tiny almost non-existent spaces away from mine…