Her demeanor had darkened, her eyes was no longer sincere and translucent and trustworthy, something had changed, something that shouldn’t have. Leanor. She is no longer the friendly, nice, woman I had quickly developed a friendship with, a friendship that was a lot more like a sisterhood, a promise to be there for each other for as long as we both need, a lifetime if need be.
We got out the car and into the house and she became different, it’s almost as if she reincarnated into something else, something mean and malicious.
“From now on you are going to be working for me no questions asked. I don’t want to hear a peep do you understand?” Leanor said. She had summoned me to her office right here in the. The office was at another part of the house, it had a cool, somber vibe to it, a bit cold and unfeeling but in a sort of warm way. I don’t really know how to explain that, it’s like the soul of a wicked cold heartless person who pretends to be warm and nice and empathetic on the outside.
Like that politician or public figure who everyone thinks to be God’s gift to the world but when you really get to know them you realize just how scummy they are. This office is so Leanor, a faker, plastic bitch. A fake who is so good at being fake that you start to wonder if her fake version is actually the real one.
“I don’t understand, why are you doing this to me? why are you holding me hostage? Why do you want to force me to work for you? I just want to leave, I just want to find my daughter.” I said truly confused, how can someone so kind so relatable turn into this?
“I really had to stop myself from laughing, honestly, how dumb and gullible can you be. You really thought I wanted to uh help you? You really thought that I am interested in helping you get revenge on some random guy that broke your heart and stole your kid? Babe I don’t give a fuck about your kid, hell I don’t give two fucks about anyone’s kid or anyone all I care about is getting my bag up and taking my rightful place as queen of the mafia and you are going to help me whether you like it or not but of course you can always tap out and let me kill you… in the most brutal way I must add, I hate seeing things go to waste anyway your choice little miss gullible.” Leanor said with a soundless mischievous laughter on her lips.
This whole situation seems to somehow amuse her, like I am some sort of plastic doll that was given to her for Christmas, a plastic doll that she finds more pleasure breaking.
I looked at her, this tiny, plain bitch is here ordering me around, how dare she! The whole anger and resentment I feel for Diego for taking my child and leaving me in this cold abyss of loneliness bubbled through me and eventually toppled over. I looked at his bitch and all my anger was focused on her, I raised my hand to slap her across the face because how dare she but almost immediately after my hand was raised to slapped her was when I felt a hot slap on my face.
I lost my balance for a second or two.
“Malfoy can we be kinder to our guest please.” Leanor said in a voice that showed her approval of Malfoy’s action. She had this disgusting smirk on her face. I looked up at her with my palm on my cheek, seething in anger, wishing I can be allowed to tear this bitch into pieces.
“Malfoy I think our guests would like to cool off a little don’t you agree?” Leanor said and another word Malfoy pulled me up from the ground and onto his shoulder to a bathroom that had a tub that was filled with water. The Water in the tub had some roses on it, and a trail of roses on the ground that spelt the word ‘punishment’ I saw this word and started to get scared.
Malfoy said nothing to me, he looked at me as though he was not seeing me, like he wasn’t actually looking at me just looking through me, like I was a ghost that did not matter in any way.
“Please please do not hurt me.” I said. Either he did not hear me or he did not care to hear me either way he pressed my head into the tub and started stroking my head and singing a lullaby like i was a kid he was trying to put to sleep.
“White grows the Lilly, red grows the rose…” he sang stroking my hair as I continued to literally drown. I struggled to breathe, I started breathing in water, choking, struggling and this psycho continued to push me down into the water, stroke my hair and sing.
“Enough, I think our guest has calmed down now.” That psychotic bitch Leanor said. Malfoy dragged me out from the water gently and handed me a towel to dry my face like some sort of robot. I shivered and glared at this woman I had stupidly thought to be my friend.
“Your first task is tomorrow that is if you want it and if you don’t let’s just say we would be happy to send you on your way to meet your dear Heavenly Father. We believe strongly in freedom and choices around here so you have a choice in the matter little miss gullible, it’s either you do what I want or you die.” Leanor said with a creepy smile on her face.
There is nothing anyone can tell me, I’m sure this bitch escape from a mental institute or a haunted dolls museum, she’s just so creepy, like a mix of Harlequin from birds of prey and Annabelle from the conjuring.
And now I’m stuck with this psychotic witch and her henchman. I might as well just slit my own wrist and get everything over with because I am pretty sure they would do that for me with a smile on their faces anytime soon…
I looked at him and then at the body on the ground, the body that had once been alive but now is nothing but a lifeless or almost dead body. He, Walter moved close to her, please one of his finger close to her nostrils probably checking to see if she is breathing.
“She is dead” he pronounced.
“We have to dispose the body.” He added not looking shaken anymore, he looked completely fine now, stoned face, normal demeanor and all like this is a normal occurrence for him, like this is just another day of being Walter Davis, the superstar actor with a playboy reputation and a killer smile. Killer, keyword, killer smile.
“I don’t trust anyone here he would have to dispose her body by ourselves, if I tell Audrey she would freak out so I guess this is on you and I.” He added. I beg your finest pardon?! I’m not touching… no! He killed her! She’s dead! What the fuck!
“You have to turn yourself in Walter, it’s the right thing to do.” I replied trying to appeal to his conscience if he has any. What is with me and getting involved with murderous psychotic mafia kings?! Can’t I just get a nice charming gentle man for a change?!
I looked up at him and his eyes said ‘bitch say that one more time and you would be the one cold and lifeless on the ground’.
“Say one more stupid thing and that is the last thing you would ever say.” Walter said, he reached into his side pocket, there was a short gun peaking out from it, he pulled the gun out and aimed it at me.
I thought he said he loved me!
“Get the blanket off the bed we need to wrap her up.” He ordered pointing to the room at the side.
And that is how I became an accomplice to a murderer.
He carried Olivia’s body into the elevator. We all stood in the elevator, me, him and Olivia’s body between us. This is not the kind of life I want!
I looked at him, trying to see if his expression would tell me something, if I can see sympathy, regret, something that would prove to me that he is the kind hearted man I had originally thought him to be. I saw nothing, just a calm cool and collected man, a perfectly composed superstar actor holding something that looks eerily similar to a body.
We were getting ready to leave the elevator when it started to beep like someone was about to join us. The lights on the buttons went on and then…