Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

I could hardly sleep, I just kept tossing and turning on my bed, the image of them dancing played and re-played in my head, each memory more intense than the last. My brain added more details, details that had not been there, it added things that probably did not happen.
I picked up a book, flipped through it as I tried to forget the whole scenario but the thought still stayed in my brain, my brain just chose to fixate on it for some reason. I wish I was the one that close to him, I wish I was the one he was touching, holding, kissing. I wish I was the one who had my hands around him.
I closed my eyes and my brain worked its magic creating imagination where he is so close to me where his lips travels down my body. I arched my body upwards as I caressed by breast with my hand imagining that it was him. In my imagination his lips were on my nipples, sucking and teasing them tenderly. In my imagination his lips trailed kisses lower and lower until it got to the soft wet mold of flesh between my legs. In my imagination his lips touches my clits, it continues circling it, fondling it, sucking it.
In my imagination I pull him closer, my fingers laced in his hair, tears of ecstasy in my eyes as he gave me so much pleasure, my legs wrapped around him as he thrust into me, gently at first then when I got comfortable with the pace and pressure, the pace increased. I held on to him for dear life, I moan, I dig my fingers into his back, I whisper dirty things into his ears which makes him thrust harder. In my imagination I am about to cum, just so close then immediately my eyes flicks open and I realize how alone I am, how empty being alone feels.
I change into the most sexy lingerie I could find in the closet, I put my hair down in loose wavy curly, apply little makeup to my face, the clean girl barely there type of makeup, I apply my favorite shade of red lip stick for good measure.
I looked into the mirror, satisfied with the way I look, I smiled to myself. Why be alone when I can be fucking him? When I can have his dick deep inside my pussy? I walked into his room barefoot.
The door was unlocked I walked him, he was looking the other way towards the full length terrace window.
He turned around at the sound of his door open, I watched his mouth open slightly in a gasped, I watched his hungry eyes eat me up.
In a trace like way I walked to him, my eyes fixated on him as I took long strides.
“You looked so sexy.” He said taking me into his hands.
“Shh, shut up and fuck me.” I said put one of my finger on his lips and then pushing him to a nearby chair.
They are coming closer, there are at least five of them, all of them male, all of them strong and hefty, all of them moving with malicious intentions in their steps. I walked faster but they quickly caught up with me and surrounded me.
“Hey baby! Where are you going alone at the time of the night”. One of them said placing his hand around my shoulder. I flinched, disgusted and frightened by his touch. I tried to move away from his touch but his grip tightened.
“Please leave me again.” I said in the most polite way I could scared that any hint of impoliteness in my voice might trigger their anger. I don’t want them to hurt me!
“Oh no! Never! A sexy lady like you should never be left alone, I guess that is the mistake your boyfriend made.” One of them who is obviously their leader said, the others laughed.
I got more scared. I shouldn’t have gone, I should have stayed, I should have let Diego kill me instead of risking getting harassed by this thugs.
“Please…” I tried again, this time with a face filled with tears. My heart was beating fast, too fast, I was so scared it would leave my chest.
“Oh baby don’t cry.” One of them said with mock sympathy as he wiped my tears.
“Don’t worry we will be gentle with you. You’ll enjoy it I promise, we are quite good at fucking strays.” The other one said as they closed in on me.
I felt one of their filthy hands on my tigh, I felt it go upwards. My eyes were blurry with tears. I shouldn’t have left! I shouldn’t have left! I should have stayed!
“Please.” I pleaded weakly, my words fell on deaf ears.
I had already resigned myself to my fate when I heard a car moving closer, the head light was fully lit and focused on where I was standing with the thugs.
“Shit! Let’s go guys! I cannot do another jail time!” The apparent leader said and they ran away but not without them ripping my clothes to shreds first.
I tried to cover my body with my hands but I could only do so much.
“Miss are you alright?” A woman came out of the car and said. She looked sophisticated, draped head to toe in big brand names, she had her hair in a regal up do, when she spoke it was with the poshest British accent I have ever heard,
“Harry come quickly let’s get her into the car.” She said calling to a man who I assume to be her driver or her worker because of how eager he hung on her every word.
“Yes ma’am.” He said.
“Don’t touch me!” I said, scared, cold, nervous.
My teeth clatter on each other as I shivered.
“We are not going to hurt you, I promise. Let us at least get you a cup of coffee and some warm clothes.” The woman said.
I nodded. Too tired of fighting.
“My daughter, my daughter, I need to get her from him.” I said while shivering.
“We will get her I promise but first we have to make sure that you are alright.” The woman said.
“No you don’t understand I need my Ava right now.” I said. Argued.
“You are to weak right now, we will get your daughter back to you tomorrow I promise.” The woman said. For some reason I believe her, it is something about the compelling-convincing way she speak.
I sat in the car, rested on the car, and watched the car move to a location that I do not know.
I don’t even know if I made a huge mistake getting into this car but I know that I feel relived being away from those thugs that were going to rape me.