I watched them dance so closely, the dance was so slow so sensual, so so intimate. It is the after party for Walter’s movie premiere, there’s a whole bunch of press people here, a whole bunch of celebrities that I recognize from them being on every single screen I have watched from phone screens to television screens.
I hate the way she has her hands on him, the way his hands dips into the low back of her evening gown, I hate the way he leans into her and kisses the the space between her breasts which was exposed by the deep V-neck at the front of the dress. Disgusting, they were literally fucking right here in front of us all.
Everyone else awwned and went all puppy eyed and dreamy eyed. They looked like the perfect couple, they are the perfect couple, Walter Davis and Olivia Reverra are literally the modern Romeo and Juliet.
After they released that article stating that they were back together every thing went back to normal for Walter in fact it was better than normal, the rating for his movie went through the roof, the brand deals were coming in like flash.
I swallowed my champagne, she had her hands around his neck as she pressed her crouch to the fly of his trouser before leaning in to kiss him, the kiss lingered for a very long time and there was nothing PG about it. After their lips separated from each other’s I most be imagining it but yet again I could have sworn that I saw her look my was and smirk as he held her closer.
“You are not worth my Jelousy, you are nobody! A nobody! He would never pick you over me! I am THE Olivia Reverra after all. You are just something to amuse him for a minute” That is what Olivia had said to me after she had recovered from her initial shock of seeing Walter and I kiss.
Remembering that I felt the anger starting to brew inside me but almost immediately this anger was replaced with a sudden calmness and then a wicked smile crept on to my face.
I am going to fuck Walter tonight and she is going to have to watch us, she is going to hear him scream my name maybe then she would know who the disposable ones is. One clue it’s not me.
She is going to regret her words.
I took a sip of the champagne again this time with a satisfied smile on my face. The smirk on Olivia’s face turned into a confused look, I continued smiling at her, she must think I am crazy, well maybe I am.
“I shouldn’t have taken her away from Raphael’s! I should have let him kill her but I don’t know I wanted to cover up my tracks you know, I wanted Dr. Winters to do the job, I did not feel comfortable with that Raphael having access to my unborn child, the guy is unhinged. I was going to get everything settled with the child before our parents return and then send her back to Raphael so he can do whatever he wants with her.” Hunter rambled on pacing the room like a mad man.
” I have an idea let’s lock her up in the basement! I bet they are already in the elevator now on their way up here!” Hunter said really panicked and shaky.
I looked at him like he had somehow sprouted another head, I know my brother well stepbrother if we are being specific is dumb but how dumb can this human be?! First he gets some weird rando pregnant then he wants to lock her up in the basement!
I mean we might have done some utterly crazy things in the past but kidnapping?! But Dad and mom would literally kill us if they find out about this. Somehow when one of us fucks up they assume it’s all of our fault which is totally horrible because I never do anything wrong! Yet I end up being in the middle of whatever trouble Amber and my stupid brother Delvin get into.
And as usual being the self acclaimed responsible one I have to find away to solve whatever problems they get themselves into.
With Amber it’s usually simple problems like her getting into senseless debts even though she is usually loaded with dad’s money or her acting really crazy In parties (that one is usually a little bit more difficult to solve because most times the videos usually get leaked but somehow we get those videos down either by threats, murders or just the good ‘o’ pay off) then there is my dumb stupid womanizer of a brother called Hunter.
Sometimes I wish I can sell him, I would not even ask for much just a slice of pizza will do, all they will have to do is just take him and keep him far away until he somehow grows a functional brain.
“Delvin you have to help me, Delvin I beg you!” Hunter pleaded, he looked pathetic, sigh, how is this thing my brother!
“Take her to your apartment please! Tell mom and dad that she is you girlfriend. Please bro do this for me.” Hunter pleaded again.
I stayed quiet completely ignoring him, I stood up to leave him, to go to my room. He would somehow have to solve this problem by himself, I’m tired of being his clean up man.
“You have to help me bro or else I’ll just have to keep her in the basement and either have her killed if Dr. Winters does not return quickly.” Hunter yelled after me causing me to stop and turn around.
I wanted to tell him to fuck off and do whatever he wants with her but I don’t know why but I can’t seem to walk away from this situation. My brother is a total ass hole I wonder why this girl fell for him enough to sleep with him.
I looked at her, just sitting there, quiet, frail, probably scared at what Hunter just said. I sighed, against my better judgment I knew I would help her, I would just have to convince her to give up the baby, in order to stay alive.
I will help this pathetic girl but she would eventually have to pay dearly for this help because Nothing goes for free.
I already have ideas on how I will get my pay, we just have to get rid of that baby first.
“Okay, I’ll take her to my apartment but she owes me and when the time comes she would have to pay, dearly I must add.” I said with a look on my face.
I am the responsible brother, I never said that I am a good person.
“Uhm brother I kinda made a deal with Raphael to bring her back to him after the baby is out.” Hunter said.
“She is mine now, Raphael will just have to deal with that.” I replied, the door swung open and our parents walked in.
Where do I go? What would I do? Please I need help, somebody? Anybody? I walked on the lonely street in a country that I hardly know. The wind carried with dust and cold air, the street was desserted only a few cars were on it, mostly people were probably huddled up in their beds with their heaters on, with a cup of tea and a plate of cookies by their sides and their favorite show on in preparation for the soothing-cold-rainy night.
I held my self closer as I shivered from the cold, my fingers were starting to feel frozen, I blew hot air from my mouth on them and continued walking, not even sure where I was going.
Diego had accused me of something I did not do, he had broken the trust I had started to build in him, he did not even wait to hear what I had to say. I did not kill Dester! It was an accident! An accident that had left my sister Sidney in a coma! An accident that had destroyed all our lives!
I used to think that maybe the Diego I had known is still there somehow buried in the deep sphere of that cold heartless devil, I used to think that maybe if I reached deep enough I could show him who he used to be, who he really is. I guess I was wrong, I guess he is now the devil that his father always wanted him to be.
Ava, he has her, I need my daughter back, I need the life I had before he re-emerged into my life and took away everything good in it.
I need to get my daughter back even if it means going back to the devil that wants to kill me.